A thread about Serbia and the rest of the Balkans for the evening. Come in here for your balkan banter.
Also join the Serbian politics discord... i-if you want
You're all a bunch of lanky skinhead faggots. Fuck Serbia.
allah hu akbar to that, brother!
how about you go kill yourself you inbred piece of shit
how do serbs feel about albanians?
> t. worked with a bunch of bro-tier albaniggers
about 85%(at least) are firm believers of genociding them.
Would you consider Serbia as a safe country for a white tourist who doesn't speak any serbian?
I was a holiday rep in Kavos this summer, and you swarmed the resort like roaches. Every single one of you looked like Auzchwits survivors, it was disgusting.
really? is it because a bunch of them are muslim?
Just stay away from the Albanian parts.
Ustashe and Cetniks were brothers against communists
"serbian genocide" is a jewish/bolshevik lie
yes. are you the guy from the discord?
because they're albanians. the fact they're muslim just contributes further. idk who you worked with, but literally every albo i've ever seen live looks like a complete subhuman.
no thats me
Of course.
Somehow I doubt that but whatever, it's not like your tourists are cream of the crop
also, pastebin for creating serbia threads from now.
the view mustve been great from your capsized boat muhammad
das rite my bro
Much respect to Serbia.
Join the fucking discord you niggers
Where my Serbs at
Sup Forums used to call Serbs gay.
Where did that meme come from?
no it's not. but however, this should be our flag.
no fucking idea.
Sup Forums is gay.
Frankly I have no fucking idea and that bunch of degenerates can go suck a gun barrel
>chicks with massive nuts and dicks arent gay
>serbs are
quit going to Sup Forums
Don't mind me just peekin' in here.
Christian ones are OK, Muslims are scum
lemme try
there we go
now its officially a balkan thread
fuck off roach
Except Jasenovac was real, nigger
I don't want to sew hate between Serbs and Catholic Serbs--but how can Catholic Serbs ever be trusted again? They've been given countless chances.
gj tatar
>id: taJq ... tajik
turkic brotherhood amirite
don't be so defensive, he's maybe a lost janissary
I don't use that app
How can I tell apart a serbian and an albanian?
I'm just planning to go to Serbia and Croatia in april, and I just need some red pilled info
lemme tell you about which parts of the world are white..
i'm talking about Sup Forums cca 2007-2009, i've no idea what it's like now
though i'm fairly certain it's full of traps and furry porn
>turkish rape baby LARP general
absolutely pathetic
this is why the pastebin needs to be posted, it says explicitly that bulgarians shall be ignored so the thread doesn't go to shit.
dammit do i hate burgers like that
sure it was, dusane. never forget 6 gorillion servs!
off yourself nigger
>Meme flag
Opinion discarded
>using a misspelling caused by anglo incompetence as an argument
>How can I tell apart a serbian and an albanian?
you don't have albanians in north serbia, only in the south inhabiting kosovo and some parts around it
also don't mind the autists, it's safe to interact with them but you probably won't stumble upon them because they live in the poorest parts of the country anyways
I like Turkey it looked pretty nice when I visited,well Istanbull atleast.
sure thing, dejane.
based serbs
fuck off
I just get some anime discord server
>diaspora that ran away durring the 90s is now barking at us from the other side of the Atlantic
Is the server supposed to be called ''Meme Harem Police''???
no. wtf.
>Come to discord group
>Say I'm serb
>Speak in Serbian
>Get kicked out because I refused to say where in the world I am living as Serb
Ok then....seems fishy...whatever.
What do Slovakian and Croats have against Albanians,we don't even have a border.Fucking Slavshit go back to Kyrgyzstan,spreading propaganda when we all know Croats are our based Illyrian brothers.
you were told to just say if you're diaspora and that it's fucking fine, when you refuse to say where are you from of course we are gonna suspect you're hostile. also, your serbian is objectivelly not fluent. off with the memeflag, as i said.
also, has discord started bugging for anyone else?
Show your flag, come on.
I'm now genuinely interested to see where you're from (I'm totally not CIA, I swear).
Alrighty then...
Fuck me for wanting to maybe find new friends that come from the same background as me...
Hatred outwards and inwards I guess...
look man, we asked you to identify yourself
i mean, i wasn't up for kicking you, but it would've been nice of you to say where you're from
What can de done to stop the Serbian de-population crisis? Your median age is 43 and your population is plummeting due to low birth rates and emigration.
Yep, didn't want to connect for a few moments.
look man i'll allow you to come back
btw am i the only one who can't access the server
come back brate
No hard feelings m8, it's all just friendly autism.
>ran away
You guys are being so fucken weird....
I would have let you know tons of personal stuff about me--over time and shit as I grew to trust you and shit...
But whatever--an admin who kicks that easily is a fucken cunt.
Also, people were telling you to leave me alone, but you didn't listen because you're a terrible admin.
nobody wants to stay with such shit education and 300e a month
yeah, saw now.
>don't join eu
>benefits for ethnic serbs to make kids
>make murica-style suburbs instead of shitty commieblocks
>adapt to living with a smaller, but increasing and sustainable population
however, this requires a decent nationalist government, which serbia doesn't have.
try again to acces it.
just off with the memeflag and you get unbanned.
I'm the admin, and I'm telling you to return
Just forgive the moderator guy
you can come back, i know you had canadian flag so no need to hide it m8
you're probably some diaspora beyond the first generation
Fuck you.
You're a nice guy, it was nice meeting you.
Hello fellow balkaniggers
How's everyones day, hope ir doing fine
if you keep on barking maybe I will hear on this side of the Atlantic
actually nvm i see you're diaspora in leafland. that's ok.
Why does Serbia have a lesbian Prime Minister and Pride Parades? What happened to Orthodox Serbia?
I had a Serb friend in college. We still talk just live in different states. I love it how all you niggas have the same basic personality: mellow but ready to jump off, logical yet romantic/spiritual, not taking shit from ppl, yet ready to hear different opinions, comical but sad. Luv you serb bros and all your crazy misunderstood contradictions.
We're still Orthodox. It's just that our former prime minister who still controls the country assigned this one to be the PM so we can appeal to the (((EU)))
Chooo - chooo.
Is it possible to get some you's without starting some shit?
nice flag. the pm is elected by representatives in the national assembly. they were voted in without even mentioning the bitch and then just elected her pm. but yeah, we have been getting cucked lately.
thanks a lot m8
That's what happens when a Merkel-tier party has absolute power.
here's (you)r (you).
damn that kinda hit me hard,all true..
Thanks komsije
Im out
I have honestly started to hate this place. Fucking HATE it.
I hate our traitor president.
I hate our lesbo PM.
I hate our Marxist mentality.
I hate our cucked opposition.
I hate our quasi-nationalist controlled opposition.
I hate our shallow-minded normies.
I hate our treacherous Academy.
I hate all the idiots who joined the ruling party for the gibs. (Will burn their children alive and make them watch as soon as law and order goes to shit)
I hate all the pro-NATO cucks who want us to join our invaders because they don't want war.
I hate all the morons who keep falling for the EU meme.
I hate all the lefties who unironically think that animal lives matter more than human ones.
I hate all the Gypsies, kikes, rapefugees and all the other subhumans walking around.
How do we get out of this? Should we just commit a mass suicide to stop our suffering?
I just dont get it. Not even the subhuman Delije/Grobari did anything. I expected constant protest, public disorder but no, nothing...
Дa, Jaњичapи caм. И oceћaм ce ycaмљeнo.