Big fucking earthquake hit and theres a shitstorm everywhere. Some buildings dropped in México City.
Mexibros get the fuck in here.
Big fucking earthquake hit and theres a shitstorm everywhere. Some buildings dropped in México City.
Mexibros get the fuck in here.
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What are the chances one will hit Mexico City?
It was nothing desu.
Stop pissing God off beaners.
Isn't there a HUGE volcano right around there ?
yes. Popocatépetl
>inb4 Trump opens floodgates to mexican beautiful 38 year old babies
The replies section is delicious.
Did you just have a stroke?
*pregnant mexican beautiful 38 year old babies
Damn imagine if this Earthquake somehow sets that off. I've been to Puebla and Cholula where the huge pyramid is.
Hope they are all ok.
you tell me
Maybe of you faggots didn't treat The Greatest Nation on Earth like your personal toilet God wouldn't punish you for heresy.
I get a boner when these tragedies happen.
>MASSIVE 7.1 earthquake
oh nooo
Congratulations you are now Jennifer Lawrence.
How big is this compared to the previous one a couple weeks ago?
All these tsunamis and earthquakes.
Is the North American plate finally collapsing?
Suban los videos perritas,
I can only imagine the aids
If the one before was 10 jumping beans in your pocket this one was maybe 1 jumping bean but you stuffed it up your nose
Shouldn't you be eating some irradiated seafood right now Toshi?
Hijos de su puta madre todo tengo que hacer yo?
that means more useless Spics flooding north.
>Huge vulcano goes off
>50 million mexican refugees cross the border in a matter of weeks
Is this (((their))) endgame?
7.4 last week's was 8.5.
It was actually less intense (7.1 compared to about 8.1) but the epicenter was much closer to Mexico City, that's why it caused a lot more damage.
Good, fuck Mexicans.
Daily reminder that this is the 22 year anniversary to the day of an earthquake that killed over 5,000 in Mexico City.
Should have paid for that wall while you still had the chance.
As soon as you idiots start typing spanish on an english website is when I start not giving a fuck.
Earthquake in Xochimilco channels
Ah you guys are right..
>Some buildings dropped in México City
the wall is building itself
>says "fuck Mexicans"
>doesn't brings an argument
Well done edgelord.
Today's earthquake was weaker than the Chiapas one, but its epicenter was in-land, not to mention that Mexico City has many areas built on lake soil, which is a lot more susceptible to ground movement.
>Is the North American plate finally collapsing?
Is that even possible?
>taking the bait
Sí Cletus, ya sabemos que sólo sabes un idioma.
Quick, send all their people back to help. It's a great sacrifice but it's the right thing to do in Mexico's time of need.
The Atlantic said the eclipse was racist, but I think its obvious that the Earth itself is trying to get rid of the lesser breeds.
Really makes you think.
Jerusalem next, please!
Nah, Yellowstone & The Big One.
Hey nice contribution, Sally!
Soon as you de-sand your vag, come back in here!
Hory shiiit
I bet she smells amazing
and 2 hours after an earthquake drill
Through memes, all things are possible
How many people died
that man does not speak for me, Mexico.
Fucking hate it when this happens in Sim City
holy fuck hombre. Stay safe
Use the rubble to build the wall!
I read on twitter that there are 42 confirmed deaths so far. How accurate that information is, I can't really tell you.
the ol "shake the cam right before the fuckery starts" trick
I saw a taxi that was squished by a falling bridge. Had passengers, so at least 3 there
It was a hideous building anyways, I hope no one there was hurt.
Try 32 years
Can Trump recycle the broken buildings to help with building the wall? In doing so, Mexico would have to pay less for the wall. It would be a good way for America to help out Mexico at a time like this.
Sucks bro, Mexico has enough problems without god smiting you
At least the weather is nice...? The internet says it is 25C there and that seems pleasant for Mexico City - seems hard to believe it's that low
It's a lot hotter than 25C here, a LOT
Not enough
In the text she's saying
>it stinks like a dog, but...
>do you want to pound my fluffy place?
Not a direct translation because mofupako is a new word she coins that combines mofumofu meaning soft and fluffy with pakopako which is the sound of a dick going in and out of a pussy
Oh come on, you know that shitholes like Mexico don't have the building codes you do. Look what a little earthquake did to Haiti, they're still recovering from that shit, where all you have to do is cover up the ongoing nuclear fucking disaster you're sitting on top of.
Well for mexican infrastructure it does
Haha holy shit. No building codes, what could go wrong?
Which means every smoking pile of shit in this view is a collapsed building. Spic craftsmanship on display. These are the people you just need to import to the US to build everything?
No wonder your houses get demolished in a light breeze.
I hope you and your families ar ok Mexican bros.
Jet fuel can't melt steel beans
Please tell me all about them Somalian building codes you're importing into your country.
0 people, just a bunch of mexicans
Mexican earthquake?
Half price pussy all night long!
>being this much of an arrogant swede
no wonder your assholes get demolished in a dark wave
You remember the World Trade Center building 7, right?...
I love you user, so much
I don't mind dog smell at all
Good luck all mexianon's, the rest can go fuck themselves.
Use the bricks from the rubble to build the wall.
Thanks for saying those words, my brothers who had fall and are now in God's side may rest in piece.
does it not bother anyone that all the nig/brown hellholes immediately south of the US are getting BTFO in one way or another?
this all seems very convenient. they couldn't guilt us into taking Syrians to destabilize us,so they simply destroy everything brown controlled in our immediate vicinity creating a humanitarian crisis, establishing a basis for shaming and guilt for people who don't want to open our borders to them
am i being paranoid?
That was a controlled demolition though?
Unless you believe it's the only steel reinforced building in history to have been destroyed by a fire.
i heard on the news that was around 40+
Based Plumpf
all you had to do was support donald trump.
Sup Forums Earthquake Stream
>Buildings Collapsed
>People Crushed
Maximum /comfy/
Fuck yeah. Thanks user
You sound jewish
Congratulations on having autism
Only Indio buildings were harmed.
Move along.
thx croissant. you are always welcome to come to a real catholic country when the muzzies over run your goverment.