Why haven't you embraced Islam yet Sup Forums?
Why haven't you embraced Islam yet Sup Forums?
Because pizza hawaii is for degenerates
>tfw no muslim jihadi bf
but they're also knowledgeable about women
because bacon
pic related
because bacon
not into beastiality
not into kids being abused
>not into kids being abused
gtfo cuck
because only niggers and white guilt infested cucks kneel to the enemy
mudslime detected
being gay is haram
Also because i can't give up beer, pork or christianism
>not cucked
>recognise women are garbage
>have cool fireworks shows
How are they the enemy again?
they are against beer, if you were a true british, it would be a good enough reason
It all makes sense now...
>sandnigger religion
>no contribution to society inb4 muh muslim golden age
>goat fuckers
>child molesters
>Reads message
>Checks flag
Because I grew out of my edgy suicidal phase two decades ago, also it's religion.
Wow looks like we will be getting more islam propaganda from britistan now lol.
part and parcel
Because I think sand niggers are disgusting, ugly goat fucking violent animals.
I prefer pre-christian jappos as far as violent civilizations go.
is this a Memri thread?
This shit again.
Part 1/2
it's the only network I trust tbqh
Part 2/2 redpill on this filth religion.
cause I was born a christian and I will die a christian please leave other people alone
Of course its a britbong
Calm down Ahmad, there is no need for Hezbollah to raid your house.
I recognise and respect that their religion makes them a strong people. They breed tons, they dont tolerate faggotry and they will kill you for being against their ideology.
That said, I dont see Islam as the solution for us. Shit, a major part of looking for the solution in the first place is to STOP Islam from spreading into the West.
beer is for queers
A drink so gay it should be stoned.
correct, you would only replacing one cancer with another one.
this is now a memritv thread
That made no sense whatsoever.
At least save the images and read them later.
If we are the same then why isnt shitty muslim ruled countrys just as good as nazi germany shit skin?
because I possess all of my mental faculties.
The meme stands. Right-wing Islam is essentially what many of you right-wingers want minus alcohol in public and racism.
Should I explain the past 100 years of western fiddling?
>sykes-picot carve up
>britbong appointed muh monarchs
>Routine intereference in everything
Also, did ya see Libya?
Those last 2 are your ethno-nationalist-religious states with the emirates allowing sexy-times behind closed doors.
Because I've haven't got a mental disease.
No, it's not. Islam is far too extreme and it has always been a threat to Western civilization. We don't want to lock and kill all liberals and stone veryone we don't like, we just want freedom to say whatever and do whatever the fuck we want.
You know we are going to shit all over you, right.
Bacon, beer, and the loyalty of dogs. Those are reasons enough for me. Don't get me started on human and animal rights.
>We don't want to lock and kill all liberals
/Sup Forums generally shows otherwise.
Depends which strand of Islam.
The same way Christianity shouldn't be defined by brain-dead Catholics similiarly don't define Islam by simply the most extreme.
Ibn-Rushd style Islam was adopted by Europe through the renaissance and beyond.
The move away from religious ritual to logic, reason, science and law.
Sadly other backward forms of Islam progressed in the East in part due to colonization and retard scholars.
>Western civilization
The raping and killing? Or the science built on conquered people's knowledge flowing through the med and silk routes.