what do you mean that there is no nigger hate thread on pol right now?
>nigger hate thread
Niggeer hate thread
One day, whites will be the ones doing this to niggers.
Wtf is their problem?
That's a fucked up way to die.
Is there any story to this? Was he a witch?
why did we ever stop? Im starting to enjoy watching niggers die and get arrested.
nogs in nogland
I ain't clicking on that shit, nigga.
bump bump bump
Incredible! We have so much to gain and learn from this culture.
You better click that shit wytboi
>Ahmmm so imma ahhmmmmm listen to me nowwwww ahmmmmm ahmmmmm
It free out de tap but i gots to get dem freegibs! Ypipo fuckan racis only give ypipo free wuttah!
One of my personal favorites
>Manchester United badge.
Scum, each and every one of their supporters
if that was happening in my capital i wouldnt have mood for jokes
whites aren't savage enough to do this on a regular basis
I either laugh ....
Or I cry.
godDAMN whats the context
Could have been any number of reasons, thief, wrong neighborhood, personal offense/honor, he eat da poo poo. Niggers tend to live in the moment so who the fuck knows.
>africans and mudslimes regularly execute gays
>progressives love their culture
when the kid grows up he should kill the baby sitter and then his parents
Only a nigger can get hit in the brain so many times before dying
yes, i had enough white people.
seriously, you need to make these images look like they werent made by a nigger
>stealing bottled water in a coutnry where it rains daily
Its better than stealing jordans, but still.
No, this is my pile. We already disscussed that we weren't going to get a joint pile until the wedding.
Impressive. Very typical of Africa where the women seem to be the only ones posessing the ability to plan for the future.
any explaination?
Member when they deleted this subtle comment for how many upboats it got?
I guess they were all expelled for doing black magic.
dey eat da poo poo
is there something to explain for those not familiar with zelda lore?
Ah mate, that's an old fave - I have never been able to work out what he thought was going to happen.
I vaguely do remember this
Oh shit it's the full video
What's up with Tom?
i remember a lot of white kids doing this as well tho
it was some kind of craze a few years ago
they put something on themselves they thought would stop them catching fire. was it baby oil or something?
obviously didn't work
REEEEE god I hate filthy fucking niggers
That looks fun as fuck. Would do this with my pals if we had proper head and face protection.
Think she was being trafficked and was being punished for doing something wrong. Think it's in Brazil.
Dating a Drug Dealer in Brazil. Was caught texting/talking to another man on the phone he got her. decided to break the phone and teach her a lesson which is why he made her put the phone on her head before hitting her. im pretty sure she died a few days later to hemorrhaging in the brain. was pretty much mentally retarded too during that time.
I think it was a "purge day" in brazil where a lot of people in a city started to do the purge movie irl for some reason.
When I fisrt saw it there was a similar vid of 2 guys on a bike shooting down a little girl and her mother in the middle of the street.
The military had to march in to stop the purge from escalating.
If I remember correctly, she was a Brazilian drug dealer's girlfriend and he found out she was talking to someone else on her phone/ipad.
So being Brazilian intellectuals, they felt that the most umappropriate punishment for this supposed crime was to put it on her head and whack her with a big log.
I like how you can see through his ribs... presumably his hand is welded to the metal? Gosh darn... those roody poos do the stupy doo of things
was a drug dealers gf. was caught talking to another man or some guy who was in a rival gang with the phone he got for her.. decided to teach her a lesson
fucking hell.. you poltards will understand when you finally have a kid.
Jfc how is he still alive you can literally see through him?
I hope not... is a huge waste of resources and gasoline... besides there are more human ways
My sides...
He a kang dats why
that just looks like fun tho
Did he get the other guy?
yeah, we used to have bottle rocket and roman candle wars when i was a kid.
That panting with sides roasted
That move is pretty fucking impressive
Don't hate niggers you big silly goose
that's timor letse tho
How do i view webm in Firefox?
Ye, I didn't get any of it, explain pretty plz?
he deserved it
thats some major brain damage
are these muslim niggers doing this?
>implying everyone here isn't already infuriated by that shit
pls tell me this is edited..
>rush at a police officer who has his weapon drawn and pointing at you
>wtf why this rayciss cracka shoot him :((
dumb niggers honestly don't deserve to live
If you can see through him, does that mean he's a cartoon ghost?
He was doing what would work in the wild against a similarly sized predator, trying to make himself look threatening to scare it off. You have to realise that modern American blacks only have 200 years of separation at most from their African roots, so their brains still operate on that level.
Bump for my favorite threads
the future looks bright
How could you not kill a babysitter that does this to your kid? I'd put two in the back of her stupid fucking skull.