Muscle anime

Given how popular a theme bodybuilding and feats of strength are in anime and manga, us there or will there ever be a anime/manga dedicated just to these things?

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Bodybuilding is boring and lame

No because bara doesn't sell.

Pretty much this.
There's lots of anime and manga about strong people that work out from time to time on screen.
But a whole series about lifting? That would be a fucking snorefest.

People could say the same about Ping Pong and look how that one tuned out.

Even ping pong, hell even bowling or curling would be more interesting than bodybuilding.

>watching an anime guy surrounded by other dudes grunt as he picks up a chunk of metal a few times and puts it down before waiting a few seconds and doing it again
>watching an anime guy mix up a whey shake
>watching an anime guy silently flex in the mirror
I know you're big into the /fit/ nonsense but lifting is lame

Ping Pong is a sport.
And the anime was more about the drama than the sport.

Making an anime about lifting would be like making an anime about a chef buying groceries.
Is it theoretically possible to make a long story about it? Sure. Would it be easier to make a story about the chef cooking instead? Yes, of course.

>he hasn't seen Pumping iron

Anyways, I think Olympic lifting or even powerlifting would do better in an anime format.

I can only imagine the /fita/ threads

Well there's Saint Muscle but there's no scans rest in peace forever

Much more cancerous than /ak/. If that is even possible.

Lifting is just part of contest prep for bodybuilding.

They still need to develop the right way to do the mandatory poses, develop their free-form routine, develop transitions between mandatory poses to show off their strong points and hide their weak points, go through the hell of cutting down to below 4% bodyfat (it's the point where the soles of your feet aren't cushions and you hammer at your bone with each step) doing Hajime no Ippo levels of cardio just te not hide your muscle striations with water and what's left of your fat.

All this is just the amateur level. At pro level there's connections, hormones, various fat-burning poisons (up to DNP which is considered lethal to humans and not even fit for animal experiments).
And all of this costs you hundreds of thousands dollars, just to be able to compete.
You need to be a millionare already just to make it to the pro level.
Fuck finding sponsort, nobody's gonna sponsor your mediocre ass.

A bodybuilding manga wouldn't even have much lifting.

It would be
>Which anime character looks like you *post muscles
>You guys surely don't self insert as >manlets right?
>Can you protect your waifu?

>Muscle anime thread
>Posts twinks
Nice going, faglord.

>*post muscles
You don't frequent /fit/ very much, do you?
Nobody there has any muscles to post.

I was waiting for this post. Real body-building sounds intense to watch

god bless you /fit/ user.

It would be fujoshit, you would have to add a couple of girls that started just a couple of months before, and have them lightly tonned, and also the mc would have to be hot as hell, and is joining the gym for the first time. and have not more than 2 or 3 guys as main characters along with the 3 girls. if you put any more man then it´s fujo shit.

OP here, 1st off nice job fatass mod who banned me on my phone for a thread i was never in, 2nd with all the ridiculous premises out now, something about dedication,competition and drama of say a high school or college power lifting team could definitely work.

>pic is the mod who banned me


oh god, its like hes trying to describe aliens, do you even know anyone with just one chin?

And the fact that they are at their very weakest at that very moment due to all the dehydration.

Bodybuilding is men on a stage in their underwear wearing brown paint showing other men their muscles. It is training for appearance only, and at the contest level requires a degree of vanity, narcissism, and self-absorption that I find distasteful and odd.

Cute girls doing cute olympic weightlifting would be much better.

Do you know the level of self-denial it takes to conform to the life and menus of body builders? No sugary sweets, no fatty meats, no excess carbs and all that training that tears at your body like it is nothing. These are the modern day ecstatics and monks. Their body is their temple, and they go to have that very temple evaluated by those who will notice the slightest flaw. Even the most minute of asymmetries can cause a loss, not moving in the proper way can fuck your score. These are not narcissists, but ascetics of the body.

Bodybuilding is the male version of a beauty pageant.

>These are the modern day ecstatics and monks
No, they're just crazy.

Crazy people with a fake tan and wearing g-strings.


There is no skill involved it in. just muscle. would get boring fast.

> wow that guy lifted a lot
> wow that guy lifted slightly more
> theyre both still awful people for it

I'm still waiting.
>being objectively wrong

Found the fatty.

This. It's just not fun nor engaging for a viewer.

what's the point of body building if I have a rifle, pointed at your meaty head?

Guns > Body building

/k/, please put that away, /fit/ would love to be put out of its misery of beefy loneliness.

>posting Jojoshit instead
Nice going, faglord.

That sounds intensely unhealthy. I thought /fit/ stuff is for getting healthier?


>lifting is just part of prep
Yes it is.

>doing Hajime no Ippo levels of cardio
Actually when you get toward "mass monster" or 200+ (depending on your height) you just hop on the treadmill/elliptical for an hour in the morning and or before bed. Running is impossible when you are heavy because you destroy your knees and ankles. Some people skip conventional cardio entirely and move to drop/supersets with high volume and lower rest periods.

Every single pro bodybuilder is on or has used tren/test/dbol/hgh. Most (99.99%) claiming natty are not, the ones that are truly natural are the ones that get last place or don't qualify because they are mostly too flat when they cut without great genetics.

Not really necessary, you can choose to take it and it is relatively safe at low dosages and their are tons of alternatives.

>hundreds of thousands of dollars
Olympia/AC stacks would be minimum 20-30k a year. The cost of gear fluctuates HEAVILY on whether or not you are getting it through pharma, flying it in from taiwan/china/mexico, or making it in an apartment bathtub (t-thanks /fit/). You would be surprised how people end up getting gear, a primary source for a ton of people are people that get diagnosed and prescribed something (think drugs for HIV/AIDS) they will get more from their doctor and sell off vials/kits. College campuses/independent labs are also a large % of source.

>you need to be a millionaire
False. You can qualify for your pro card on 1-10k m/o depending on genetics. Or if you are a genetic freak maybe you don't need gear at all.

Most of this is if you are a marketable personality or how much social media presence you have.

i'll add that you can be the biggest guy at your gym on $200-400 m/o. taking more doesn't always mean you get bigger, same shit with creatine, you're just pissing it away after a certain amount.

Hungry skeleton / landwhale detected.

t. Fatty

Why don't you go make love to your le waifu

Well, if they had given the girls in "Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai!" some muscles then I suppose you could count that?

Jormungand also has some people who were lifting probably. Pic related

Not that guy, and you are probably baiting, but as a bodybuilding enthusiast who loves his waifu i have to say your comment hurt my feelings.

Don't type like this.

The men of Koko's krewe were great examples of functional strength too. Even the shota was in on the muscularity march.

Or what?