Why are Muslims given special treatment?
Why are Muslims given special treatment?
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Because self hating whites
Its common knowledge you should take ur shoes off when entering a home.
What savages actually leave them on?
blame Canadian tribunal courts
Fuck's sake Canada, you're supposed to be my backup plan when the UK goes entirely broke.
Faggot landlord deserves it for renting his home to shitskins
He's probably a cuck who rented his place out to the first brown people he could find.
Canada needs to be fucking nuked
literally kill every last one of those faggots in Toronto, Ottawa, Hongcoover
Are you joking?
Canada is like 75% white already, white minority around the same time as the US
Where are some asians? Would you guys do this?
Fear of beheading.
Well, I'm running out of options man - now that we're Brexiting I can't even flee to somewhere like Poland or rural Scandinavia
>in tribunal court
He doesn't have to pay shit. Tribunal courts are extra-judicial mediations people use to save money. They're non-binding, not enforceable.
f a l k l a n d s
Ivane, we got this from the Ottomans.
Hahaha.....ahaha....HAHA. Canada is done. The fact these Tribunal Courts even exist is a testament to that. The country is rotten to the very core of the constitution. At least in America they have their unalienable rights, here in Canada all rights are generously bestowed upon the serfs by the government, to be taken away at any time, as long as any faggot judge "feels" like they should be.
We have your legal system Bong, we never stopped being serfs, we're just serfs who have a longer chain.
Its common sense, we dont do it because muh t*rkish occupation.
Do you think any other slav country, Russia especially, walks in and spreads shit all over their floors?
Its his fucking property he can do what he wants.
If you actually want an answer to that question, read The Turner Diaries.
>rent property to someone
>expect to be able to shit on that property without them minding
No sympathy. This douchebag should of known better than to disrespect a family of the honorable Muslim faith. Having to pay them $12,000 is nothing. Were it up to me he'd have to pay more and spend a year doing their household chores for them as a means of apology.
if i were a landlord, instead of baking cookies to attract renters i would fry bacon to repel muslims
"Oh noooo, I walked on a floor with shoes, oooohhh the agony!"
Grow up.
>The country is rotten to the very core of the constitution
* Gladue Sentencing Principles
* The Indian Act
* Human Rights Tribunals (with 100% conviction rates)
* Anti-Islamophobia legislation which doesn't define what Islamophobia is
This country sucks.
if they defined what islamophobia is it would be inconvenient since they'd need to change it later
Not an argument
DO NOT try that in the UK.
Commonwealth of Bagged Milk getting cucked super hard by Trugay
>when you own the house and rented it to a Muslim couple but you mess up and need to pay those people money for walking around in your own property
U.S. Annex when?
Kek, even in Algeria or Turkey, thing like that can't happen in a tribunal.
Canada is more muslim than muslim countries
trump should carpet bomb canada
We banned burka, you have a sikh minister
We banned ramadan in public space, your minister said a 5 minute message every year
This guy gets it. Maybe now he won't suck that muslim cock.
self-hating whites, Saudi-appeasing leadership
also, claiming persecution and using it to seize power is a historical Muslim tactic.
Fucking good to know
That's the whole point.Canadian Law on a time scale of decades is very malleable and sometimes decisions are just made on how the Judges feel on that day.
Please annex.
Make sure to hit all the major cities. All of them, twice. Except maybe Quebec City. They're ok.
Have you tried banning weekly riots, tent cities and concert massacres?
Wrong. While they are "non binding", if you refuse to pay or do whatever, they can bring contempt charges against you in a real court. Lawyers who were against Bill C-16 explained the process quite clearly in which you could be sent to real jail for refusing to do what the kangaroo courts wanted you to do. Its fucked up.
canada is shameful
Don't know about Slav countries, but westerners fucking do lol. We definitely got that from muh roach occupation though.
You know the line
Burn down your own apartment. Simple.
Don't pay $12000 out of the principle of being persecuted by opportunistic pagan parasites.
>Its his fucking property he can do what he wants.
Clearly fucking not. Also fuck landlords.
The muslim brotherhood is pro at using white liberal guilt to force favoritism.
>Be me
>Wage cuck working the front desk at private residence/condo in Jew York City
>UN happening
>City busy af
>cops everywhere redirecting traffic
>Muslim delivery man drops off delivery
>asks me if he can please pray in my lobby because he hasn't had a chance to today
>tell him "lol wtf no" twice because he asked twice and he angrily turns and leaves
>Because self hating whites
Nailed it.
God bless America.
The fucking landlord?