Your country has to take in
>5 000 000 muslims
or B.
>5 000 000 black africans
or C.
>5 000 000 pajeets
Which one do you choose and why?
Your country has to take in
>5 000 000 muslims
or B.
>5 000 000 black africans
or C.
>5 000 000 pajeets
Which one do you choose and why?
I choose 1 nuke
10 000 000 million Muslims
Niggers suck and Pajeets are some of the most annoying and rudest people you'd ever meet
There's always an option to kill yourself...
Pajeets by a mile.
>6,000,000 chosen
pajeets for sure.
and i would choose the light skin high caste ones.
I wanna do stuff with her feet
Yeh pajeets just smell and have no manners, they dont kill as much as mudslimes
God damn that would mean that more than half the population are pajeets. I'd rather kill myself
Pajeets any day of the week! Pajeets are mostly doctors and computer programmers. cant go wrong with that, especially in comparison to niggers and shitskins
I guess Pajeets since I live in America.
I can understand why all the indians in UK are shit cause they are poor and stupid but the ones rich enough to fly to America are generally okay tier
Muslims believe they're at war with the west. Niggers believe they're at war with whites. Pajeets poo in the street.
I reluctantly choose the pajeets.
Pajeets, I would rather have shitty streets than niggers and kebab.
Easily Pajeets. Muslims will blow you up, and niggers are gonna nig. Pajeets are smelly but docile. They aren't anywhere near as bad as the other two options.
This makes me a minority in my own country
Pajeets will integrate and take all the high paying tech jobs. Africans will ooga booga and rape all the women. Muslims will cause enough social unrest to create fascist USA and put them in camps.
I choose death
Pajeets. Theyre dorky and weak, they smell bad and their food sucks, but at least theyre not rapey violent nigger animals.
That's tough.. I was gonna say Muslims because at least they're conservative, but fuck getting blown up. I guess I'd have to go with pajeets. Nobody wants more niggers.
Pajeets, easiest choice I've made all day.
The mudslimes, into Death Valley California.
Pajeets. Not even a question.
San diego has hepatitis problem now because of street shitting illegals
>I was gonna say Muslims because at least they're conservative
The American right wing intellectual, ladies and gentlemen
all of Europe except based Poland,hungry, and Czech Republic are taking them all up the ass right now.
2020 Majority of Europes population will be the Niggerest Niggers and Sand Niggers
pajeets is the only viable answer
Hellooooo give me IT job
Top kek, I know right?
all of them - diversity is out strength
Pajeets (not the muslim ones). Could actually help our economy at this point.
Muslims, but only the white ones
Non-agricultural poos breed less and cause less crime than both of the other options. This is too easy, everyone will choose poos.
I would go with Pajeets. They do alright in the west while muslims are annoying inbreds and niggers are just a threat.
we take the 5 million muslims, mistreat them and they flee to Canada.
wtf I love B now
That would double the population of my country, so i choose B. Best way to start a race war, and i want my enemy to be functionally retarded.
poo in loo memes aside, i think indians are pleasant people.
Take all 15 million and genocide them
D. None
What are you going to do about it?
I'll have the Pajeets, pls.
Pajeets, any day of the week. Apart from the fact that there's too bloody many of them in the UK, I quite like people of Indian background - got a fair few friends like that and they're far far more integrated into British society than lots of other migrants, and only retain the good bits of their culture (i.e. curry). I'd take Pajeets over any other non-European migrant, and probably over some of the European ones too.
>the pajeets
they at least managed to form some sort of civilisation before the Europeans arrived
Obviously the Indians. They are bro tier
Pajeets, they are the real aryan and can fix my windows xp
>take in Pajeets
>create Jobs in street cleaning
They're be more of a filthy nuisance than a real threat.
but you ARE already dead
Muslims they're closer to us genetically (thus harm us the least with inevidible race mixing)
It doesn't matter, any of them would move to Germany overnight.
B for Baboon
>To think we had sanitation figured out back then. My sides.
US Pajeets
Most pajeets are literal gypsies
B on the sole condition we reinstate slavery. Added benefit that half of them die on the way here
>just get them all in!
Pajeets no question. Even the lower casts are far superior to niggers and muzzies.
it does not matter
all 3 of these groups are powerless without the globalist kikes fueling them with money/ welfare
also the indians are harmless
>40% white
Do I really have to do anything at this point?
>the indians are harmless
A lot of pajeets I know are nearly as patriotically British as me. Some of their military officers look straight out of the trenches too. Good people, for the most part.
>TFW no nutty African princess gf dancing in a warehouse.
Easily pajeets, they're beta af and their food is great
This - at least they won't really drive up crime or blow people up.
I'll let them all in. That is if they will all go through mandatory lessons teaching culture and they go crime free for a set amount of time in a controlled habitat for immigrants. It'll prove they can cooperate with other immigrants from around the world while simultaneously teaching them American culture.
I currently live in an area with high pajeet concentration. Lots of delicious Indian restaurants, and the only bad part is dealing with slow, annoying drivers.
unironically A
Indians get a hard time but I think it's mostly genial. I'm not saying their Swedish or Dutch or anything, but they are mainly harmless and have some fun parts of their goofy culture. I guess I rank them as a group somewhere below Japs and Koreans but above Flips and Spics
Memes aside, Indians benefit a country more than either of those groups in terms of economics.
It's not MY country, it's the Basques'!
Pajeets, easy. You could ask much harder questions than this. Indo-europeanism have been a central foundation of enlightenment and advancement. Yes today pooinloo but not always.
I think Sweden starting to make a lot more sense.
If you choose Africans or Muslims over pajeets you're fucking retarded. Indians may smell bad but at least there pro west for the most part and don't rape every woman they can find
They are also smelly, but that not a problem for brazilians I guess
Pajeet understands the rules of test cricket
Pajeets. Pajeets lern and adapt. Even their lavatory etiquette improves.
Muslims are unwilling and blacks unable.
It's a pretty easy choice.
B, 5M Black Africans
Every Black African I've ever met thinks African Americans are an embarrassment to the race. They work hard, are respectful, and are nothing like their alleged countrymen.
Maybe they could teach our blacks how to not be lazy.
this desu
Pajeets by a mile
Kys Muslims are just as bad as niggers
c. because i like indian food the most and they're so over populated that the folks that show up here
will be grateful.
Now now, you're talking about a country that's as mixed as Brazil, but instead of just 200 years of mixing, we're talking over 4000.
Indians have been blandaing up since before the story of Jesus was a twinkle in some old jew's eyes.
Laughable. The media would turn them into niggers in no time.
Pajeets for sure.
sauce me up
And that's due to India's historically fertile land. It's why migrations between India and Europe have been so prevalent throughout history.
Pajeets as Kumars from India?
I'd take them. Honest people.
At this point i don't even give a fuck anymore. Lets take them all.