>Claims to be redpilled
>Still believes in God/Religion
Claims to be redpilled
Other urls found in this thread:
How does atheism give one purpose or meaning in life ?
>Claims to be redpilled
>Still believes in left vs right
Claims to be redpilled
Who cares I'll still get his bank account
it doesnt
Atheism doesn't give you one, it forces you to make one for yourself
Optimistic Nihilism
it was god who gave me my first red pill
how can an artificially constructed fable supported only by a book which has been through 15 rounds of the game telephone give purpose or meaning in life?
It is the ultimate truth. It's no coincidence that leftists of all flavors have one unifying trait; Their distance from God and the resulting perversion of all that is good and human in this world.
Name one "right wing" atheist.
Here's the cognitive hierarchy:
[Low IQ]-->Polytheism-->Islam-->Xtians-->Buddhist-->Atheist-->Agnostic-->Everything is part of the eternal prime mover---[High IQ]
What's her name?
Sauce holy shit
But in all seriousness, plenty of Scandinavians are.
shoo shoo shills
Yeah Scandinavians have been doing great recently
Dave Silverman and look up on conservative atheism.
You can be atheist and still believe that Capitalism makes more sense than socialism/communism.
You can be atheist and believe in the second amendment.
This Jew makes it a habit to keep the goyim inspired.
He must genuinely hate his people kek
Many right wing atheists are nominally religious, either from social pressure or because they understand the cultural value of religion.
Norway is some of the richest countries in the world.
Frees you up to focus on the improvement of material conditions of the global proletariat, comrade.
Why do you ask?
Come now atheist you had your time 2008-2014.
Let it go.
For what purpose?
Even if you do not believe in god, every redpilled man sees the influence of christianity on a society. I think it was that Peterson guy who explained pretty good the deeper meaning of religious believe.
The day after: realize her breasts are tiny, she has no lips under the lipstick, eye-brows were painted on, eyes are tiny without eyeliner, narrow hips and no ass without heels, weave falls off. GG.
>shills in their natural habitat
I've seen posts exactly like these on other boards and they always spam nigger bitches or cuck porn
>claims to be redpilled
>is an atheist
Pick one faggot.
Burn in Hell, Commie toothpaste. Too many decent people devolve from atheism into Communism and start sucking Marxcock.
Absurdism. Also known as the redpilled version of yolo.
This seems like an oxymoron. Can you explain further?
gimme the best black waifu you can find
Thats too easy.
The biblical stories must be read from a social psychology point of view. They tell you a lot about human nature.
just like these fine fellows
>Claims to be white
>posts on Sup Forums
We all know Sup Forums is full of spics who think they're white.
Jews hate Christ
Surely then we must have major discrepancies in the transcription record. Surely you know of many of them, right?
Atheist are all Liberal faggots.
I was more directing that at their neighbor
Senpai, that's how you get post-modernism. All this cancer started with a bunch of retards wanting to liberate themselves from the responsibility Christianity demanded of them.
I'm agnostic, but desu a strong old school Christian identity is directly and significantly beneficial to the future of the white race.
This proves you're retarded. Christcucks are so narrow in their thinking that they think serving some god provides meaning to life.
Atheists have a vast comprehension of the world and space around them, atheists pave their own meaning of life, instead of following millennia old mud hut ways of thinking
yes. just compare any book to any other, or even compare them across languages. the deviations seen for the 'one true book' are astounding, even when translated by 'divine' inspiration.
You know that you're going to die anyway and nothing on planet earth matters after you're gone, but you can find something worthwhile to do in the meantime before you croak.
Like get married, have kids, get a pet, travel the world, enjoy a hobby etc....
Some People use religion as escapism from the inevitable.
Bump this.
Bro, I can smell that webm
>mfw I want to breed with these chocolate bunnies
You will not divide us, Chaim
Nigger thread?
Should've posted the pepe shop cunt
>The relationship between capitalism + fatphobia runs deep. Fat tax amplifies that fat people should be punished for existing.
>Any fashion line or t-shirt line that makes you pay $2 - $5 more for plus size items isn't plus size friendly.
Very qt black woman
>Posting Niggers
>GTFO Faggot
ironic how Sup Forums is the prime race-mixing propaganda board these days
SJ work?
>Tan lines
is that fucking real? I refuse to believe ANYONE can be that cuntingly stupid
99% of biblical discrepancies are due mostly directly and sometimes indirectly through catholic meddling.
Catholicism is the true Synagogue of Satan, Jews are but their puppets.
i have no idea
So you know that religion does give someone purpose or meaning? But do you think it's just that? A life quest to complete?
What thrives me is capitalism, man. Got my crypocoin miners, I work part time at the university I study IT at. I teach English to the spoiled kids of rich kids. And I solve Math homework for extra side of cash for friends of my lil brother in high school.
Fukin morons, sir.
>purpose or meaning in life
how insignificant is the sadness and the gracelessness of your life? If you need a purpose or meaning for it
Religion just tells you over and over again how much of a piece of shit you are and how much God hates you. Who the fuck wants to have that shoved down their throat?
>SJ work
Social Justice...that's the only thing it can be? Right?
>claims to be redpilled
>still confronts the proletariat's religious belief
>Claims to be redpilled
>Throws away 6 million years of collective western knowledge
Christ I can't resist.
its probably "sex jobs" now that i think about it
i can show you a million christians who worship israel but theyre not real christians right?
You can't justify Sup Forums's views without religion, thats why so many retards here get cognitive dissonance and eventually fall for it
That old lennon tripe, imagine a world with no religion, is actually true even though uncool. Religion used to be really useful to civilization, for a number of reasons, it was the social glue. Nowadays its a liability. Even the brain has lots of old atavistic shit from the savannah days and until people realize that we'll be killing each other and going in circles.
Which is what you faggots actually want, so good luck with that. At least right now you're promoting a discourse that isn't 100% one sided which is why I browse this board. But ultimately you're just repainted muslims.
And you'll enjoy the same historical trash heap with them
If you blow out the substructure of your Society you leave the people in chaos
Pic related
>he unironically thinks the masses should be allowed to think for themselves
Grow up, really. Freedom's cute but human beings use their freedom to destroy themselves and eachother.
I was thinking by social justice work she was helping to "assuage" white, liberal guilt.
6 million? Oy vey! It's an humanity-o-caust!
At least don't be a retard and say 6000. Jeez
6 million since we separated from chimpanzees so yes, the collective knowledge of humans has been gathered in religions. Tossing it all away because lol its fake is just retarded.
But you must!
Christianity is the ultimate Blackpill.
I like how they never paste the blacks with fat noses. Literally the reason Im not attracted to blacks, but they post half whites from north africa instead.
but taking any book or collection of stories at face value just because they were passed down through the generations is just as retarded.
i understand the motivation behind faith, but if you want to claim to be logical and intelligent, the furthest you can do is speculate, not blindly believe
>Claims to be redpilled
>Doesn't understand the need for religion
It's almost like you're a reta-
Never mind, hide and sage.
>claims to be redpilled
>doesn't acknowledge Buddhism
how can they compete? by not acting like an attention starved whore every minute of the day
Yea, But they said that its bad to believe in the religion. I personally dont believe in god, I dont care enough to do think about it, but I do believe Christianity is one of the greatest things ever invented. Sure zealots fuck it up with shit like inquisitions, but all western thought is based on that book. Look at eastern culture or Indian culture. I would much rather live in a culture shaped by this religion. And if you look around atheism destroys cultures and causes chaos. Until we find something that works as well as religion to keep a set of morals I for one think we should stick with the best one in the world.
>having no purpose nor meaning without religion
truly sheep-tier pathetic
Troubles you that people have a God-shaped vacuum in the heart that can only be filled by God? Your notions of "atavistic shit" come from the evolutionary psychology nonsense that can never be observable. You are clinging to a deranged and dying civilization because you lack vision, man. Pride is a bitch. There are not many things stronger and monstrously stubborn than a hardened human heart. At least you have the intellectual honesty to not just believe something because it feels good.
/pol is not one person, and you know that well. Not everyone here is bitter and screams for joy in the coming chaos. It is not a good thing. Man cannot live by bread alone. He cannot live on material existence, because he knows there is more and cannot phenomenally explain how.
This is how we get people chasing the worst strain of AIDS they can find.
The girls posted itt aren't north african/half white though
I agree with most of that, but I think we are still missing something. Take Japan for example. They have Shintoism and Buddhism and shit, but most people I have come across are not very religious. They tend to be superstitious in certain ways, but there is much less "God" in their everyday lives. While western cultures have tended to thrive on Christian teachings and principles, I have to think that it isn't the only road to prosperity
Lrn2shill, newfriend