Pretty shitty situation we got here, lads. We were close to a break through, but now we are heading towards the Stone Age.
Reminder that without Trump and Brexit we could do interstellar travel
Can I get a quick rundown on that "break through"?
Didn't you want rid of the annoying and costly UK?
Or is it the case we have been helping pay for your lavish experiment in social engineering?
how is that possible bernd? you voted and will vote Merkel again, with that the key technology know as fusion will never be finished as you will blow all the money int Muhammad ass
It is German fusion tech combined with the Q drive.
What's the point? It'll just be nigger planets with diversity quotas.
Q drive?
Oh boy, this will be funny. Let me guess, reactionless?
Together we could have done great things, but apart everything is just shit. We could be riding star ships at warp 4.3 through the Alpha Quadrant right now, Jordi.
You're the one with the migrants, leftypol.
that's an odd looking gas chamber
fusion in 5 years
ok 5 more years
pls keep funding it, only 5 more years
britain pls this is your fault.
the dream of fusion is the reason that nuclear power is not only dying but at serious risk of killing people on the way out.
Its actually the next generation in oven technology.
Obama was the guy that heavily cut NASA's budget though wasn't he? And Hilary would have been more of the same. I don't know if Trump will get NASA more funding but he at least showed interest in it.
And there's plenty of private space agencies doing stuff right now too.
It takes money and turns it into useless heat.
you can thank mutti
Ya with all these niggers
lets start by giving niggers, muslims, and jews a free ride to the sun.
Not really. commercially speaking space is done. Satellites were the only use.
how many jews can you put in it?
well of course the heat is useless, there are no jews in it!
>without Trump and Brexit we could do interstellar travel
Muslims are incapable of science.
>inb4 muslims making homemade clocks.
Quantum vacuum thruster
How is fusion research affecting nuclear power right now at all? People hate nuclear power because everyone claims the sky is falling every time a reactor melts down due to easily preventable circumstances. And because these same people are pushing the wind and solar meme.
Only Uncle Sam has reusable rocket tech (SpaceX pic related), no way to get all that shit into orbit CHEAPLY without it.
>how many jews can you put in it?
Over six gorillion.
drecksdeutscher untermensch. ihr deutschen drecksäcke gehört ausgerottet.
Migrants or no migrants, society was close to going full on Star Trek and then Trump-o-Brexit happened.
that might not be enough...
Not to worry, these new ovens instantly vaporize any jew that enters the plasma field. You can just continuously send in jews without ever stopping.
>We could be riding star ships at warp 4.3 through the Alpha Quadrant right now.
I think you want too much to fictional situations m8
Warp drive is real, mate.
Wrong spaghettiboy
The glorious UK will soon rule the stars!
We shouldnt get to leave this world until we solve all our problems
Not fair to infest the rest of the galaxy with nogs
merkel hat alles zerfickt du spacken. die flüchtlingskrise in de war einer der faktoren die trump und den brexit begünstigt haben
What if warp drive technology requires some sort of hyper crystals that are not found in our solar system? We'd be eternally fucked.
Literally science fiction
>if it could be built it would take the entire energy output of the sun to make it work
Why clog your brain with a bunch of hypothetical maybe-what-if bullshit?
Uh, no sweetie, I'm pretty sure that was Obama who ended funding for the Space Shuttle and never funded NASA for a civilian version of the X-37, leaving us riding Russian rockets until SpaceX gets their shit together.
If we could harness the power of liberal lies, we'd have intergalactic travel by now.
Wrong, watch this. You can change the oscillation and shape of the warp ring to get the required mass of exotic matter down to a few tons... or even more freaky to nothing more than quantum levels of mass.
It's fun!
>If we could harness the power of liberal lies, we'd have intergalactic travel by now.
Reminder that without kikes and niggers we could do interstellar travel - fify
>exotic matter
That is literally a mathematical (((theorem)))
Don't fall for the math jew m8
>Warp drive is THEORETICAL, mate.
No, exotic matter exits in partial accelerators as a result of collisions.
It doesn't
You know Trump has literally hired a guy who's main goal is to send men to mars and wants to work with private companies such as Spacex who also aim to send people to mars? Right?
That's just a piece of metal that heats up and then cools down.
Reactionless drives are fundamentally impossible.
You obviously don't know very much about how shit we are at space travel...
Yes, which is why I said we are going back to the Stone Age and will never do interstellar travel. SpaceX is a leach living off taxpayer money.
>rhetorical thought experiment.
So maxwell's demon exists? God you don't know shit.
That's not how stellar nucleosynthesis works. If it exists, it's roughly evenly distributed between star systems.
No it fucking doesn't.
This gay ass thread again. Fuck off
The secret to space exploration is not some futuristic hyper drive that can accelerate a little extra, but instead low cost launches.
For a fraction of the price and years and effort to build one of those things, you can have ten Falcon Heavy launches building a space station in orbit with enough dV to visit any planet in the solar system
We're not getting out of this solar system without some sort of magic trick anyway.
>It's a "Stellaratorfag pushes his unproven design" thread
>We're not getting out of this solar system without some sort of magic trick anyway.
The magic trick is utilizing the resources of the solar system.
You are an idiot we are not close to interstellar travel
Voyager launched in the 70s just now at the edge of the solar system
We haven't been to the moon since they forced diversity onto NASA.
I mean shit, they havent even been able to reinvent the technology they used to get there yet.
There's no good reason to go to the moon now that we have icbms.
>you can have ten Falcon Heavy launches building a space station in orbit with enough dV to visit any planet in the solar system
So we then have a space station with less mass than the ISS and that helps us how with interstellar travel?
Chemical propulsion and big dumb rockets will never get us anywhere. spaceX is a dead end.
>The magic trick is utilizing the resources of the solar system.
But there's zero point to interstellar trade without magic ftl.
The Q thruster was thoroughly debunked. You must lack the education to understand why.
you fucking moron
We were fucking 2 yrs away and then Trump happened and now we are 30yrs away again.
>they havent even been able to reinvent the technology they used to get there yet
The computers NASA currently uses are many times more powerful than what they used to get to the moon. We haven't gone back to the moon because there's nothing there worth going there for. It's a dead rock. And Mars is a lot harder to send people to.
We can't generate magic FTL from nothing, though. We'll need massive amounts of resources available to improve IQ and leverage those quality minds to get to work on the the monumentally difficult task of making shit vanish in one place and reappear in another.
In fact, Interplanetary travel is under threat right now.
Muh Nasa doing Moon stuff again.
Literally the most uninteresting rock out there.
SpaceX is our only hope for now.
Implying Hitlary had plans for interstellar fucking travel.
You don't even know what you're talking about.
If you are headed in the direction of the stone age, it's because you fucking Germans are importing the cavemen yourselves.
No your wrong
Du musch dich da garned iimische du schwizer bünzli
>SpaceX is our only hope for now.
SpaceX is literally the reason America didn't have the ability to launch astronauts into space for 6yrs and counting. SpaceX is a dead end, and with Musk's buddy Trump in office, America won't be launching anyone for another 6yrs at least.
>Together we could have done great things
Except we weren't "together", we were at the mercy of your faggy EU and all of the German cunts at Brussels dictating our border laws and how we could govern, slapping down any proposal or suggestion we ever put forward. Keep your refugees and fuck off.
>We were close to a break through
Source lacking.
Interstellar trade will never be a thing.
It's more about colonizing solar systems and just live there.
Fucking meme drive.
Abandon thread, it's fucking nothing.
We are in a simulation no need for interstellar travel.
getting real sick of you space fags who haven't heard of the theory of relativity
We don't need to reinvent the technology that got us to the moon.
They have the plans they could just build a Saturn 5
There's one laying on the ground at nasa
No. It was because the Us decided to cancel the shuttle program.
Honestly speaking, it was costly as fuck, and risky as fuck.
SpaceX has launched 12 fucking dragon capsules to the ISS, that might as well have been manned.
What is this, proof for ants?
agglo subhuman detected
Yes morons
>We're not getting out of this solar system without some sort of magic trick anyway.
Easy. Generation ships.
>theory of relativity
Yeah, faggot prove that theory. Shit just isn't happening because of Trump and Stinkxit.
do people really find these kinds of posts funny?
like what do you even get out of such a lazy fucking effort
Until we create some gay space elves with genetic engineering that go on to invent FTL travel and assimilate all populated planets into their gay space elf space nazi empire.
Care to cite literally ANYTHING?
It isn't supposed to be funny, faggot. ESA and NASA were close.
>but now we are heading towards the Stone Age.
Yes, especially when you retarded fucks are replacing yourselves with people whose ancestors didn't even figured out the wheel.
another low effort post
Germans aren't very good at humor
you have no idea about the relationship between space and time, and the absolute enormity of space
do you even know how fucking far away the closest star is?
GPS is proof look it up stupid
Shit like this is why we're heading towards the stone age.
Those are engineers.
> Spend money feeding stone age people who want to kill us and take our stuff
> This gets us to Mars
mate i suggest you take your pills in the right order and dosage next time (and don't even think about taking the bogpill). otherwise this gibberish of yours will be the result
>fusion energy
Let me guess, it's just 20 years away?
No pills, explain what's your problem.