hate on this shithole here
Poland hate thread
Fak ju poland
Poles are stupid and smell like poopoo
Also they have squareheads
poland bad country
why do you make this everyday?
Did a pole steal your girl?
It was cold today
that pic gave me aids
India of Europe
STILL haven't reunited with western belarus
>tfw so irrelavent that there is no hate thorwards you
Nothing bad about it though.
Now accept refugees and pay reparations, goy.
Russia and China have a lower monthly income than Poland.
Poland is Central European, not Eastern.
Poland was, and still is a communist country because of the Russians. The Russian language sounds like papu.
Poland protected Europe from Muslim and Russian hordes throughout history. In the Battle of Vienna they stopped Muslims for occupying Europe. They prevented the communist take over of Europe in the Polish-Soviet War of 1919.
Hamburg, Germany is Monarchium in Polish. Poles are mostly Roman-Catholics, which means they're cool. The
Just hate the French like everyone else. Paris is the designated fuck-up city for tourists. If you're pissed off, just beat up Armenians because nobody gives a shit if you do. If the Russians defend them, just call them communists.
Yes goyim, we will destroy whitey with our greatest allies.
Askhnazi Jews started in Poland and not Khazaria, the Polish aristocracy protected the kikes during the Middle Ages that why Poland lost their country.
You can say whatever you want, you can't get rid of us, jewish blood.
No, there's no hate bc you assholes haven't infiltrated it
Danzig or war fuckers.
Dumbass nation with dumbass psychotic inferiority complex that could have a huge role in saving Europe and the White Race but instead is sucking Jewish cock by engaging in anti-Russian imbecility.
The the Jews game goes wrong and WW3 starts i hope to see Poland and the Baltics completely annihilated, children, woman and pregnant woman especially.
But Poles are based.
Give me 1 (one) reason we should save Europe from the shit they've put themselves into.
Drinking 200 liters of Jewish-American semen per day with no niggers around is not based sir...
>For centuries, Poland was home to the largest and most significant Jewish community in the world. Poland was the centre of Jewish culture thanks to a long period of statutory religious tolerance and social autonomy. This ended with the Partitions of Poland which began in 1772, in particular, with the discrimination and persecution of Jews in the Russian Empire.
> Hates none whites.
> Hot women that aren't black'd yet.
> Cheap as chips to hire.
> Catholic
I'm gonna be honest OP they're pretty based.
Because without Europe you really have no choice but to become like the rest of Europe in the first place...you will simply not be able to fend off the tremendous pressures of Zio-Globalism.
Unless you go kiss Russian ass and that would be really really really humiliating and awkward.
>mfw Poland is based
>mfw you're 50% white
Nah, you guys are pretty alright in my book.
Show some polish pussy.
get out of poland and pay reparations, Jürgen
No hate
Germany's clay*
Without Europe there will be no one to hold us back anyway. No Europe = no Merkel and her auschwistic screeeching over not accepting refugees
>Poland hate
Polish people leave there country to leech of better nations like the parasites they are.
Fix your system then bong, before you get sucked dry, you are being outjewed right now.
long time no see
Poland is fun for shooting guns.
AHAHAH! You have the geo-political notions of an infant. And the scary thing is that PiS party seems to be like you.
Why the poland hate threads? EU shills?
Poles are based, hardworking and have been the firewall to unwanted invaders for 100's of years
I for one welcome my brothers.
Yeah fuck Poland. I wanted to buy my favourite apple Tymbark today but they only had the orange one, it tastes like gorilla piss.
>You have the geo-political notions of an infant
Welcome to delusional Polacks world. They literally believe they're in 17. century when Poland was stronk
>And the scary thing is that PiS party seems to be like you
They're still better than the average Polack, who thinks because of the size of the country, that they can compete with other countries. This is really sad, but Polacks didn't experience as of lately any political lessons. Unfortunately I think nations start to think with proportions when they fail at something
He probably bought some fireworks and stayed for the night
Nice bantz Germany jr.
Oh just piss off with your meme white race
who the fuck cares about that anymore
go away
more like the pole watched him fucking his girl lol
>nobody thinks we're worth wasting a life for a Suicide attack that makes our shit-hole with bad genes based
Also why are Americans so inbred?
>saving Europe and the White Race
>Being pro-Russian
Pick one
> inb4 simon mol
Simon Mol has done nothing wrong.
He should be given some official award (if he didn't die in the prison as he did).
He was pozzing women from leftist circles, including pro-refugee activists and antifascists, as he "engaged in political campaigns for the rights of mostly African and Chechen refugees, anti-racism, anti-fascism and environmental protection".
Thanks to him the public image of so called refugees was terribly damaged, as he was also "secretary general of Association of Refugees in the Republic of Poland and the chief editor of 'The Voice of the Refugees'. In 2003, he received the award "Antifascist of the Year" given by the Nigdy Więcej ("Never Again") anti-rasism association". Just imagine the jokes, confusion and disgust, even among leftists, if new nigger ever comes here again to push the propaganda.
Outside of pozzing at least ~20 leftists (probably much more) he also made another great contribution. "Despite concerns voiced by UNHCR in April 2007 the plans for HIV testing of asylum seekers were fully introduced in Poland shortly after Mol's well-publicised trial".
This is how we roll, Western cucks - immediate, decisive reaction based on assessment of reality instead of denial, state sponsored brainwashing and repeated lies.
Germany, if you could only learn.
TLDR; Simon was almost /ourguy/.
Source: en.wikipedia.org
Map: refcrime.info
Go home britnigger
Fucken negires !!!
Fuck you and fuck pierogies!