>Pic related
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>Islam is not red-
3 wives and 16 kids. Woah. Goals.
Shut the fuck up you're using sputnik as your source, it's Russian propaganda. Why would you even post this thread, kremlinbot?
It's verified you eu nigger
It is true though. Payed for this with my taxes. Yeey...
Why are you using Swedish flag you Kremlinbot? Sputnik is anything but verified, they're trying to take our national sovereignty
Another Kremlinbot
sheesh Putin is going hardcore today
This is actually great, because it was SD that revealed it and now no party wants to take responsibility for it it will certainly help now when the election is coming up next year
You think Sweden, Germany or the EU cucks would ever report this? You cucks let them get away with rape bc they claim 'muh sexual emergency'. Fuck off Hans
Show us your flag, (((European)))
>16 kids
How can whites even compete
>this time the people will surely wake up!
t. increasingly nervous man
Fucking stupid ass Swedes. Now when we invade you, we won't be able just capture the house intact, it will have to be levelled to the ground. Such a pretty house, what a shame.
When have to pay 60 percent of our income to let them live in better houses than me. Even tho my mom is a doctor
should save all the dirt for close to elections. people forget fast
Sure. In the field of pragmatism episodes such as this are great. Also the local government tried to hide it so it even makes it better.
Thank Kek for low-IQ sandniggers living in luxury resorts at the tax payer expense.
i just saw that a THIRD,a FUCKING THIRD of swedish state income goes to refugees.
why dont you nuke yourselves already?
Fuck... those are houses that are probably seen when you use a cruise ship to get to sweden.... I have probably sailed past them at one point or another....
Never will those beautiful houses among the swedish coast look the same again...
It's a shame Sven, beautiful country with beautiful women all going to shit bc of the cucks in your govt
Sure, ((( sverigedemokratarne ))) will save you!
they could by behaving equally irresponsible
They are /ourguys/ but have to LARP.
What's stopping you guys from killing these invaders?
The jihadists can get guns/explosives into Europe, and you're smarter than them.
What's prison like there? Is it true you get to play guitar, video games and fap to porn all day?
if you give me a hot bitch and a thousand euros for each kid why not
usually only rich muslim men can do that if they can afford for their families. If they lose the ability, the marriage gets divorced and the woman gets back to her parents.
Having dumb fucks who give you a 6 figures salary and houses for free is not the normal situation
You know thats not possible or only on short term for very few people. Because society can't afford that if many people do it.
Bur in Germany they would give you 15 times child support as well probably. So if you want, do it. The welfare system still works somehow.
But if it collapses you are on your own with 20 mouth to feed.
>Having dumb fucks who give you a 6 figures salary and houses for free is not the normal situation
It is if they live in Germany and Sweden.
>NEET's are losers
top kek won't get a single dime from me
yes but only as long there are enough people who pay taxes you can spread among parasites of all kind.
In Germany they have less then 15 million such people and 50% of them are 50+ and will retire soon (and then need gibs as well). While there are refugees entering the country daily.
How long you think this government supported lifestyle will be possible?
You can throw the natives out if their houses and take all their money. Soon they will run out of money anyway. And then?