USA Today makes a mock website to see if you'd been drafted for Vietnam

You just input your month and day. Based on real draft numbers.

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like i don't want to fight them anyways

I wonder what the results would be if they included the option of being a male who puts dick in ass

Welp, I am off to shoot some gooks.

>just input your month and day

If I had been born 1 day earlier I'd be shooting my comrades


I'm a lucky mother fucker

>1 day off from not getting pulled




how many fucking numbers did they call in 1970?


I can still remember when I was five years old in 1968 we had the lottery for the draft on television I sat watching that and when my birthday was called I went out into the kitchen and told my mother I had to go to war .

She assured me they did not take little boys but I was ready to go and completely persuaded that I was expected

So kiss me goodbye and write me while I'm gone...

Goodbye my sweetheart, hello Vietnam...

I wonder, did any niggers defect to the VC during the war?


Here's one:
Out of the flying pan and into the file. Poor guy.

Blacks were performing so bad they had to implement minimum IQ requirements. They couldn't function well enough to make it worth it for the military to draft them. Never underestimate the stupidity of niggers.

>muffled 'it ain't me' in the distance

How do we know this isn't a sign up for the incoming draft incognito?

Damn that's something man

Let's be honest, as soon as the Jews make the "send white males to die so niggers can breed with white females," all the Left will suddenly be in favor of the draft.

Similar to how they were pro Russia until Trump started being nice to them. (When is the last time, pre Trump, that you heard a Lefty criticize Russia?)

For that matter, when is the last time a mainstream media outlet said anything positive about white people who like living in white communities? Never. They must push Globalism and Race Mixing in all media, education and entertainment, at all times. Their CHEAP LABOR scheme depends on white self hatred.

Wow it really makes me think, considering that our number one liberal propagandist network put out a hot piece of shit recently concerning vietnam.

A day earlier and I'd be heading to 'nam.

>Enter Sex
>Select Female
"Congratulations, You would not have been selected for the draft!"

>muh equality

>Called in 1970
At least the war was winding down at that point.

Who else draft No. 7 here?

>got drafted
fug :-DD



Fuck me how many drafts were called in 1970?

Don't matter cause I would'a joined up.
I love killing some slopeheads....and pussy.

If your birthday was just 1 day earlier, your draft number would have been called.

made it by 1 day bros

A guy I know got drafted and got out of it by saying he supported the other side and was looking forward to shooting an officer.

Off to see the world boys....number called!

penalty for draft dodgers? No way in hell I'd give my life to fight some kike fueled war.

does it ask if you're a faggot?

I'm the only one in my sibship who would have been called.

this shit keeps refreshing on me

>keeps refreshing
>keeps saying invalid day
I wish whoever made this website would be drafted for an expedition into ISIS territory

My father would have been called if he was an American citizen.
My date wasn't drafted, lucky as usual.

The guy I know got out of it with no penalty by handing out VC propaganda on the draft bus to the base and telling the drill sergeant he supported the VC and was looking forward to shooting some US officers

Hmm it said I burnt my draft card but I would go on to spit on a returning GI in the San Francisco airport

I'm off to kill some gooks; according to this draft number.

Sheet Negro

Good thing I'm a stronk independent womyn so I can avoid any responsibilities to my country while simultaneously complaining about how those that do have the gall to expect a warm meal and a family in return for their sacrifices.

>if born in 1950
>be 19 in 1969
>draft number called in 1970
>Go to war at 20yrs/old

Born in 1983
Enlisted at 18
Shipped to Iraq at 20

I was meant to go to war


>Didn't make the draft
I wanted to shoot gooks and enjoy the smell of napalm in the morning ;_;

Haha, get rekt


June 14, 356 wasnt called

Get fucked people who say TRUMP IS A DRAFT DOGER

Off by one day
I guess Im not a good enough goy to fight for Israel

try putting Trumps' birthday into it


>thread theme

A majority of draftees were not frontline soldiers.

Shit, I'd get a deferment though. Anyone got lower?

I just did 3 dates including my own. None were called

Enjoy being killed by gooks

66 was mine, i would have fought in Nam... well i would have said fuck you i ain't dieing for some chink

id go anyway

True, guess there are a lot of ways to get out of it. Just tell them you suck cock at the time.

I cant actually find anything talking about how the numbers were used
Everyone got a place order, 1-366
Then what? How often were they called? Hoe many were called?

Heres Trumps

Time to bring back the napalm
Burnt post toasty to the bitter yah dig?

I also put in Bernie Sanders

I'm medically exempt

>USA Today makes a mock website to datamine

protip: everyone who enters their info will be auto-drafted

Reminder, this is JUST the 1969 draft
Not subsequent years

I would have been called in 1970. Which means I would have had a better chance of seeing the end of the Vietnam war in Germany or El savador

yeah nah. i would have volunteered, faggot


> heart condition
> asthma
> scoliosis
> 35 years old
Yeah, no

you fucking idiots just giving your info to (((USATODAY)))

cmon fuck...are the jews right? are you guys this dumb...fuck

Look at this faggot

In 1970 I'd have been drafted if I was born 2 days earlier.

In other words, I'd be forced to become a fucking Leaf because no Gook ever called me a goy.

>gramps got out of WW2 because of flat feet
>dad got out of 'nam because of having braces

Guess I gotta turn transexual to keep my family's meme alive.


T. Neckband going to 'nam boys


Same. Pulled in 1970.

I'd still go just to shoot gooks.

only son. im a free man . you niggers better start picking cotton for uncle sam

Fuck. I missed by 4 days.
Luckily they were still taking volunteers.

Safe by two days lol


You know you could always have volunteered right?

is this a joke? you can just type in any month and day. its useless information

Im going to gookland

3/11 faggot.

good. the draft needs to get you lazy video game anime watching faggots into shape. fucking liberals will actually become men. women will stay home and learn how to be a housewife and not some night club whore.

>it ain't me starts playin

go be a useful commie idiot somewhere else, hippy cunt
>doing drugs like a good boy hippy
>wonder why autism is so rampant today

yeah but you're opening a connection with the website so your IP is in the packet data you fuckin idiot

What is with them trying to acclimate us to war