Wow, so this is the power of paganism

Wow, so this is the power of paganism.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's always fatties...


Fatties are only ones who don't stand to lose anything by publishing their shitty ideologies. There are normies who participitate these kinds of events, but they keep their involment secret from the public, since it could affect their life negatively.

Better than worshiping a dead kike on a stick.

stfu christkike this is still 100x beter then your shitty sand nigger temples

Aaaah the power of mother earth.

Wow, so this is the power of divide and conquer.

It's a fun little stepping stone to get out of the usual religious slave mentality, but if you keep with it too long you just end up looking dumb.


Jew here,

I don't have big eyes, a large nose, big lips, extra fat, or small ears. You should probably update your stormfront shitposts. Or... am I mutt Jew!?!?

Wow, so this is the power of Xianity.

why should we trust you?

>a gaggle of fat retards and their pet nigger
>implying odin wouldn't be disgusted by these "people"

So far the only Asatru/Odinist group I've ever come across that wasn't maximum cringe has been the Wolves of Vinland. They're literally the only group with physical fitness requirements.

Still better than you Magian faggots.

Why would I lie about something so trivial in a thread that likely is gonna 404 sooner than later? If you're gonna hate me, at least put some decent stuff. Make fun of how we get CF and Tay-sachs or some shit, not facial features that don't apply to 50% of us. It's boring.

>tries to acttack Christianity
>posts the pope


Heimdallr: "The whitest of all the gods"
Seriously that's how he is described.

Never said I hated you. Unlike scumbag skinheads who hate EVERY Jew who resides on the face of earth, I actually respect a small handful. I believe you, just going along with the Mr. Noseberg stereotype

>it's not real christianity ;_;

remind you of someone starting also with the letter c

BASED black man

>the christians were stronger than you

Yes, Christians converted Europe by the sword. Now the Muslims will convert Europe by the sword once again.

At least when the Christians used violence to forcibly convert Europe, it was largely their European brothers who perpetrated the violence. Now, the Europeans have invited the invaders in, and the invaders will subjugate Europeans as they apologize for their "intolerance." Top kek.


lmao your gods are all trademarked by jews


The difference is that all your silly pics of Pagans show people being retarded DESPITE of the teaching of Paganism.

Meanwhile Christcucks like these are doing what they're doing BECAUSE of Christianity.

This is a huge difference.

People who worship Jesus the wrong way aren't REAL christians.