Should anime be about amazing fight sequences or cute girls doing cute things?

Should anime be about amazing fight sequences or cute girls doing cute things?

Cute sequences doing amazing girls

What are magical girls.


Cute girls doing amazing fight sequences.

So.. magical girls

This user gets it. Hot-blooded mahou shoujo is basically the pinnacle.

This is anime, we can have both.

But personally I like a good story.

So Shaft?


if push comes to shove, it's always amazing fight sequences

cute girls are a one trick pony, that's why after you watch one cute girl anime, you move on to another, like a disposable condom


But there's no lewd in that. How can it be perfect without lewd?


all condoms are disposable. user.

Why choose between those two when you can have both?

I can't believe people still trusted Shaft after this.

They did nothing wrong.


But you can do cute girls right with little budget. However, amazing fight sequences require lots of actual animation plus good choreography. Anime series that actually spend the necessary time and money are pretty much non-existant so most fight sequences you'll find are shit.

amazing fight sequences have more replay value(and most of the time, do not rely on having a cute girl doing cute things), it's worth the money spend

Good luck convincing publishers that it's worth it. Like I said, when the bar for passable requires so much less money for cute girls, you get tons more cute girls that are done well than fight scenes that are done well.

0 for 2, user.

then it's the publisher's problem, not the animation, you could go full artsy or just go for a quick buck

you're gonna look back and see the animes being made and live with regret knowing that you could've done better if it weren't for muh ratings, muh people's demands, muh reception

and then we'll see people talking shit to 80s/90s fags despite retro anime having actual good fighting animation because reasons

Yes. Get to animating faggot.

Okay, I'm finished. What do you think?

I, uh, like coming of age stories.

>Live with regret that anime is executed poorly to make more money

There's an issue with your logic. They don't base their success off how well the services they offer are tailored to your needs, they base their success off how much money they make.

It's not that the people in charge dont care about the quality of being their anime, it's just that the people in charge dont care about being anime in general and that anime that sells well IS high quality anime in their mind.

Shaft accels in awesome PowerPoint presentations.

That's right! Real men only care about other real men.

SoL encompasses coming of age stories so Sora no Woto and Rolling Girls

>There's an issue with your logic. They don't base their success off how well the services they offer are tailored to your needs, they base their success off how much money they make.

oh i see, my bad

>anime that sells well IS high quality anime in their mind what i probably meant, my bad once again

>Amazing fight sequences
Whatever you consider amazing is going to be very different from what someone else does. I don't mean that like beauty in the eye of the beholder shit.

I mean the qualities you consider entertaining would probably make me gag. An amazing fight scene is something realistic with great choreography. Not lasers everywhere.

Cute girls doing cute things.

Do mecha's upset your sensibilities too.

>An amazing fight scene is something realistic with great choreography
So, nothing in anime then.

My favorite mecha are the ones where squad based tactics actually work.

You haven't watched much anime then. This isn't fucking reddit so I'm not going to spoon feed you.

why bother analyzing tactics when working with something as ridiculous as mechs the best shows are the batshit insane ones anyway.

>You haven't watched much anime then
I've seen over 400 anime, and none of them have realistic fights.

>inb4 Sword of the Stranger
That shit is not realistic by any means.

is the image from a thing or is it just a drawing?

But FLCL already exists

I have a reusable condom that's a mixture of fabric and rubber. I just throw it in the laundry when I'm done.

Probably a drawing.

You're only allowed to post here after watching 700. Go back to lurking.

I've used a twix wrapper

For someone so fucked up why is she so cute and smug?

I used to be an edgelord.
But now nearing my 30s I know cute girls doing cute things are superior in every regard.

Japan should just stop making action anime, it's a pointless waste of resources. What we need is more healing.

Get both, watch Precure.

>liking action scenes = edgelord

I see the joke in this, but applying both of these is an ingrained staple for a lot of popular animation in both the west and east.

People love a relatable character that also does insane, fun, adventure-filled crap.

I dunno man, while I agree over the top action should be kill, a little bit of action wouldn't hurt. Once every 4 episode should be good or if you're gonna put it each episode, at least have a good reason to have it like DTB. Liking some good action in your chinese cartoons that aims to pander to you doesn't make you an edgelord.


It should be about characters developing and stories unfolding. Fights and cute stuff can help or add extra flavour, but you can have both or have none, and the anime will still be good or bad depending on its story and characters.

Was it homemade?

Why not both? It's literally the best combination.

Prisma Illya has tons of lewd

Bring back ben-to

Best kind of lewd.