Am i the only one that thought GT wasnt that bad?
It was bad, but not that bad.
It was that bad, but not THAT bad.
Not as bad as super
It was THAT bad, but not T H A T bad
I doubt you were the only one, there are other homosexuals on Sup Forums afterall.
It was B A D, but not THAT bad*.
It had 1 cool fight with that random dude that never showed up again.
>Am i the only one
Kill yourself
The entirety of the Baby and Evil Dragon arcs were 7/10 and the Super 17 arc was 3/10
I think that literal Dragon Balls themselves are the final boss is a great idea.
it was shit, but better than Super.
Am I the only one that like GT's final super saiyan transformation? it seems like most people hated it.
Well, GT is not THAT bad compare to Super. I like SSJ4's design though.
Dragon ball GT sales were pretty good:
巻数 初動 2週計 累計 発売日
BOX 27,233 **,*** 31,696 05.06.15
01巻 12,391 16,523 26,273 08.02.06
02巻 11,027 14,868 23,481 08.02.06
03巻 14,646 17,545 22,217 08.03.05
04巻 14,207 17,024 21,490 08.03.05
05巻 13,252 16,734 20,958 08.04.02
06巻 13,206 16,819 22,157 08.04.02
07巻 12,805 16,562 20,451 08.05.09
08巻 12,341 16,113 20,195 08.05.09
09巻 12,782 15,288 18,101 08.06.04
10巻 12,639 15,175 18,511 08.06.04
11巻 12,808 15,587 19,667 08.06.04
Even better than ○DRAGON BALL
GT was an original anime, Z and the 1st one weren't.
Super sales are pretty bad
ドラゴンボール超 【BOX全 巻】
巻数 初動 発売日
BOX1 *,664(*,486) 15.12.02 ※合計 1,150枚
BOX2 *,681(*,584) 16.03.02 ※合計 1,265枚
BOX3 *,***(*,***) 16.07.02
I loved GT more than DBZ.
the plot would have worked better if:
Goku stayed as an adult
Went on an adventure with vegeta and met some space girl that had promise to be powerful and was powerful, at least as much as frieza at that point in time.
If most of villians were not stupid powerful for no reason, meaning strong as Majin buu i mean common. The first villian was stronger than goku, I know what I said but hear me out. Remember the first part of frieza saga every one was basically hiding from frieza making it more exciting? Shit like that but not with all of the Main villian's henchmen being stronger than Majin buu.
No time limit on the dragonball search, have a fucking adventure, and yes you can keep ssj4 in as the final transformation nothing higher.
ssj4 looks better than super saiyan god. I always thought that super saiyan god should have had a tail and fur, I mean, saiyans are part monkey, so shouldn't their god form reflect that?
>being at all God like
Being apeshit angry is not the characteristics of a God.
Has Super reached the point where people now agree that GT is better?
are you retarded?
I said super saiyan 4 looks better than extra red kaioken, what are you talking about?
I love SSJ4, but, I'll be honest, the design isn't what SSJ should look like
If it was something like this, it would be cool.
The original Super Saiyan was an ape.
>Being apeshit angry is not the characteristics of a God.
you haven't met the god from the old testament.
It was pretty good about bringing something new to the table, but just as much so in wasting those concepts entirely.
That being said, Para Para Brothers. It could most definitely be that bad sometimes.
Same here.
I liked that it went back to traveling and exploring, the first saga with child Goku gathering the dballs was incomparably better than Z.
Z was all about power levels and screaming to reach a higher power level.
I've always been fond of both space and travels, so GT was great for me.
Granted, it had some bullshit in the mix, it's nowhere near as bad as people say.
And SSJ4 form is based as fuck, unlike those ridiculous colour kek-hair "god" forms in Super.
The whole point of SSJ4 was to go full circle, the Golden Oozaru form is "controlled" in order to go SSJ4.
> I always thought that super saiyan god should have had a tail and fur
>let's give the form that is supposed to have a calm mind and God ki, characteristics from a form that was pure rage
Growing a tail just for a form is stupid.
The original SSG had a tail, but was in Saiyan form, not Oozaru form.
The giant monkey thing is kind of a primitive state. It makes sense that a god form created by Saiyans that basically went against the race's nature would look very different. In the same way that we get Universe 6 Saiyans losing their monkey tails altogether through evolution.
>I liked that it went back to traveling and exploring
The problem with that is that the exploration in Dragonball always result in relevant encounters, with new allies and enemies. Red Ribbon's muscle tower was basically the only exception. The exploration in GT was all irrelevant one shot crap, with no recurring foes met or new allies introduced aside from the very beginning and ending.
But SSJ4 isn't about rage, it's about have full control of the ape.
Have control over the Oozaru form, which means you are channelling the rage the Oozaru form in a controlled manner.
No matter which way you word it, it isn't suitable for a God form with a calm mind.
What? SSJ4 was the best part, since it finally tied Goku's name together with his legend. The whole series started as a comedy based around the Monkey King's adventure, fuck, Goku even had his weapon and all. But Toriyama never did anything more with the character after that, so GT went the perfect way, making Goku literally look like the Monkey King after his final transformation.
GT had a few great ideas but bad executions. The show was pretty much the "Goku saves the day while the others remain utterly useless", plus turning Goku into a little kid was really fucking dumb in concept and execution.
Oh my god, get Akira's dick out of your mouth.
I thought the form looked better. First time on Sup Forums, last time on Sup Forums. I didn't know someone would full sperg weeb mode on me immediately.
>have an ill-informed opinion
>complain when anons tell you that it makes no fucking sense
Sasuga crossboarder
Yeah, it was inspired first by the monkey king, but Dragon Ball became its own thing later on.
It wasn't ill informed you retard. I liked the look of super saiyan 4 more than super saiyan god, are you really that far from humanity that the concept of subjectivity no longer occurs to you?
I dare you to rewatch the utter pile of garbage that is GT. I'm a Dragon Ball fanboy, I would eat whatever shit Toei or Toriyama decided to throw at me, but GT is just TERRIBLE. The plot, the pacing, the fights, the animation (yes rewatch it), everything is a big mess.
Super is just as bad.
What went wrong?
I guess I see your point. I still always thought that the form should really look like an ultimate saiyan. I don't mind the new god forms, I just thought they were a little uninspired.
>i like something
>i think a form should have been to my tastes despite not making sense thematically
Also, please note I said ill-informed opinion, I'm well aware this is subjective to your tastes user.
capped for cringe thread
Notice how I didn't mention Super at all in my comment. But since you bring it up, no, Super is not as bad. Is is still shit? Yes, but entertaining shit at least. Post Movie Arcs episodes have been fun so far.
Well, I agree that it's uninspired though. Toriyama vetoed the original SSJ God design, which would be a more complex design with a new outfit popping up with the transformation, but I don't think his answer was that good either.
At least a transformation that makes a new outfit appear would make it stand out visually from the SSJ variations, and gods have been shown to make cloths appear in dragonball anyway
Ah the connoisseur of anime.
Again, this is all subjective. How is that not thematic? You can't just make up some bullshit that somehow gives an objective indication that Super Saiyan 4 doesn't look better than super saiyan god. That's all I fucking said. I like the form better, I thought it would have looked cooler. All you're doing is getting mad because someone disagrees about what form looks better. Holy fuck go outside. Get over yourself.
Cya user.
The space arc really is that bad.
After that, it has its moments, though it's never nearly as good as Z. Except for the ending, which is amazing.
>dude super saiyan god should have a tail.
Literally what you said.
Yeah I did like the tournament. I know you didn't mention super I was starting a dialogue.
Anyway, personally I think the poor animation has been holding it back a lot. It is entertaining, I found GT to be lethargic almost. It felt like it was all filler until baby and Omega Shenron.
>i always thought that super saiyan god should have had a tail and fur, I mean, saiyans are part monkey, so shouldn't their god form reflect that?
Opening the topic for discussion.sperging out when people tell you why not. Kill yourself
Dont ignore me swine.
>what the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little desu. I'll have you know I masturbated to hatsune miku 14 times in the last three hours and I know everything there is to know about thematic decisions in anime. YOU DARE CHALLENGE ME WITH A DIFFERENT OPINION!?111
Well guess what kiddo, I've been a neet weaboo my entire life and I know how to argue with greentext and act like I am picking you to pieces. That's what you get for making me feel self aware about my baby penis!!!
I never mentioned anything about God looking better than SSJ4, feel free to read it back, I said nothing about your first statement. I simply mentioned that God shouldn't resemble Oozaru, a counter argument to your second statement.
The animation and the shiny artstyle is my only major complaint with Super. It doesn't have the tension and dramatic effect that made me enjoy Z so much, but it has a lot of old Dragon Ball comedy and it's very comfy. I like that Super doesn't take itself so seriously.
Stop samefagging.
Yes, I did. Do you not see who is sperging here?
The guy that went from 0-100 with this insane enlightened speech about how wrong I was for liking a different design.
Get over yourselves oh my god. One of you needs to stop replying or something. Wow you like different things from an animuu, big deal.
Do you all need to sperg out and then act like the other person is being autistic. You all are.
That might change in the next arc though.
Apparently it is supposed to be dark, and it's bringing back future trunks which is pretty cool.
I just don't know how they can transition to that.
I love that they are bringing back Future Trunks, he's one of my favorite characters. But I can't imagine Super being dark, I wonder how that is gonna work.
Probably some death.
I'm calling death on Krillin, Piccolo, or even Goku considering his Ki disorder.
I really want a classic dbz style fight where even the vastly weaker humans pitch in to try and stop the villain. I miss those fights the most, and we haven't really gotten anything like that since Frieza saga.
It was better than Super so far
Namek is my favorite Arc, because there is an inpending sense of doom during most of it. The fight are amazing and you can even feel the blows. The protagonists are at a disadvantage the whole time and face life or death situations. They even resort to fighting dirty. I really doubt Super can pull off something like that, but I'd like to see them try.
yeah, if they do it might be very intense.
People fighting dirty and desperately with the power to destroy the entire universe. It can be done well, it just requires the writers not doing the wait for Goku technique and this time have everyone do their part against the main baddy., even if it's useless.
Same. Personally I liked it more than Super
Are there anyone here who unironically like this shit?
Depending on how this Goku Black arc goes we could get something like Namek again. I guess it'll depend on whether people will travel to Trunks future to face Goku Black, or if Goku Black will just time travel back to the present too somehow.
How can anyone hate SSJ4?
The problem is, Goku, Gotenks, Vegeta, Mr Buu and Gohan (in no particular order) were already the top dogs of their universe at the end of Z, so it was hard to bring a new threat powerful enough to bring tension anyway.
Heck, even with all the "lolGohan is pathetic and weak" bandwagon, he's still in the top ten most powerful being in 7th universe.
And it's even worse with the new power-up Veggie and Goku got.
I don't hate it, but I don't like it. But I'm a faggot that like simplicity and SSJ4 is a bit too over the top for my taste.
Dragonball Super episode 5? Probably not. There are other episodes too though.
That scene is fucking gorgeous, and that entire fight was so much better than the film's.
No the furry community is very vocal about the things they like.
It badass form.
>Pink furr
>Magical pants
Not everyone can gay and or a bronny
It's a lot better than Super, at least.
Vegeta's pant was his normal pants
>B-But at least is better that Super right guys?
Every time.
Cool Saiyan power-up, Baby had a solid background in that slightly campy 80s sci-fiesque thing DBZ had going for it, delicious Pan, HFIL revenge was almost cool barring wasted potential, the idea of the evil Shenrons was also solid.
Really I just like the villains they introduced the most.
That's the problem with GT, it's all good ideas with garbage, fanfic execution. Most people defending GT haven't watched it since it aired in their country, they just remember the outline and forget how terrible things were done and how many episodes it took.
Not until I watched Super, now I hate to agree.
>Goku Super Saiyan can fight evenly with Beerus
>Super Saiyan Blue is supposed to be a lot stronger
>Still not stronger than Beerus
>Multiply SSB times 10 with Kaioken
>s-still not stronger than Beerus... pls believe me (t. Toriyama)
You have to realize, most people "defending" GT aren't defending it at all, they're just saying it's better than Super. That's not high praise.