I think we could seize Sydney within the first 20 minutes of invading.
We should invade Australia like how Russia invaded Crimea
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Trying to take sydney would be like trying to take Beijing. So go right ahead.
careful of the Aborigines. They have rocks
Come on...dont kid yourself. Boomerangs can't help you in real life, convict.
How am i kidding? Sydney is a Chinese colony now.
Invade why?
Completely under the grips of Jews, freemasons/occultists and blackmailed pedophiles (
c'mon cunt. we're ready.
Can't think of a worse place to invade. Not because of its lack of value. Just the people are the most annoying cunts in the entire hemisphere.
Agree. They're second hand Americans.
Go for it. We're basically US State as it is anyway.
>Agree. They're second hand Americans.
and you're third rate Welsh sheep rapists without none of the charm.
That may be so, but you are second hand Americans and annoying cunts.
Crimea *rejoined* Russia after a Parliamentary and then popular vote, you fucking twat.
Australias Jews are as Jewy there as anywhere.
>without none of the charm
t. faggots and traitors.
Australia is what happens when the white man has to play on on nightmare mode and wins. and we keep winning.
a sensitive australian. that's a first. you must be a half breed YERRUU PUSSEEE spawn.
Shut your whore mouth
>implying we haven't been sold out to the faceless globalist behemoth
We haven't won since the 90s.
Like you guys wouldn't rather be under the U.S constitution than your own. You can't even own fun guns
desu I want America to annex us and turn us into the new sunshine state.
Wait, can you guys even own any gun? Or is it just rifles and semis that are banned?
we're already partnered with rooland
it's America with a funny accent and the most dangerous animals
>We haven't won since the 90s.
a traitor AND a defeatist? what's Melbourne like? how is your HIV status? when you vote Yes, will your husband let you move in with him?
when the Queen dies, you're dead to us.
Long may she reign.
Sup Forums should immigrate to Kangaroo Island and then petition to become our own state within AUS.
Its not the faggots you'd have to fight. Its the Tazmanian Rattle Death Beetle Wombattakangawallabeasts
Can you give me a 10minute head start? I want to beat the traffic to my rural plot of land with infinite kangaroo meat, wood and water.
Pic related
Prove me wrong. Australia has been shit since the 90s, and it's only getting worse. Howard was a hack who only achieved a surplus through the mining boom (which he royally fucked up) and privatisation and selling off essential services. Rudd/Gillard/Rudd, Abbott, and Turncoat are no better. But at least you've got faster Internet, right?
There's nothing you can do about it except LARP about and feign pride for a country that no longer exists. There is nothing you can do to fix this country. Have fun wearing a cape-flag in January. It doesn't mean anything any more.
I have un-ironically wanted american invasion my entire life. We are your colony hurry up and gib american freedom and guns. We're on track to having as many chinese people as england has quintessentially british arabs.
he wont answer. He's running on the fumes of gallipoli glory, a beach he never landed at and a story he thinks spells out victory, there is no saving australians from their own inability to face some kind of depression, depression is a way of life for aussie's.
This is true. Our political sphere has damaged us as a nation beyond repair. We've sold off sub-stations and shit. Pretty rookie move.
>your colony
you think england gives a shit about us? like seriously do you actually think england would save australia from china?
The Chinese will come to solidify their investment and get some free labor.
The Americans will come to keep their military infrastructure such as Pine Gap out of the hands of chinks who are very aware of its existence.
We might finally get some free speech and gun rights
why did they take the goon?
"They work for the glass man"
Australia is like America but with less freedoms
And naggers
Do the British give a shit what you do, no. But if China attacked you would Britain fight for Australia, yes. Win or not, if you don't understand that you can never understand the British.
Semis and pump action shotguns.
Try it faggot.
not the australians you need to worry about its the emus fearless fighter
now if you excuse me im gonna go buy a box of codys with my dole money from last night and buy a collapsible shovel to get ready to bury my weed saplings up behind the grave yard
Good, I ll be the cunt with a bucket on my head using muzzies and poos as subhuman shields.
why? The aussies aren't being cucked by migrants and mind their own business. Then again if (((kushner))) told Donald Cuck he'd do it like a good goy
Awww thanks cunt :)
Yeah, enjoy the honeymoon before the mighty NZ Army comes to liberate its arrogant but loveable cooler brother.