>tfw voting against your economic interests because your insecure about your manhood
Tfw voting against your economic interests because your insecure about your manhood
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I dont know.
What I do know is that the only people destroying our country are liberals in the coastal cities who voted for Hillary. Everyone else voted for Trump.
I think its more because they didn't want to vote a racist like Hillary Clinton
Universal healthcare will never be affordable for a country as huge, diverse and unhealthy as ours. Stop asking for it.
This is retarded, how is it against their interests? Tax cuts are across the board. Kill Youreslf
Nothing more racist than a white city liberal.
>I'm an edgy college student, so I know what your economic interests are
>Why don't you want FREE* things?????
explain black communities. they keep voting for democrats and their situation gets worse.
Racism. Despite there being less racism than any other time in history.
>call your policy that forces all citizens to be injected with HIV "the good stuff act"
>wtf rural and suburban blumpftards hate good stuff
These suburban and rural retards must be stopped from voting. Only undocumented immigrants should vote. If diversity is our strength, than the most diverse should have the final say in our government.
Commies still can't meme after all this time?
It goes agianst the interests of the liberal college debt slaves and niggers who don't have to pay taxes.
goes agianst the interests of the liberal college debt slaves and niggers who don't have to pay taxes
I agree.
>liberals call for increases in taxes and a broken system
>big corporations just continue tax evasion schemes and pay none of it while the middle class suffers the blunt of the taxes
really gets the noodle cooking
>tfw you need a complete restructuring of the health care system because you're too fat to drink water
>voting to be replaced with a million shitskins
>in your economic interest
what the fuck is wrong with shitlibs
>being too lazy to create a new pic
definitely a beaner
it's outdated rhetoric they haven't updated.
why do people purposely misrepresent the other side? nobody wants healthcare to be unfordable and you know it. each side has it's own opinions on the best ways of achieving the goal though. this is one of the reasons there is such a great divide between left and right these days.
Tax cuts for billionaires>illegals everywhere
Such a hard choice.
Haha yes, the white working class should definitely be taxed to hell and back to pay for nigger welfare, that's definitely in their self-interest, right?
>insecure about manhood
Right, we should be like big-city liberals and just give up on manhood entirely, that's so progressive.
>my economic interests are increased taxes, open borders and unlimited gibs
Hmmm, after brief consideration no.
What simplistic moron made this thread.
>tfw too pathetic to care for yourself so you need to steal from others like a bitch made coward.