Why are the Navy/World Government considered evil?
Why are the Navy/World Government considered evil?
because the pirates are the good guys
it's the "topple the organization in control of the world" trope that makes for a decent story
They do things like annihilating islands to cover up inconvenient facts. They protect Celestial Dragons who rape, kill, enslave and torture whoever they want.
Why do they defend and protect celestial dragons to the point where even hitting one is worthy of sending away the best of the best that they have to deal with it?
I mean it has to be more than simple blood ties to the ones who created the current system. It just doesn't seem to benefit anyone aside from the celestial dragons themselves.
Even in the real world many people will bend the knee to those with authority
The alternative is a military coup and that is usually quite disastrous
Still it would make more sense to protect then if they had some hand in running things, but apparently that's left for the world government guys, who are above the navy, while the dragons get to enjoy a cozy lifestyle, doing nothing but pleasing themselves.
It's not like they're strong either, there is literally 0 benefit in keeping then alive from the looks of it.
Because they have a super weapon in Marie Jois.
>Justice and Peace by any means necessary
Ohara for example.
The Government nuked it cause they could read some ancient slabs. Granted it may have posed a potential threat, but goddamn.
>One Piece "ends"
>Editor wants to milk the cow even more
>New One Piece spin-off about Luffys son in the marine
>there is literally 0 benefit in keeping then alive from the looks of it.