we refer to everyone who doesn't know about this place as a normie like it's derogatory. I've never considered myself normal but I'm starting to think this abnormality isn't healthy. No sane person would spend as much time here as we do. But we keep coming back. Sometimes we kid ourselves into thinking we're done with this place but after a few days we're back exactly where we started. I find it extremely difficult to reconcile anything that's espoused here with a normal, healthy social life. Isolation presupposes allowing you to think "Hitler did nothing wrong" and whatever other contrarian mantras you get from this place. I like to think that maybe someday I'll be well adjusted and just start forgetting about everything I learned here. But that probably isn't going to happen. I don't understand why anyone would want to "redpill their normie friends." Why would want to bring them down with us? This place is nothing but mental torture
We refer to everyone who doesn't know about this place as a normie like it's derogatory...
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t. faggot
you're just going to pretend that you're happy, right leaf? That you haven't been mentally scarred by this place?
Leave while you still can
T. 2007fag
I've tried. More than once too
I am happy you autist. I visit pol for discussion, good times and news. Entirely seperate from my actual life. I have by inner beliefs, which I keep private, and that's ok.
I am not so mentally weak that what I know is enough to make me antisocial or want to live in isolation. If you're to weak for a redpill get the fuck out
>pol is what separates normies from non-normies
Shutup you fucking normie.
>we refer to everyone who doesn't know about this place as a normie like it's derogatory
The term came from literal retards who wanted to have something to call non retards. To no ones surprise it took hold at /r9k/ and here subsequently with the MGTOW retards that are obvious cross traffic.
then what does?
It's derogatory because we're jealous.
Being able to completely ignore what's really going on in the world while being happy is an amazing fuck thing. We're the ones that learn the miserable truth about things and we hate ourselves for it. The "normies", are those who can live peacefully without knowing or caring that their children are being turned into pedophiles at school. In a way, we all wish we didn't know, and our suffering was over.
Welcome to Sup Forums you're here forever.
>Welcome to Sup Forums you're here forever.
I've been here long enough to know that
You're a bunch of overdramatic faggots. I've been in Sup Forums since 05 and I'm still a liberal. I'm just here to troll and I've never been happier in my life. Go fuck yourselves.
then you should probably know why we want more people here
misery loves comany
Even when you leave you dont really leave, you see things with a different eye. And the things you see makes you come back.
At least this has been true in my case.
"You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography."
Global rule number 3 new faggot
mods plz ban
Speak for yourself, kid.
Normies aren't happy. They live in a perpetual emotional, financial and mental crisis. What separates them from us is we know the cause and they dont.
You think too small user. The reason we want more people here is so that we can become the normies and gas the kikes and burn the talmuds with 100% public approval
Get a job nigger.
Sup Forums is a great place for keeping track of international news.
Plus Sup Forums is way ahead of any newspapers when it comes to happenings.
>said him while posting literal mental pussy of a character
so what should I do Sup Forums? Abandon this shithole and pretend everything's okay or dig deeper?
this is indeed true. Sup Forums caught wind of the Brussels bombing hours before MSM did
>a fucking cheese slice
How about you start by actualy asking what is it that you are even doing?
I am newfag to pol (well here for about year now but i guess that is newfagotry by Sup Forumss standards).
Sup Forums did not redpill me, i did it to me self 10 years ago, when i was 17. I came here to laugh. But you are all newfags to me in terms of philosophy of life.
We all here are playing a role in the ecosystem of our wider society. We are the explorers, we stick our heads where others find it inconvenient to do so. We are (in Jordan Peterson's words) heroes that are killing the dragon. We venture outside of normative, and battle what is poisoning it.
That is not good life in the eyes of your normalfag that thinks that good life is being hidden, comfortable, bland person that no one judges.
But Sup Forums is and will be the one dictating what is cutting edge and how far can we see and push it all. Mark me words you plebs.
You HAVE to go back, you don't belong on 4chin.
>newfag hasn't gotten past the depression stage
>I don't like the fact that I'm no longer blind to the fire that will burn the world down.
You're a weakminded fool
Torture is good for you. Get some taste you pleb.
this is a favorite new shill tactic
they pretend to be oldfags and say "Im a liberal though I just come here to laugh at retards!"
its basically copypasta at this point
>Sup Forums did not redpill me, i did it to me self 10 years ago, when i was 17. I came here to laugh. But you are all newfags to me in terms of philosophy of life.
pretentious Ottoman rape babies are not redpilled, you're probably still a muslim.
yea, i might be projecting but Bitch Please
hes paid to pretend , i feel you op
Also, do i really need to hear from you bout being Muslim? Give it some 10 years. You will be yelling at me;
>what an absolute haram, why arent you Muslim?
And i would rather be Muslims, which im not. Than american
I was already the way I am now when I discovered Sup Forums, specifically Sup Forums. Havent changed since then. If you change and bend so easily, you are a normalfag yourself.
That flag aint welcome around here. The punishment is impalement. You get to stick around for 5 days before you die.
Don't be a pussy. You can only better yourself through suffering. Sup Forums is the hurt box. You should know this.
No one leaves Sup Forums because they know at the ens of the day. This is the truth.
what part of it? this is clusterfuck, but i must give it to ya. truth does peek its face in sometimes.
The 2 A.M. slaughter house conversations are not to be stomached by 9 A.M. church goers on Sunday morning. Never the less, the work must be done.
Consider if you will, Sup Forums as a dingy bar where lunatics sing, but their songs are bitter with truth.
Jesus Christ you're a fucking whiny little cunt.
its anonymous and i can say nigger without dealing with accounts and retarded shit.
where else is there another place like that?