>when an american unironically says ''volk''
When an american unironically says ''volk''
when a german does tho
>when a german does tho
>when a Canadian says woof
germans are the best they can do whatever the fuck they want as long as they make more beer
You do know 30% of us are German? Or do you believe in magic dirt like a cuck or lib?
>when an American has to spell multisyllabic words
>when a non American expresses an opinion that is illegal to have in their country
>implying people in Germany even express illegal opinions
we just don't
>when a Canadian realizes they're America's little bitch
Dude, no.
You are American, your forefathers have specifically chosen to distance themselves from us Europeans.
Don't appopriate our culture, you have your own identity your ancestors died for.
> 30% of us are German
You are either born in Germany and have a citizenship or you are not german
>But muh ancestral routes
That would mean I'm also british because my greatgreatgreatgreatgrandmother was british.
>Don't appropriate our culture
he says as he uses our technology, listens to our music, dresses in our clothes, speaks our language
>being born in germany and having a plastic id card is what defines germans, not blood or dna.
So.... Pajeet is as german as you then? This is why i feel no sympathy for the absolute state of germanistan.
er ist wieder da!
ITT Starts n' Jews shitposting.
nothing new under the sun
Is this what appropriating culture is to Americans?
Consuming international products and speaking foreign languages??
what the fuck
An American descended directly from a German/Austrian family line is less German than Aboudi Mahmoudi from Somalia.
>our clothes
>our language
jesus Americans are fucking delusional
Having German heritage and being German are two entirely different things
Does your local religious leader know you guys are using the internet?
Dosent sharia law prevent that?
Germans invented computers and mp3, "our clothes" (wtf really), english is heavily influenced by germanic languages
Neither are German
Then I suppose you'd agree with pic related?
America is a disgusting mutt country that has no identity but geographical location
isn't it the same as saying folk
Quoting the wrong guy?
lol faggot. that your facts together. most inventions were made by europeans. today the most wanted ppl of sciences are from europe / japan / china. ...u only import the best ppl to murica. ...but u didn't do shit faggot.
If he integrates, speaks german, follows the law, drinks beer and watches football: Yes
If he doesn't, fuck him. Deport him.
i want brittanys cummies
I for one wouldn't agree with those weird hanja, what is that? The one on the top is 庭 but wtf are the ones under it
What and you guys aren't?
Stay Voke
why are all intelligent minds fleeing to america?
serious question tho.
Shoo leaf
so much misinformation. do you spread this propaganda in your own country?
>u only import the best ppl to murica
Yes, all your best people want to live here instead of Eurabia. what does that tell you?
No such thing.
Do they?
We invented pretty much everything so yeah.
Question: is it you speaking english or is it me speaking german?
Goodbye germany. Brown race of mudrats.
Burgers take a good look.
This is what you have done to Germany
except the top is true nowadays KEK
kek nice bait, you got 5 (you)'s
I really hope this is a joke.
I bet you say you speak American.
Because America has no intelligent minds anymore and those people can get high payed jobs easily
>In German, the word Volk may mean folk (simple people), people in the ethnic sense, and nation.
so turks and arabs are now considered the volk of Germany
> When anyone who is not German says "volk"
Does a mouse that lives in a stable become a horse?
>When an American ask me what they call a "airplane jet turbine engine auxiliary mechanic non-commissioned officer student" in Finnish.
flag checks out
stupid fucking post
You probably call it Fake News too
he was good boy he dindu nuffin
>t. 1 point higher IQ than America
No. Lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas.
>when countries without a uni in the top 20 want to discuss intelligence
Say USgov, and USgov governed, all I have in common with someone around me is that we are govetned by same gocernment, the name of government matters little.
the only thing you invented was the art of jew removal and literally left no evidence.
how did you do it hans, i am bamboozled?
Germany was in the stone age up til the late 1700s. Germans ruined rome. Stupid brainlet savages living in mud huts make me sick.
This. He learned English on account of Canada
Look here
No, the quote was correct.
If we are "Americans" because our parents chose to come to the USA, are the offspring of your nigger immigrants "Germans"?
vocaroo pls
This has been debunked to hell. Even if you're of completely german ancestry, you aren't a German
>Germany was in the stone age up til the late 1700s
You know nothing about European history, do you?
no, the fact that the top songs in your country are ALWAYS from America.
If you are racially European then you are European that originates from Europe, your land if owned by you whichbit is not could be called Europe.
your countries freshest meme and mascot isn't even a white man you are literally nigger tier
You're a fucking retard. Germans were among the earliest Europeans to build cities and forge with iron. Germanics and celts had more steel longswords than the Romans did and the first German city, Trier, is older than Rome. Later on the Nords were the first Europeans to sail across the Atlantic. How can you be this uneducated?
>Be called Muller
>Be only 12.5% German
>be 50% mexican
>You are now a "German" American
You're not German. Stop it.
why is it so bad being an American?
Fuck you bruh for real the Fuhrer belongs to all whites not just Germans fag
I have in common with strangers here same as Africans under british empire, governed by a government, different nation.
I know that england is responsible for dividing europe and creating the slave trade in america, cromwell collaborating with jews to influx thousands of niggers. I also know that the infamous architectural german mud-hut made from sticks and pig shit was used commonly no less than 200 years ago among german savages.
I am also aware that the highest rate of inbreeding ocurred in england throughout history and even today.
>be bong
>be low-stock celtic mongoloid
>cann yourself "eng"lish
>m-m-muh heritage
Every time
>24 million niggers
>some guys with a tan isn't white
America everyone
White nation needs independence from the USA.
>le 56% face meme
Thats still 119,000,000 million whites. How many you got?
do americans read their shit before they write it and post it off on the internet?
am i supposed to do them their research because they constantly get everything wrong or avoid any arguments i bring up?
Guess what when the record is finally set straight and a monument is erected tot he fuhrer it won't be by cucked Germans fag, we are the future of the Reich
USA has 40 million niggers
I wonder why aussies never mention their ancestors lol
Probably because it's harder to trace illegitimate births lol
>Be American
>be uneducated and rely on tabloid memes
How does it feel to know i am more "German" than you will ever be? :^)
You could start by just learning English
>You do know 30% of us are German?
no you're not, you're mutts of mixed heritage and you just have to deal with that shit instead of clinging to your "we wuz yuropeen n shiat" you fucking burgerfart... it's cringe.
you're not taking the computer hans
the brits did it first
Oh fuck, sorry Hans, I'm so sorry for destroying your country. Us and the Yanks turned Germany into a proposition nation, an economic zone. I don't know what's going to happen, Europe can't exist without a strong Germany, and it's fucked.
i dated a girl who had a legit german migrant dad. her mom was Guatemalan though.
>speaks our language
oh no, you didn't....
all muh kækz
>germans and celts had more steel longswords than the celts did
[Citation needed]
I thought they used iron not steel kek? Oh well youre the expert!
>trier (collection of mudhuts) is older than rome
>nords sailed the atlantic
Germans are nords now? Oh wow what an achievement. You know who got there first? Brown asiatics from the steppes kek...
>am i supposed to do them their research because they constantly get everything wrong or avoid any arguments i bring up?
says the guy has never done any original research to bring here talking to a published author on this subject that exposes it all and has been dropping the red pills here for the last 2 years so fags like him could stop looking at the ground in shame and hold his head high as a proud Aryan man again.
Sure enlighten us Hanz
Portugal started the African slave trade first, we just further expanded upon it, I know about Cromwell and I hate him.
Could you please cite a source where you got the 2nd to last and last points from?
What I do know however is that the USA is a subservient bitch to Israel with a culture peaking at McDonalds and pornography and one of the lowest white populations in a """white""" country there is.
I don't understand why the first thing you did in retaliation to my point was to insult my nation, was it because you knew I was right? I'd much prefer you to argue back constructively rather than resorting to an insult fight like a 12 year old.
I don't know what Germans mind about German-Americans so much. Personally I like that people there celebrate their heritage, it's not like the "American" part doesn't also get plenty of mention here and people from a given bloodline can actually live the respective culture away from home easily. So what exactly gives?
>our language
:^) not bad. almost had me until you said that