>trump calls out cuba, norks, venezuela, and iran @ UN
>literally the only countries left in the world without rothschild central banks
Trump is co-opted
Other urls found in this thread:
Trump just hired a lawyer who put a Rothschild in jail
>literally the only countries left in the world without rothschild central banks
If I repeat it enough, it will become fact.
>Trump just hired a lawyer who put a Rothschild in jail
That wasn't a (((Rothschild))). Why are you people so fucking retarded
There's no such thing as a "Rothschild Central Bank," you utter faggot. I challenge you to provide one scrap of proof that the Rothschild family exercises control over a single, modern, central-bank. You brainlets just parrot other brainlets, and never do any fact-checking.
Um, just once is good.
Not an argument.
Don't see any proof.
Let me repeat myself again slowly... you cannot produce a single piece of evidence that "Rothschild Central Banks" are actually a thing. It's just a reptilian-tier bullshit-theory that was cooked up and spread around to make right wingers look idiotic. Go ahead... prove me wrong.
Very related. Not all non-public central banks are owned by other banks (see china), but in those that are, namely the Federal Reserve, the biggest shareholders are the biggest banks and their biggest owners, among whom many Rothschilds can be found
>trump calls out cuba, norks, venezuela, and iran
>All are literal socialist shit holes except for Iran
>Iran constantly threatens our allies and likely sponsors terrorist groups
>Norks constantly threaten to nuke us and our allies
>Venezuela and Cuba are failed states responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of their own people
Can't see why anybody would do this. Trump confirmed joo!
Fake jews made money worthless then cry about socialism. It's always about them and their whining. Good thing there is angst and natural disasters now
Please come back I want to make you my bitch.
Everybody who talks like him has a small clitoris "penis" and is a pussified ass and is bound to be kiked like this
Oh boy, this ought to be good. I'm waiting.
This article provides no proof or citations. It just makes claims.
If only the Rothschild's could control the small impoverished Cuban island, have a little more oil by controlling Venezuela, and some REM in North Korea, then finally they'll achieve real power!
Oh fug, I'm BTFO by the source.
Find me a country without debt. I'll wait. Include derivatives. Theyre not on the forbes list for a reason. They would be putting a target on their backs. Fiat money means "in place of value" and who in the FUCK do you think would benefit from this? Jesus Christ? You were duped and are a shill and a liar and are not a man. m.youtube.com
and they are utter-shitholes.
please send your jews to brazil if you don't like them, atleast they seem to be a doing a good job.
>muh sauce
Here you go. Even if idiots pick up the information, there's a reason they're memes. Do you own homework, dipshit.
Shilljew detected. Anyone who is a Trump supporter is automatically a genius.
Next you'll try to say that Russia is our enemy. Russia is our best friend and always has been.
>The left thinks we're as dogmatic as them
No, only you weak pussy followers throw yourselves so fully behind a candidate.
Hell,l you were completely willing to ignore the fact that she was very much going to destroy this country's borders, and intended on going to war with Russia.
Trump is decent enough.
He's a good pause while we all gear up and get ready.
That's all he needs to be.
By the way, your humiliatingly stupid "source" has articles on the front page about aliens controlling the world, and the illuminati controlling hurricanes. Fucking neck yourself lol.
Agreed. Only Breitbart, RussiaToday, and Sup Forums image macros are legit red pilled sources. Everything else is a blue pilled lie.
oy vey the world bank is truly missing out on a couple million shekels
am I supposed to be suprised?
it's obvious, if Trump was against (((them))) he wouldn't have been elected through (((their))) system.
Fuck off frog bitch
>100 KB
>calls cuba, norks, venezuela, and iran @ UN
commies and muslims. kys OP
yea its over he has betrayed the people of america all just for some faggy brown dick his daughter can suck behind her jew husbands back. no point in pretending he isnt just some jew who likes incest cuck pron
Zionists and israel creating half of faggot hitlers. Fucking goebbels
putin banned the rothschilds, it's illegal for them to operate on russian soil
so no, those are the only ones left
>it's this thread again
Best cow
And? Maybe grow a pair and stop being an antichrist
can we FOIA Federal Reserve ownership
Who the hell is the owner of that thing.
I'm still waiting for one of you savagely ridiculous BRAINLETS to furnish me with a single, solid piece of evidence tying a specific member of the Rothschild Family or a specific entity owned by them to the control of a single, modern central bank. And so far, you've flopped around like fish in the sand... linking me to websites that posit Alien control of the earth, and illuminati control of the weather.
Come on... this ought to be so easy. Since they control them ALL, surely you can prove their control of a single one for us now.
This is Trump in March 2016 at AIPAC.
Come on, brainlets. I'm still waiting. Answer my question (below)
There is no proof. Rothschilds were against Brexit too and that passed. There's is no vast conspiracy, just widespread incompetence and cuckery.
He's not universally with (((them))) though. Israrl very strongly want an independent Kurdistan as an alley, and the U.S. will backstab their ally against ISIS.
>FED loans all USD to US government at interest
>IRS is a foreign private corporation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
>The FED is, for all intents and purposes a privately owned corporation that is immune to US law
>can we FOIA Federal Reserve ownership
no they're technically a privately owned corporation and thus are not susceptible to SEC law.
As one of the world's largest independent financial advisory groups, we know that it takes a distinct perspective to make a meaningful difference to our clients’ business and wealth.
Rothschild & Co is a global and family-controlled group. We provide M&A, strategy and financing advice, as well as investment and wealth management solutions to large institutions, families, individuals and governments, worldwide.
Having been at the centre of the world's financial markets for more than 200 years we can rely on an unrivalled global network of more than 3,400 talented employees and a track-record of outstanding execution with 50 offices around the world.
Our integrated global network of trusted professionals and decision makers around the world provide in-depth market intelligence, meaning we can be closer to current issues than any other global financial institution in our core markets.
It is this scale, local knowledge and intellectual capital that allow us to provide a distinct perspective and effective long-term solutions for our partners."
>Iran constantly threatens our ((allies))
Yea... I know that. Now prove that the Rothschilds are in charge of it all. You folks have a very low standard of reason and argumentation. You claim that the number one driver of geopolitical events is the installation of "Rothschild Controlled Central Banks." You further claim that they own EVERY current central bank. But you can't provide the link in any way that isn't a laugh-festival.
I'll ask again (for the third time)... provide a clear and definite link between a specific, living member of the Rothschild family... And the control of a specific, modern central-bank.
Like I said before... it ought to be so easy... Since you claim that they control EVERY central bank, you should be able to zoom in on one of them and prove their control of it beyond any shadow of a doubt.
He was made aware of the history of communism and why the U.S has always historically ensured it never rises to a state of inflicting its flawed and human limiting principles on a world stage.
Has fuck all to do w/ the jews dispshit and everything to do w/ a principled resistance to a strong-handed and inhumane governance of human beings.
"Each of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks is organized into a corporation whose shares are sold to the commercial banks and thrifts operating within the Bank's district. Shareholders elect six of the nine the board of directors for their regional Federal Reserve Bank as well as its president. Mullins reported that the top eight stockholders of the New York Fed were, in order from largest to smallest as of 1983, Citibank, Chase Manhatten, Morgan Guaranty Trust, Chemical Bank, Manufacturers Hanover Trust, Bankers Trust Company, National Bank of North America, and the Bank of New York (Mullins, p. 179). Together, these banks owned about 63 percent of the New York Fed's outstanding stock. Mullins then showed that many of these banks are owned by about a dozen European banking organizations, mostly British, and most notably the Rothschild banking dynasty. Through their American agents they are able to select the board of directors for the New York Fed and to direct U.S. monetary policy. Mullins explained,
'... The most powerful men in the United States were themselves answerable to another power, a foreign power, and a power which had been steadfastly seeking to extend its control over the young republic since its very inception. The power was the financial power of England, centered in the London Branch of the House of Rothschild. The fact was that in 1910, the United States was for all practical purposes being ruled from England, and so it is today' (Mullins, p. 47-48)."
Understand your history and do your own fucking research.
Are you fucking kidding me?
"We are a group of independently-minded financial services specialists, delivering exceptional advice and creative solutions that meet the individual needs of our clients, worldwide.
Our clients include some of the world's largest institutions, wealthiest families and individuals, as well as many governments."
I'm still waiting for the proof that there is a specific central bank that they control. Please... provide it. I mean, you claim that all geopolitical events are driven by the objective of installing more Rothschild Controlled Central Banks. So pick one of them that they already control, and reveal the proof you have that they take their marching orders from the Rothschilds.
So you talk a big game but can't respond to ? What a fucking joke you are.
They all have central banks retard, or they couldnt print currency. You think everyome prints their own money? I hate nupol so much
>muh proofs
commie filth must be exterminated
B-but the media was against him the whole time!
So you link me to a gold-selling website that simply states (at face value) the claims of a guy who never worked in banking (Eustace Mullins). It's just big whisper-game among mouth-breathers. All you've linked me to is another asshole who made the claim and offered no proof. Eustace Mullins is is NO WAY an authority on international finance. He was a kind of grandfather to people like David Icke and Alex Jones.
Yeah. What kind of idiot needs proofs anyway.
> yo enrico, im out of money
> well just print yourslf some amigo. Its not like our money is standardised by the government. No one will know
> what should it look like enrico?
> whatever you want mane, its not like we have a place that prints uniform currency or anything
No shit.
OMG you're SOOO STUPID! The article you linked me to debunks the claims of Kah and Mullins. You didn't even read your own stupid piece of shit article. Scroll down to the conclusion, moron.
> my country practices national socialism, a failed ideology of murder, famine and despair
> thank goodness we dont have a "rothschild central bank" though
> rothschild central bank? Not for me! Id rather a corrupt dictator who starves my children!
Gas yourself kike.
> government propaganda for dear leader everywhere, death squads and poverty, or Rothschild Central Bank? Kikes OUT!!
You been huffing the LPG there again rangi? Sounding a bit cranky
>the rothschild central bank meme AGAIN
The rothschilds own all the central banks. Shills are mad but its true.
Must suck knowing that the most intelligent Jewish man that ever lived hated you and would have gladly gassed you all.
>like having those last 3 or 4 countries is going to change anything at this point
> checks time in NZ
Get a job, coon
I mean, the Ruskies have our back in the event of a civil war.
Trump is /ourguy/ he is in no way sexually compromised by Jeffrey Epstein. Trump is anti-nwo and Alex Jones already explained this only plebs doubt the God emperor. Get ready for the golden era of BASED ISRAELI nationalism.
I'd like to give this guy the "idiot of the thread" award... for outstanding achievement in the following fields:
1) Having NO standards of reason and argumentation.
2) Citing pages that claim aliens control the planet.
3) linking articles he hasn't even read (which actually debunk and BTFO his argument).
oy vey goys better hurry up and die for Israel so the jews can take over banking and media in North Korea like they did South Korea using ROK media.
Die subhuman.
>muh rothchilds
meanwhile the norks shoot a missle over japan and threaten the USA with nukes
venezuela is a socialist hell hole that is eating itself alive and will resort to cannabalism before they invade mexico
iran is a middle eastern super power that bush jr and the obama admin built up unfairly
> t-the problem is never socialism, anons, its the J-joooooos!!
For all the newfags who dont know how the jews and rothschilds run the banks of the UK and the US hence why the IRS exists.
The IRS was invented by woodrow wilson same time as the US Fed or the jew rothschild bank to take your money. Everyday your taxes pay the jews, every hour you work goes to the jews, you are slaves in bondage to the jew overlords.
>le rothschild central bank may may
stay bluepilled
>Muh Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela
Fidel Castro with David Rockefeller
Please go and live in one of those wonderful countries then.
Fucking WordPress domain...
It's not fucking hard to set up a custom domain. If people put effort into content, they could at least present the content nicely.
>North Korea
Kim with the freemasonic "hidden hand" and Israel exported 400k worth of gold to them.
Archived that for you
>the electoral college belongs to the jews
>random ass news assistants and contributors
Fucking stormfaggots, can always count on them to try peddle the (((JQ!!!!!!!))) crap through raw stupidity.
You're breaking the stormfront shill narrative! Stop it! The Jews are responsible for everything, don't question it. Believe me, or i'll call you a kike shill.
By the way, yes Maduro is Jewish as are the Castros.
Thansk Anders the Archiver.
user, you do understand that their entire world-controlling hedge fund worth mere 8% of Bridgewater?
>for anyone who doesnt know
new fag detected
Also the Rothchilds are old money and lost a lot of political power these days.
Just because the Norks don't have Rothchild banks doesn't mean they are the goyims last resort you fucking idiot.
There's way more variables at play.
Tired of seeing this "north korea is a paradise we must preserve against the nwo" meme.
You are either a deepstate psyop or mis informed young fags.
Look at the Nork defectors who escaped from that country.
There's plenty of documentaries.
yea we're fucked
wow its nothing, fucking cheap jews did it for the article
Could you be any more obvious shill? You guys aren't even trying anymore. Kys.
Ah, classic stormfaggot. Deflect and call them a shill. Bonus stormfront good boy points if you can slip in the word kike.
It actually makes sense in a weird way. Rothschilds being (or at least thought to be) smart would never invest in such shitholes, hence no (((bank))) meme.
You fucking moron... He linked me to an article which actually DEBUNKED the Rothschild Central Bank maymay. But he was too much of a fucking brainlet to actually read his own "source." Please dig a fucking hole and jump in it.
Yes. Good goy. Good. You will get a shekel for your efforts!