What's the answer to the Fur Question?
Zoophilia Degeneracy
Kill the banks, and the communists.
society will heal itself in time once you remove the poison I.V. from its veins
If you workout, it virtually cures you of degeneracy. If a beta male leftist works on self-improvement he by default adopts our mentality and soon he starts viewing the lazy niggers begging for welfare as exactly that. Lazy niggers. He stops whining for fairness and starts promoting trial and struggle and responsibility. Then he develops contempt for the weaklings who refuse to do that and want free shit, like he used to do.
Lifting weights and physical training literally cleanses your mindset. And they would stop pissing in fur suits.
I believe the answer is 'yes please'
>What's the answer to the Fur Question?
Are we still pretending that we hate furries or is the meme dead?
Man, thanks for posting this HUNK, I'm totally reading your post now because I'm a faggot
There has always only been one answer:
Kill them
It's really simple just kill them
Libertarian here,
Do what you want. Fur faggotry is still degenerate desu
>furries are are all liberal snowflakes
You're new to this Internet thing, aren't you?
>cosplaying as hitler makes you hitler
Youre new to this logic thing arent you?
Draw your knife
Open its belly
Empty it, guts are unclean
Enpale it on a long stick
Roast to the desired degree of cooking.
Create real life shit and people won't be fucking in suits anymore.
Furries, to the oven, their rightful place.
Do not burn them for too long, meat is better with blood
The truth is, the people above are right and most furfags ARE degenerate
The current year has made you into a cannibal serial killer pierre! You used to wave white flags and eat baguettes.... What indeed has happened?
>Liberal snowflakes would draw and wank to lewd nazis
You got me there man
That's a somalian 'refugee' clearly
god i wish that were me
anthro+hybrid human canines when? what could literally go wrong?
Is the Furia Francese coming back?
Appreciate it as the patrician fetish that it is.
Tfw i hate furfags but this fox is too cute
The only correct answer.