Why do blacks say " black excellence " whenever they see an actor or athlete doing something...

Why do blacks say " black excellence " whenever they see an actor or athlete doing something. It's like their inferiority complex is so strong they gotta jump on anything positive a black person does because they know how shitty their race is.


>listening to what niggers have to say

you've already fail

It cracked me up seeing this after MayMac. Nigs were so amped about a win over a non-boxer, they acted like it was the best white boxer vs the best black and guess what, always bet on black, gang shit 100 #blackexcellence

You're right, but its even funnier thinking that anything an actor does matters enough to be called 'excellent'.

I know you're trying to get replies and (You)s using a picture of a girl but honestly, too much ass.

what does trump has to do with all this?

On another note, I have officially decided to snatch up a wife out of Russia.

You should check your testosterone levels.

Here is your (You)
The irony!

>Why do blacks say " black excellence "
No... it's what their ((handlers)) make them say.

I don't listen to them , I see it in my feed for whatever I am looking at. Really tilts me desu

See what that dumb nigger woulda done vs someone like GGG or lomachenko. He woulda got rekt.

You arent any different when you talk about "muh white achievements" you fucking faggot

Exactly, or any other kinda black in the spotline. Not like there is any black scientist or something

No such thing as too much ass you faggel

Encouraging a culture of excellence in blacks is a good thing. Why should we care?

Please do. I got a half russo gf and she is amazing


We created the two things you are using to shit post retard. Also heard of a little thing called western civilization.

Because time and time again. Blacks as a whole just are too dumb to do any good. There is such a small number of based ones that we should just treat the whole race as a mistake and they need to all go back to Africa.

Niggers have such an inferiority complex they just make things up to make themselves feel better.

>Muh Englandz
>Muh Romanz
>Muh Egpytianz
>Muh Celtz

Literally living in mud huts with no irrigation or modern farming, weapons, government, religion, culture.

I too would be sad if my races cumulative intelligence over the course of millions of years could be summed up with "muh dick".

>t-they were white as me so i can appropiate their work

You didnt made anything you inbred white trash retard

God damn..

what is it about russian women? literally all of them are incredibly attractive

A drowning man will clutch at straws. The incompetent will see any accomplishment, no matter how trivial, as a victory.



Literally not possible to concentrate to school when MEGA ASS like that is in your face

>Why do blacks say " black excellence "
Self-inflated ego.

I shit brown excellence.
I deserve an award.

>"Why do blacks care about what people of their race does that isn't even them?"
>"Do you know whites are superior? We got Carl Sagan, Mel Gibson, Shakespeare, Neil Armstrong, etc. Nevermind what I've done with my life, whites are the best."

Because they know how shitty and retarded they are in reality. So for one to get ahead is a noteworthy achievement.

>"muh white achievements"

"muh dick"
Fuck off nigger.

I don't see a problem with their taking pride in athletic achievements. They seem to be naturally advantaged in that regard only, why take from it?

>You didnt made anything you inbred white trash retard

*haven't* or *make* not *didn't* and *made* together.
Whites made the English language.
You fail in your attempts to utilize it.

I'll post in a way you might understand...
U don't think it be lik that is buttt its do

epic bait xD

op i bet you failed that ass
i mean class.

Well to your point , explain why there hasn't been any non white strong men ? They have so many in the NFL and NBA because those poor kids had to work to get outta the shitty place they grew up in. Whites don't play sports like their live depends on it like them. So every black person over 6' will try and make it to the league. Not the same for whites.
Sause: white guy playing sports in socal

I honestly don't think they are better than us in sports. They just have more poor kids wanting to get outta the ghetto.
Real simple really if you look at the Olympics and strong man competitions.

theres probably someone on this earth that gets to fuck that. Goodness me...



You are absurd, but still get your, (you) because that level of absurdity can not go uncalled on.


How am I supposed to not brap post when people use picture like this ?
HOW ?!

I don't often cheer at the death of white people but she deserved that.

got it back wards faggot