Why is it so hard for society to accept that asian women are objectively more attravtive? Or am I wrong?
Why is it so hard for society to accept that asian women are objectively more attravtive? Or am I wrong?
Top 20% of asian women are also the top of all women, but the other 80% is shit tier
Kill yourself
preference is subjective
nice cherry picking
>white '''''women'''''
Not cherry picking when there is a large representative group of random people you retarded swedecuck
You posting fake plastic kpop sluts with 2 tonnes of make up is the definition of cherry-picking
most of them are ugly af plus they suck at porn like it or not.
Also compare group of mixed gender students.
Both middle class.
Notice how the asian kids on average look weird.
Can you say plastic surgery?
Honestly both groups look weird.
look at the bottom right guy's groin...
I think it's more that the Asians just somehow maintain a youthful appearance far longer than other peoples.
Pure Asians>>>>Wh*Te STD ridden roasties
They aren't though. It's just that you're a low testosterone little bitch who likes androgynous asian women.
Most are plain looking, like most people from every continent.
Oh shit.
>projecting this hard
>b-but muh race
We're finished fag you might as well fuck any other race. Whites are no longer acceptable for seed.
Pretty much all men seem to think so.
Reminder that picking a partner is almost literally cherry-picking, the only difference being switching fruit for a girl
This so much. The most attractive women are the most attractive asian ones, but white women are more consistently at least decently attractive.
Some user was saying asians are an alien race. What did he mean by this? Is this the easiest way to fuck alien pussy?
>that thing
Not Space Aryan
You're wrong
No your'e 100% right.
Plus they're smarter, more conservative, and don't have as much pussy smell.
Asian women are for patrician dicks. All others can have snow niggers.
You guys are such cucks. Traps are the way forward.
You wish user. Keep your island monkey if that makes you happy. But I'll take whitey 10 times outta 10.
t. delusional faggot
Just accept your gay now it's better for everyone.
>This female, who has had several plastic surgeries and is wearing lots of make up, is an accurate representation of Asian women
Every time.
>Chang Thunderwang
Everyone knows that asians are superior. It's non-asians that disagree.
>falling for the race that doesn't want to exist anymore meme
Your kids will be more fucked up than a hapa that has been beaten everyday.
you don't really have to right to pull the PS card as an american tbqh
They have extensive plastic surgery to make them look more like white people.
This is the result.
ITT: butthurt roasties
>thinks the average white female doesn't do their makeup every day
>doesn't know about "i'm not wearing makeup" makeup
lol fucking idiot. All the white girls i know get mad crow's feet around their eyes right around age 25. Very few manage to maintain healthy skin with all the shit they cake on their faces.
Not a single hint of surgery
Perfection in a nice little yellow package
>bulbous nose
>furry eyebrows
>paper thin lips
>too much makeup and bad hair signify low snow nigger iq
>mismatched tits
>masculine cave ape hands
>cavernous belly button
>cellulite thighs
I can't see her p ussy but I bet it smells like piss and looks like an arby's sandwhich.
>more fucked up than a hapa
>beaten everyday
>beaten by white kids
>for being a hapa
>more fucked up then a hapa
Meanwhile, white women get plastic surgery to look like this.
Most average asian women>hottest white whore
Asians are fucking weird and alien-looking
Even black people are more attractive, not as a whole but they do have some very good-looking outliers. Asians without any white admixture are all fucking creepy-looking.
having light colored skin means you're not a poorfag who has work out in the fields in Asia.
For whites it just means you better put on sunscreen if you don't want to turn into tomato.
you're putting way too much emphasis on your melanoma-prone skin color white boy.
Pretty much.
alright, now i am interested. post the original.
only beta white men who cannot get a white woman find asian women attractive. they need to an explanation why they cannot get a white women so go for the "next best thing".