really want to start a dumb trend again, ideas?
Really want to start a dumb trend again, ideas?
something like "vacuum your head challange"
Acetone eyedrops to see what a colorblind person sees for 30s
Fluorescent bulb challenge. Just smash one over your head and enjoy the toxins.
chugging a tall glass of really hot water
it's gotta be something utterly retarded by also convincing that it's legit.....
i can't think of anything now but as long as this thread is up i'll be brainstorming
Icey-hot balls challenge
Push the Russia narrative again
Shove as many cheetos up your asshole and post pics of it on tumblr or reddit. Say it's some sort of protest against Trump.
Post pictures of puppies on social media to show support for Mexico City.
go into a no go zone and film a rape at night
pretty clever.
PM this to pewdiepie and i guarantee he will feature it
> sticking paper clip into outlet, touching tongue to clip
>microwave phone to charge it
>hold in shit for 7 days challenge, noshit challenge
We tried once this "cut against Trump" movement, but not many pollacks enough tried to popularise it.
Breathing with your tongue out prevents lunge cancer due to the increase of Oxygen you will inhale
I don't have twitter, someone else should. I got it shared unironically by the largest BLM group on Facebook a few months ago.
piss yourself for feminism
It was rehashed from the cut for Bieber so not many people were really into the idea.
How about telling people thumbs up is a dog whistle for white supremacists to each other. Every time Trump does it msm will get triggered
That all Alt-Righters are actually chefs at Wendy's
That would be funny
Farting in silent, public places
don't fucking hashtag it or your original thread is going to be the top google result.
Make a hashtag on twitter, by all means, but don't write it here. obfuscate it by saying (hash-tag)dumbtrend rather than #dumbtrend
How bout something involving calling people Nazis and then letting group-think take over for people outside your group resulting in said 'nazi' getting punched in the face
Make it about some BS about how women have to hide the fact that they poop because of Muh Patriarchy.
>Feminists take selfies while taking shits or something. Kek
Tranny Mason families live all around us, quietly exploiting and gaming us. Out them all, for the lulz. Take a closer look at your bosses, landlords, teachers, "friends." Satan is an epic troll.
Good direction. I think we could meme really hard that the undercut is actually the HY cut, and is an alt-right haircut (already somewhat a stereotype already). Get some innocent people punched huehuehue
hahahahahah I love this. #Pisswithpride Women tired of having to pee quietly
How about a celebration of African engineering
Remember #JumpAgainstTrump?
This. It's not too extreme so it might actually work.
Lmao this
Or female urinals for equality
god damn that would be horrible. i love it
How bout "#banpayingtaxes" because the police we pay for just end up shootin us anyways even tho we dindu
This might work
High fives is actually a white supremacist celebration where the pink palms touch each other to represent white unity.
Somehow associate the IT clown with white supremacy
i would like people to care about all that declassified proof that Saudi Arabia was responsible for the worst attack in United States history, but i guess that's asking too much
It's a african tesal car. It electrocutes driver, making him pedal faster.
The goal is to get impressionable young kids to shove something huge up their ass, take a picture, post it on the net with the caption BEAST MODE
>Somehow associate the IT clown with white supremacy
This is it. That's fucking hilarious.
Didn't you know they put LSD inside of those. You'll see all kinds of pretty colors. Just smash one and snort the dust, bro!
just make it the new IT.
leave tim curry alone!
hes seen much better days, makes me sad.
he gon die soon
Imagine the controversy especially given how popular the remake is. Stephen King being a cuck makes it even better. We could probably get a CNN segment dedicated to discussing it if we meme hard enough.
Make meme telling kids to mix bleach and rubbing alcohol to get drunk, upload it do 9gag.
*from the vapours
get AIDS from refugees
Stephen kangz is cuck
>Cool clock, Ahmed
>Why don't you bring it by the White House and we can dispose of it properly for you?
#antitrumpbabypowdergirls #eatbabypowder
I'm shite with hashtags but basically there is a nog trend of eating baby powder. Search kiketube for "eat baby powder" and you'll see.
Maybe push it as a skin lightening system.