Why does every culture have an adoration for the Aryan phenotype in their cultures and mythologies? I believe the the Aryans are the descendants of a failed colonization attempt by an alien race of human beings that lost their technology and reverted to hunting and gathering. This is why their appearance is unique and they have an innate desire to conquer and subjugate other races. This would also imply that humanity did not arise on earth. Thoughts?
Theory: Aryans are not of this world
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idk what you're talking about why don't you try posting a pic of some good looking aryans if you want to make sense because those are some of the two most annoying faces in the world
Yeah makes sense.
whites come from ouranos niggers and sub races from saturn
RH negative blood = Aryan blood.
Rh positive blood = human monkey evolution.
who do you think the 200 angels who 'fell' to earth are?
Aryans are for autists.
Go to sleep Miguel.
0- Blood here incase of an apocalypse i will lock myself away because Vampires are coming for my blood
So, Aryans are Ariens?
Indians and iranians are only two groups of aryans, whites are just snow niggers who were nothing before the industrial revolution
Oh momma
We wuz aliens n shiet
>d-do you want to breed with me user
>I only have subhuman brown hair and brown eyes though
Precious blood.
What if Aryans were the real Jews?
There is actually a massive amount of reports by people who have seen and been visited by what they have described as Nordic looking aliens. In the alien community they are considered to be a distinct group of aliens, just like the grey men and lizard men that is also commonly reported.
>In UFOlogy, Nordic aliens are humanoid extraterrestrials purported to come from the Pleiades who resemble Nordic-Scandinavians.[1] Professed contactees describe them as typically male, six to seven feet tall (about two meters) with long blonde hair, blue eyes,[2] and skin tones ranging from fair to tanned.[3][2][4] UFOlogist George Adamski is credited with being among the first to claim contact with Nordic aliens in the mid 1950s, and scholars note the mythology of extraterrestrial visitation from beings with features described as Aryan often include claims of telepathy, benevolence, and physical beauty.
Stay away
Of course. Build Israel.
>tfw Miguel Serrano is dead
I am Aryan myself.
God chooses Aryans but then Jews rewrite history to make Jews out to be Aryans so god punishes the Jews.
Tell me about
*chimps out*
This is the de facto Aryan Nation on Earth.
The northern areas, there are warm fjords.
Tell me about the Aryan Elves.
Damon is the clear answer
consider this...
humans as a species did not originate on earth. this is a slave planet and at some point our lost relatives spread some of their genes to help the whole of mankind and break free from being slave planet.
since we as humans here had our dna fucked with... hence the slaves that only need to be intelligent enough to do their work.
>brown eyes
disgusting, degenerate, ugly, foul, colour of literal shit
Two women have said Damon. !
The only two I asked.
STEFAN!!!! She loves Stefan.
i knew it. we're saiyans. it's in the name.
so aryans are closer related to monkeys than black people?
>aryan means nordic
kys you larping burger faggot
How do you "people" even wipe your own arses without help?
>closer related
*more closely related
and no
She's supposed to be a blue eyed blonde in the book.
t. teen girl
What makes RH negative Aryan?
Oh, interesting. Nina is cute though, no complaints.
You already know.
The RH positive blood protein is found in monkeys, but RH negative blood lacks this blood protein completely.
RH negative blood can't be found in any animal , hinting at extra terrestrial origins of the blood type.
Humans are made from monkeys, Aryans are not.
Pretty sure Pewds isn't a negative blood type.
He has Aryan features though but not fully.
He's Jewish. Ashkenazi Jews are the most white out of all humans.
>seductive mysterious brown eyes vs soulless cat eyes
Aryans, like other humans, have been migrating around throughout history.
Greeks were Aryans, most moved out before Persians came and what's left are rape babies. Ancient Egyptians were aryans, as we're the Mediterranean people and ancient Romans.
Aryans are probably the descendants of the fallen angels who procreated with Earth women. Either that or they are the remnants of the real Jewish tribe bloodlines that spread out across the Earth, not to be confused with the Ashkenazi false chosen one converts.
There's no doubt, slavs truly are meant to reign over us. Slava!
It's a fact. Not a theory
My thoughts a are that you are a retard. Aryans have done nothing, in terms of conquest, that hasn't been done by almost literally every other race on Earth. Also humans share so much genetic similarity with other Earth lifeforms that the idea of humans being aliens is outrageous. Please an hero yourself.
>aryans are space aliens
>aryans are angels and jews