this is the slow end of the dollar
this is the slow end of the dollar
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This is great, ZOG can crash and burn. (((Petrodollar))) will crash
With like 5 dollars i can buy a house in russia
So yea no one cares about that shithole
Digits predict when the dollar collapses and the whole western economy tanks
8 years
You're not thinking bigger picture but I wouldn't expect a R*manian to be able to do it
The dollar death has been slow from 2008, but at some point it will accelerate. US meet Venezuala
putin can suck my brown cock
the mexican peso is 3x stronger than the ruble, who gives a shit lol
It's going to go fast people. Bitcoin is the lifeboat.
>Bitcoin is the lifeboat.
buy silver
>buy silver
am I in /biz/?
What's mean this? Xeplain for me
You have no idea why the dollar is the world reserve currency.
As if any other currency will take over.
>this is the slow end of the dollar
ironically believing what zerohedge writes
>"This will be the end of the US dollar" says nervous Russian for the 8th time
Bonds. T-bonds.
Nuclear weapons backed safe haven for global money.
Because it is backed by the strongest military on the planet
What the fuck does russia even sell, stormfag?
Fuxking kill yourself, this thread is mudslime tier conspiracy. Whats russia, 30% mudshit and clumbing?
>that flag
Fuck the petrodollar
>Putin forces merchants to stop paying and accepting US dollars in Russian ports
wow its literally nothing
what this doesn't mean:
>Russia will stop trading with US or stop accepting payment from US businessex
all it means is they'll force people to convert their money to their official currency... you know like pretty much every other country does
cool man
Good, the world might finally normalize w.r.t to free and fair trade. Every country thinks about what's best for itself and its people. It's fine time we cut the political bullshit, admit to that, and focus on a fair exchange of goods at a fair price. No more bullshit forex and market manipulation. Produce shit, sell it, buy from others, and stay the fuck in your own borders.
Kek. Aftter shitcoin, /biz/ is mostly obsessed with silver.
lol nigga this is a response to the sanctions. You guys are delusional if you think he's hurting us more than we hurt him. It's just retaliation.
How many wheelbarrows of Romanian seashell money would you need to buy 5 USD though?
>buy ETH and ride cryptocronyism to the top
pls no, I just got here and got a job.
>end of the dollar
>seashell money
My fucking sides
Its for the DOck workers! You fucking kike! OP IS A FAGGET
The only thing Russia exports to the US is slavniggers
You mean these?
I'm Spanish. We've already collapsed. Fuck the west.
It'll probably be sometime in the 20s or 30s
not for long
This thankfully. Hopefully euros will form a pan euro army soon and remove all russian and american influence from the contenant.
2 years
2 weeks
we WW3 now
may you all have good fortune in the war to come!
Well I guess it's time to short Levi's and Adidas
Sanctions aren't doing shit to Russia retard. Look at Russia's financial portfolio, its in pretty good shape. The only thing hurting the Russian economy is a halving of oil prices, and even with this they're expected to go back to growth.
If the petrodollar collapses, the US's fake as fuck economy goes down the shitter.
Oh no, a country with a smaller economy than South Korea and Brazil is going to stop using the dollar. Whatever will the US do.
trump at un:
>all nations should work for their own best interests, dog bless
putin starts acting in own best interests:
>pic related
Every country in the world opposes faggots, except Europe, which should serve as an example of what not to be.
the end of the dollar began decades ago..... what are you new?
>petrodollar crashing
while i hate ZOG as much as the next schill who hides behind fake flags, the petrodollar will not crash anytime soon only because the dollar will not crash anytime soon. oil will go up when we swing into recession again
>The leaf is right.
It's fearsome that fellow Americans are forgetting similar situations in history.
>Britain thinks the colonies can't survive on their own
>Tries to tax and sanction them
>Colonials are self-sufficient and start creating their own currency
>British think because they are the current super power they will come out on top
>Colonials boycott British products, hurt Britain even more.
>In a panic Britain goes to war with the colonies
Swap out Britain for American and Colonials for Russians and we are about to witness a repeat in history.
33 years
Hurr except the difference is that Congress passes laws and the GOP relies on pro trade groups like the Chamber of Commerce, Club for Growth, Heritage Foundation et al for fundraising and there's no way they'll bite that hand. Meanwhile the Duma will do whatever Putin says.
Look at the dollar dumbass, there is a genuine fear our economy is going to tank if the yuan becomes the standard currency.
lol people actually believe this
trying to pit the rooble vs the dollar, whose economy is he gonna fuck over, his or ours?
>western economy tanks 8 years
your whole continent is going to be ruined by 2020 because it will be mostly Africans and Tusken Raiders
Why were they ever accepting USD as payment in Russia anyway? Money changer fees are high. Unless you want to spend the USD directly on the black market, but a man only needs so many suitcase nukes, nawmsayin?
WW3 boys, WW3...