Why are Berserk and Vinland Saga often compared in the West? Is it simply because they're fairly well-known...

Why are Berserk and Vinland Saga often compared in the West? Is it simply because they're fairly well-known, as far as seinen manga goes? Which one do you prefer and why?

>Is it simply because they're fairly well-known, as far as seinen manga goes?
Yes. I like Vinland saga more

>Why are Berserk and Vinland Saga often compared in the West?
Because they both play in Denmark.

I knew VS did, obviously, but Berserk?

Hard to say. I think I once prefered Berserk over VS but I prefer VS over Berserk now.

>I prefer VS over Berserk now
How come?

I think it's a mix between preferences regarding story progression and a lack of hype due to constant hiatuses.

Started reading Vinland Saga this morning. This is really great. I wonder however, how much the Askeladden character is relevant to the Askeladd of this manga. In the Norwegian lore, he is somehow always victorious. Rarely that a manga or a story in general keeps me this entertained though.

I prefer berserk, because it has an anime adaptation.

Farm > Boat

That's a terrible reason to prefer something.

Mostly because people are stupid. Berserk is nothing like Vinland Saga.

not really
but vinland saga and vagabond are compared more often

All three are often compared, which is stupid. It's like comparing LotR, Seven Samurai and Braveheart.

Well, I often put Berserk, Vinland Saga and Vagabond together as my top 3 action seinen with great story, character development and gorgeous art. They aren't exactly similar, just what I consider the best of what I've read.

I prefer Berserk, I'm much more invested in Guts' struggle and really want to see how it ends, VS takes a turn in a completely different direction and I'm just waiting to see more of how that affects the overall manga.

The first part of vinland saga was rage and dis pear revenge manga with some really good action sequences. Medieval setting, band of mercenaries, unwilling main character, flashback that explains why main character is so angry and focused.
Early chapters are asking to be compared. Over time Vinland has really deviated into not being anything like berserker though aside of boatfarm aspect.

well VS and vagabond have the farmland saga in common, berserk is the only odd one here.
maybe they are compared for the good art

Kingdom better than both and it hasn't even got to the actual Conquest part yet.

Where have you seen Vinland Saga and Berserk compared?
Honestly I've never heard of vinland Saga outside of here.

I don't like either.
And the reason they are compared is entry level shitters.

Vinland Saga
>more like Farming Faggots & Pacifism
>more like Hiatus
One Piece
>more like One Hiatus A Month
>more like I have no idea where this manga is going
>more like Never updates the manga
Black Lagoon
>more like Only updates on a black moon

As someone who enjoys the fuck out of Kingdom, it really isn't.

I think berserk is in either England or France

Why does Berserk have several anime series and a movie trilogy, while VS is several hundred chapters in without any signs of an anime adaptation happening? Not that I'm complaining, God knows they would fuck it up spectacularly, but still.

both are great though

Probably since most people who like one of them like the other as well. There aren't that many historical manga like VS that aren't either samurai stuff or shoujo so I would rather compare Historie to VS but I guess the detailed drawing style of the backgrounds in Berserk make people associate it more with VS, probably also because the non-fantasy part of Berserk feels like a proper European middle age story. And there aren't many dark-fantasy/middle age manga there either - most "medieval" manga are reincarnation shit or generally more otakulike. Series like Berserk or VS feel pretty "western" to some degree.

It's clearly inspired by medieval Europe, as most fantasies are, but it's not set in the real world.


I used to like Berserk when I was in my teens.
And then 15 years of my life passed with the plot basically not moving in any direction I'd be interested in.

As for Vinland Snorega, it's pretty meh.

>most people who like one of them like the other as well
Yes, this is true from what I have seen.

Not him but Berserk went to shit when they decided to air Guts with a stock JRPG party who half of them are incompetent.

You have a retarded casca, another chick who would have been better off at the church, then a kid who can barely do shit. Only the witch and Serpico are useful.

Berserk is much older and considered one of the best dark fantasy stories in Japan. Guts and Griffith's relationship is pretty iconic, so is the amount of horror happening in the manga.

Vinland Saga came out later, there's less people willing to take risks and make something like an VS anime, meanwhile Berserk already put out its name on the table.

And maybe I'm just being cynical, but Berserk has fujo potential with characters like Griffith and Serpico, VS not really.

So basically, VS came out at a wrong time.

The real reason is no one would like to watch 10 episodes of farming.

You could still make a series up to before the timeskip. Full of action, rage and Askeladd.

I don't like Berserk as much as I used to. This whole elf island arrival has been pretty bad honestly.

All memes are wrong
Berserk>whats that fucking elf swordsman loli boy one called its called like cyka blyatt or something yeah it was actually good>>Kingdom>>>Vinland is shit

Vagabond is on another level to compare with the MC exploring himself and mindfucking himself with abstract thoughts about being a warrior.

Bastard!! should be compared to Berserk instead. Both are fantasy seinen manga that started around 1990 with God tier art and both are literally hiatus: the manga.

also both are very popular in Japan.

the only good thing about kingdom is that its a weekly manga
the horses still look like shit


Nope. Vagafarm and Farmland saga get compared a lot though.


It's more like comparing twilight to the hunger games.

It's because they are both for kids, and kids love to choose sides and defend them against t3h hat0rz

The only good thing about either is detailed artwork. Other than that its just a standard shonen with more edge

Berserk is fine as it is. I don't know why people want it to be a edgefest every chapter/arc. Seeing Guts walking around brooding and pissed off for 300+ chapters would get pretty tiring.

The point of the new party is that Guts has people to care about now. After the Eclipse he finally has friends again. Question is, will he fail to protect them too?

I do agree with the point about Casca though. Yes, at first I felt completely horrible about what she went through. But after more than a decade irl, she's become very annoying to watch. Hopefully, her arc gets closure soon so we can move on towards Griffith without having to worry about her doing something stupid or betraying Guts.

Guts had better buddies in the GA arc.

Because there's way too much comedy in the later chapters.

the witch loli ruined everything
everything is so happy and laid back now

>wearing nothing under the armor


The old group was much better than this shitty one we are given now.

It's not the edge, one of the problems is that Serpico and Farnese and others just became more or less irrelevant and bland since they joined the party. This always happens when a protag party gets too big, the characters aside of the one or two main ones get degraded to followers who only comment on the OP fighting abilities of the MC.
Another thing is that it feels too much like a rpg or generic high fantasy now. Sure, this has to do with the lack of horror as well, but there is a difference between liking dark shit for the sake of it or because "blood is fun" or if you like it because the MC feels more like an underdog and the enemies more threatening. Even if you ignore that the Golden Age part was happier than the first or the following arcs as well but most people prefer it over the fantasy arc nonetheless, so it really isn't just that people who prefer older arcs are edgy.

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I like kingdom as much as the next guy but it ain't better, not by a long shot.

Why the fuck is Isidro even around still. The little shit never does anything.


Fuck no, Kingdom has too many shoneshit moments it was GOAT up until the Coalition army arc, then it went to shit

Fuck you, I want VS to get an anime, if only to see how it would turn out. It might be decent, it might even be good, and yes, it might also be complete and utter shit. But the fact that I might never know for sure makes me sad.

its cheesecake user, dont have a stroke

Is Casca ever going to return to normal. She's been retarded for half a decade now in real life.

Obviously. There's no point in making her retarded if she won't come back, otherwise you might as well have killed her.

>half a decade
Longer than that.

>There's no point
Endless suffering?

I think the Elfheim idea was a shit move. I would have much rather seen her getting slow development and healing, but she's as retarded as back then after the eclipse. And now she'll probably even be away from Guts and friends so I fear that she'll just disappear till everything is resolved and we barely see any development with her. Not to mention that I wish she'd have seen Griffith, just to see what happens.

Because people believe Vinland is Golden Age 2.0 until the end/timeskip and actual mundane medieval shit happens

Since the Coalition Army arc (which was fucking GOAT btw) it has lost a lot of steam.

All these small arcs after it feel lackluster. I wonder when will something big happen again.

If Miura wants endless suffering all he need sto do is never update his manga again.

I like them equally. Shin Angyo Onshi was fun too. I'd add Blade of the Immortal to the list but I never did read the middle volumes. Something about Manji being imprisoned and what all.

That manga was so fucking dumb. The art is godlike but that fucking writing... That one enemy that keeps coming back was so fucking annoying.

You obviously have a case of pretty shit taste.

Are you american by chance?

They're both popular, fairly grim manga about mercenaries in the middle ages (not-middle-ages in Berserk's case) with detailed/realistic artstyles and a lot of violence. It seems kind of obvious to me.

But Guts is based off a medieval German mercenary

>Miura claims he did not know of him when creating Berserk

Does VI have a good anime?

Did Vinland Saga ever get good again? I got a decent length into the farm saga before I couldn't take any more and dropped it. Does the main character ever grow his balls back? I can't imagine a manga with such a pacifistic pussy of a MC being anything but unadulterated trash.

Current arc in kingdom is far more intresting than both Berserk and VS now.

Even if he did, are you seriously implying that the sheer volume of work that is Berserk is somehow illegitimate or plagiarized because of a seed of inspiration?

Because I can't imagine you're implying that.

He's still pacifist but will act when necessary, the latest chapter sets up what seems to be a baddas fight.

>pacifistic pussy of a MC
He seems to have gotten to a point where he's generally against fighting, but will use violence if necessary. Last chapter got me pretty hyped.

I will, the Japanese are hacks.

Because they don't rely on typical manga humor or action that can be hard to acquire a taste for, specially for westerns, they are easy to read manga with good stories and characters

How long does both VS and Berserk have to go before they end?


So what you're saying is that they're compared because the people who do the comparing have read ten manga in their lives?

>Miura will become an AI and start delivering weekly updates

Not even then.

Even in death, Askeladd continues to win.

I hope he beats them to death and not some bullshit disarming and taking their wills to fight, that would be so anti-viking I cant even bring myself to imagine such a thing to happen.
To be defeated in battle and not die, isnt that the worst thing for a viking, besides from dying to old age?

>and not some bullshit disarming and taking their wills to fight, that would be so anti-viking I cant even bring myself to imagine such a thing to happen.
>To be defeated in battle and not die, isnt that the worst thing for a viking, besides from dying to old age?
You know this sounds like exactly the thing Thorfinn would do to them. He hates the culture of violence the Danes have created.

Yeah, but the Jomsviking will never fucking fall to their knees with no will to fight which was my point. They are the best of the best, they will go down swinging their dicks around if their arms are severed, so they better not fucking fall down to the ground and shake with fear.
Thorfinn sure wants it, but the Jomsviking dont.

>He hates the culture of violence the Danes have created
Everybody else are the same. He's just a pussy that doesn't want to be a real Viking.

He's starting to look more and more like Askeladd.

I think people are failing to see the glorious bad end that's coming with this rpg party. They have a constant behelit. Casca has shown her still love for Griffith. Things may seem better and happy, but just wait. There will come a time when despair settles in and someone will do something to fuck up shit and guts will lose control of his beast and in true Byronic hero fashion will inevitably be his own source of misfortune. This will fuel the story closer and closer to the eventual confrontation with Griffith where guts fucks him to establish dominance and they ride off into sunset on a horse buttfucking casualty.

>no idea where vagabond is going
you can wikipedia mushashi and you have most major events spoiled

>Why are Berserk and Vinland Saga often compared in the West?

They are not compared often.
Few people think that they are similar or as significant as each other.

I actually like Azan. He would be a decent foil beside Guts, but Miura is totally neglecting his presence in the party.

Farnes has bee propped up to do unpredictable things on occasion,, but that doesn't translate much in her relationship to guts. It has been a very consistent at the expense of her beeing less interesting than she's made out to be.
Isidro will be interesting when he gets older. Serpicos magic has been nerfed.

I though people hating on the farm part was a meme.

>They are not compared often.
>Few people think that they are similar or as significant as each other.

They are only similar in the sense that if you buy one series online, the other series will pop up in the recommendation list. That's it.

Fucking Askeladd man.

How can one man be so based?

I even forgot Azan is still part of the party until I read the alst chapter. And I quickly forgot it later again although I really liked him.