A laughing stock to the world
>the world
Ah, the fabled Not-America.
Go fuck yourself merkel
If you say mohammed
>being laughed at by a bunch of faggots who spread their boypussies for muslims
The only clown I see is you.
germany is a laughing stock even to the german people
People hate what's great
If it weren't so then I'd be worried.
People who unironically identify with the EU are even more pathetic
mudslime detected
There is no world outside America. Just chaos and despair
oh yes, the sophisticated Yuropoors who sit on their hands as the world burns
Trump blocks Germany's path. Germany butt hurt. Mmm kay. Next thread
Laugh away. We don't care or even think about you people.
Faggots laughing at us. Terrbull
This. Some of you burgers are pretty cool. Dont go outside america tomorrow.
I'd laugh at Germany but it's actually travesty, so tears would be more appropriate but then I remember that you caused that to yourself
The world..
A laughing stock to America
go on, i liek your tears drumpftards.
Americans are so lazy they couldn't be bothered to leave their country to see the world so they just imported it instead.
I'd rather be a caveman, than a European, if being evolved means no longer having discernment when it can 'hurt' your aggressors 'feelings'.
Only if you're a virtue signalling leftist retard, nobody else gives a shit.
The ((media))
Judenpresse get out, you're only redpilling more and more people with your fanatic egalitarianism.
Thats probably why most find you so funny. The same way a monkey in a zoo does not care that people find it funny when it throws it poop around.
America is a ideologic butt hole
>10 am
>Typical German suburbs
>Herr Sauerkraut goes out of his home to go to work in refugee center
>On his way he always pick up his favourite standart left-leaning German press
>He sits down in Turkish cafe to read
>Looks down
>Sees neanderthal Trump
>Herr Sauerkraut can't help himself
>He releases an ear-shartening laugh
>Everyone at cafe stops
>Everyone in the cars stop
>Mohammed fucking his wife back home stops
>Herr Sauerkraut continues
>Goes back to his duties, supressing laugh
>This is 26th time he sees Trump's image parodied this week
>Has no idea any other sorts of political humour exist
Fanatic egalitarianism? Lol.
Hitler gassed all the retards, so he would have gassed you. Its only thanks to egalitarianism that you were allowed to be born, instead of being aborted.
Germany needs to be reminded who their daddy is. This behaviour can't be tolerated no longer.
>pretending to be Swedish
No. But I am impressed that you can read flags. Its amazing what they can teach chimps these days.
A laughing stock to the world
Whatever makes you feel better about living in Europe.
Now if I were to point out that obama was brown and he resembles a dried up dog turd I would be literally worse than a thousand hitlers... I find it very alarming that liberals can throw around these blatant double-standards like this, seeing as they always prattle on about how making fun of a person's skin color is the worst thing in world, then they go ahead and do it themselves and act you're the retarded one for pointing out the utter hypocrisy that they facilitate on a daily basis.
I'm fucking done with these people.
Nothing is funnier than Sweden..but, tragic humor isn't everyone's fancy.
Kindergarten through High School
>Don't worry about what other people think of you
College through adulthood
>Don't you care what other people think of you?!
What did they mean by this?
No crime, longer life expectancy, better health care, higher average income.The only reason you think America is "great" is because some moron on TV told you that and you were stupid enough to believe it.
>pretending to be American
Go make me a taco Pedro
Well thats....just not even clever.
Drumpf is a german. Will he go back?
why ever german (((mainstream))) is so obsessed by Trump
Lol I have that same newspaper, love the pic!
We apologize for nothing and you can thank us later.
>Implying i would be sitting here, lamenting the fact that i was never born.
I forgot to mention, Europe has a history developed culture, based on something else than TV. Yeah, sucks to live in the US.
going in 17 years now, to be honest I find Trump is instilling a bit of credibility back into the American image
yet true!
Elections are next sunday. Bashing Trump is a misdirection the media has been doing a lot during the last months.
No word about Merkels failure though. The german press is reliving the American election instead of reporting critically about our major parties.
>literally the best place to live
So Trump is a knuckle dragging retard because? Are krauts really that smug about their suicide.
>laughing stock to the world
so, you are implying that the "handelsblatt" represent the opinion of the majority? Fuck off kike,
>being dumb enough to follow our lead
You should have known better.
Germany is the laughing stock of Europe.
Well, next to Sweden.
It's peculiar to think that you are so assured that what you are doing is the right way, when no one knows what way right is.
Not really, since you cant do anything if you were never born. This lack of reasoning skills helps illustrate my point about being a retard.
Its a good thing there is egalitarianism, because Hitler would have gased you.
Holy shit
How many people read this magazine?
Thank you for mainstreaming multiculturalism and liberal degeneracy in Europe? No. Fuck you and your 50 jew stars. I can't wait for you to collapse under the weight of your non whites. Brazil 2.0 when?
Just ask Peter Springaire how well Sweden is doing!
>Caring about what the Lügenpresse writes
>implying USA wasn't a laughing stock during obongo years
And how many Europeans visit the US and see how average Americans live (as in not city life here)?
Relativizing success is also a way to avoid facing failure.
>Trump bashes in the skulls of anyone that attacks his home
>everyone just rolls over and calls him names
Pure alpha Eurocucks can't compete.
Germany non white in one generation.
Who cares what a bunch of mudslimes think?
Your (((government))) forced it on a weak and vulnerable Europe (from ww2) through various forms of coercion, mostly economic. America is an objectively evil country and is responsible for the death of the white race.
This. Im going with this dude, Ill hold the door open for you guys when you decide to leave this fag thread
We were following the UK's cues
German (((media))) usually copy paste from NYT or WP.
Nobody reads their (((newspapers))), they are a dying species
Hes a bit of a nutcase, I am afraid. Though it therefore also makes sense that you refer to him.
That's some good shit, they need polarize everyone here some more.
They clearly haven't understood why or how he won.
In this day and age, it's perfectly safe to say that americans are niggers.
>we pay billions of dollars to protect these ungrateful fuckers
I hope you niggers get nuked by Russia
Too many.
Why bother? We have zoos in Europe. Visiting them instead saves on the airfare.
Shut the fuck up, your fat fucking commie cuck socker churchill killed the fucking white race you retard and you lost your beloved empire in the process.
I was saying exactly the same thing moron.
If i wouldn't have the ability to do or feel anything i wouldn't have any problems.
A Swedish cop ranting about how shitty Sweden is, that's a nutjob all right.
>Economy is improving
>Unemployment down
>Haitians evacuating to Canada
If only the majority of our rapes were comitted by Muslim immigrants instead of blacks, maybe then we could join the cool kids club like Germany.
I keked based polak
Second this. Merkel's a cunt. Her reich with the EU sucks a bag of donkey dicks.
toilet philosophy
>Implying cops are intelligent.
When strong white American men were hosing down the coons trying to keep the shit skins seperated, pic related was on TV talking about how we should 'Imagine' one race and all that commie nonsense
Definitely famous in Germoney.
We learned it by watching you, dad, alright?!
Is this German?
Like where do they get off to call Trump a nazi lol.
Those fuckers(Liberal Welfare state Europeans) organise welcome rave parties for sandniggers in their countries where they give away their sisters, mothers and wives as sacrificial offering to the incoming invaders, instead of spending that money on their defence, so that a conservative , god fearing American gives his time, effort and life for their freedom, guarding their borders..
I hâte Germans so hope they get murdered by all the stores they invited
My mistake, I thought most things, including the police force in Sweden, was superior to USA.
Half the European population deserves the gas chamber.