Fact Check: This Pizzeria is not a Child-Trafficking Site

This is a real article by NYT

>None of it was true. While Mr. Alefantis has some prominent Democratic friends in Washington and was a supporter of Mrs. Clinton, he has never met her, DOES NOT SELL OR ABUSE CHILDREN, and is not being investigated by law enforcement for any of these claims.


Other urls found in this thread:


they changed the title by the way



Daily Dose:

Ben Swann:


Pizzagate is a conspiracy theory created by the JIDF specifically to discredit Sup Forums.
The key word is -gate. Jews love attaching -gate, as in watergate, to things and whoop whooping about it.

Thanks for bumping

How old is this?


This is VERY important because it is literally the first MSM mention of PizzaGate.

Washington D.C. research project for Dupont underground system 2012:

Funders and Supporters page 85:

>Comet Ping Pong
>Open Society Foundation (George Soros)

Appendix to the underground D.C./ Berlin research paper by James HUCKENPAHLER:


Last page (314)

>Thanks to
>Oliver Miller, AKA Dr. Pong for hosptality in Berlin,

>and, James Alefantis for patronage above and beyond...

Federal Records of American Bridge 21 century superpac (soros biggest doner 2012/2014) making 3 donations to Comet Ping Pong after the underground D.C. / Berlin project:




Dr. Pong with James Huckenpahler saying "secret plans" during or right after the D.C. / Berlin underground project:


James Huckenpahler in Berlin on Ping Pongs tumblr


It grew organically from the Podesta emails. Fuck off shill.

good work user
i'm sure it's just that they all like 'art', r-r-right?

This. PizzaGate is simply the DC pedophile ring. It is run by the CIA/NCMEC for the purpose of blackmailing the elite/powerful in washington.


Did I do something wrong?

just messing with ya. enjoy this complimentary cat picture

Did NYT reporter get the 40 minute pizza for that article?

Okay, thanks

I don't buy pizzagate but the big thing that I thought was weird is that they say they don't have a basement in the pizzeria, when a previous spotlight article on them before the 'scandal' shows them talking about the basement in the building.

>Make sure you ignore all PizzaGate threads
>It's fake news


Shoot me lads. The world is run by the devil. What can we do?

>no basement
that is your major concern? let me ask you something. this is the inside of comet ping pong. and this is real blood (maybe animal blood)


This is so fucked

They also have children's shows during the day.

>The world is run by the devil
>What can we do?
Shoot me lads.

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Somebody is going to lose their job.

yep it's a local DC food article talking about their canned tomatoes stored in the basement. Could have been referencing Bucks or any of the other stores he owns, but naturally the debunkers had no curiosity about those details. That "we don't even have a basement" thing was used endlessly as definitive proof.

what basement are you talking about?

nice find! i was referring to this time he referenced it archive.is/2O5n7

Included the pedo spiral too.

there is another one in here i think. it's over a 1000 pizzagate pictures.



I did not believe until this article

Well if the NYT says it then it must be true. Maybe we can get WaPo and CNN to give us their opinion as well.

ayy lmao

>this doesn't make me look more guilty


Go back to sleep. PizzaGate is fake. Let us handle this. You can trust NCMEC and the Virginia State Police.

go watch Nobodys Children, pizza parlors open 24/7 and orphans galore its very real

>New York Times

That's what the kind, humanitarian, totally honest Left said about the Rotherham rapes too. "It's not happening, right wing fantasy, don't be islamophobic." 1400 child rapes later...


>Implying hillpepe isn't best meme

Because i'm going to let the corporate media tell me what is true or not.

They actually skyrocketed in value, compared to, say, the Bannon meme market.


That was before the memeframe was hacked



God damn, those are so bad it's actually sad. On the other hand it's all they got. I went to /leftypol/ over the last few weeks and couldn't find a single funny meme or at least something witty that doesn't require a 10 post long explainer why it should be funny or is just straight out stupid.
>pic related

It isn't and pizzagate was a psyop. Child trafficking rings for politicians is a real thing but pizzagate was bait for conspiracy theorists.


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You guys are retarded if you think the pedos are this blatant with their symbolism. Wikileaks isn't even trustworthy because Julian Assange used to work with Aussie intelligence and he himself grew up in an Mkultra cult so jys for falling for this bullshit.

They are though. Makes my state easy pickings.


well now that (((NYT))) has said so it must be true


Yeah this is bullshit, just like mossadleaks not gtfo with this bullshit. Pizzagate took attention away from Trump-Epstein connection and misdirected everyone to the democrats.

A jew somewhere was just like "hey lets make a fake conspiracy to keep the goyim occupied" and they gave us pizzgate and pizzaniggers are still screaming about this shit after 1 year of NOTHING.

I'm not saying pedorings don't exist, I'm just saying that pizzagate is a psyop and it worked on you retards

now gtfo*

Why are you so upset though?


Hmm you are pretty mad

why do you always post the same reaction images? Why don't you just make a trip if you're gunna be a faggot and build your own persona

You must have mistaken me for someone else.

I haven't visited a Pizzagate thread in ages.



what you're doing is obvious

What am I doing, exactly?



>actually thinks it's real blood

Fucking idiot. The blood shit was overused in drag as soon as Sharon Needles won Ru Paul's Drag Race like 6 seasons ago.

Huh? So James Alefantis trafficks children for satanic ritual abuse/rape and David Brock is literally gay Hitler?

Got it!

It's real blood, or the best fake I've ever seen. Look at how it pools and the texture. I never said it was human blood.

Satanic? It's more of a blackmail/reward thing.
>Do exactly what we say and we don't release the tapes of you raping kids
>We will even keep providing you with kids if you are good to us.

It's the CIA blackmail ring


The "Pedo-Mom" one is kind of hot.




Why are Canadians always idiots?

Yeah, it isn't now that it has been exposed. Of course they wouldn't still be trafficking kids through a compromised location.

sums it up, yep

/htg/ up


>Gay people are norma-

How have I never heard of this? All the paid shills coming in with their stupid spiral disinfo bullshit.

They had over 2 months to clean up the block. By the way the whole block/street is owned by the DNC.

what you're doing is obvious

Mostly monarch butterflies where I come from

I thought it was owned by Saudis?

Oh hi November 7, 2016. Welcome to the current year.



Maybe. James Alefantis owns or leases several properties in that building/block. The title holders might be saudis. Hillary Clintons speech writer owns a book store across the street. The list goes on and on.

Fucking /x/ fags and their bullcrap made the news

I really, really wanna call up Comet and ask if I can deliver me a pair of 12 year old girls in 60 minutes or less, and if not, if the girls are going to be free of charge.

These Hillary memes were all so primitive and bad, I'm glad this was over before overall meme quality on Sup Forums was affected.

>Comet Pizza
>pedophile ring
>college age girl wearing nothing but pizza slices

You're doing it wrong.

Don't do it. James Alefantis is a CIA operative. They will report you to the police for sure. You won't get arrested but you will get a knock on the door. You can harass them, but do not even joke about "buying children"