Whitest Man on the Internet

Just got my results today, and I'm officially the whitest man on the internet. Bow before my glorious purity!

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OK, there's a dash of Finngolian in there, but other than that I'm completely pure!


You literally can't tell the difference between the Irish and the British on a genetic level. That's why it's one category.

>0.1 Finnish
You have to go back shitskin

>0.1 Finnish

You're basically a Mongol


>.1% Finnish
Okay then Kublai Khan


whats the website? ancestory?

yeah. Kikes have my DNA now. I expect a hit squad in the morning. They can't let anyone this pure live.

False. You can tell the difference, but 23andMe is cheap and chooses not to distinguish

The North shall rise again mother fucker!

I r white too m8

Give me link to this site, please.

"Irish" as defined by these DNA testing companies is generally Celtic markers. "British", at least for AncestryDNA, is Anglo-Saxon markers.

Do some fucking research before opening your piehole about a topic, retard.

good goy give your genetic profile to (((them))) you are fucked

fuck you and where do you do the tests?
i has ancesters down to king gustav vasa faggot tha tbuild th eship that sink u know??
the ship that turned over
ye im white now how do i score how white i am pls answer, and it better not be some fucking sperm test, noonce shall steal my fucking seeds for their own profit!

Is there a service which would distinguish it? I'm actually kind of curious how it would break down.

Cite some evidence, faggot.

It's 23andme.com



>a Burger is more white than a Britbong.
Look at me! Look at me! I'm the British now!

These estimates are simply based on comparisons to modern day reference populations able to trace their lineage back several generations to a specific location.

So really, all these tests show is that you most closely match a modern group of individuals whose families have lived in that location for some time.

That's why differentiating between say, England and Ireland, is almost impossible. My paternal line is almost exclusively from England, however my ethnic admixture is often reported as Irish because of the Celtic markers common throughout the British Isles.

Yes. You can go the cheap route and send your data to GEDmatch, MyHeritage, FTDNA, and DNA Land then average your results. Or you could get your entire genotype sequenced by paying for one of these other services which might run you up to $1,000

You are white for being American. I'll give you that.

OK how about 23andMe's own website. Read up on these tests and you realize they're limited by the number of SNPs they look at and the size of their reference populations. They will group similar populations together for convenience but that doesn't mean they're the same or that they can't be told apart by more sophisticated testing.

Please archive those

I've also run my DNA, my parents, and my grandparents through GEDmatch. Pretty interesting stuff.

This one's mine. I was disappointed in 23andMe, they way the classify their reference populations erased half of my history.

>Eternal Honhonhon AND Eternal Teuton
100% rapebaby

Also I'm one fo the most Neanderthal mofos you're likely to meet.

I am half spanish/danish but my own results are completely wrong, apparently i am neither. somehow they messed up my report, or are they reliable? their reference data might be corrupted or something


guise what do i do

>British white

come back when you get danish or norwegian white

>sensing your genetic profile to (((23andme)))
kek, nah man. I'm not giving (((them))) anything

If you look at the way they classify things it'll make sense. They didn't do a good job with mine, either.


congrats you just paid (((them))) to store a sample of your dna that you provided lol dumbfuck
