Hello hermanos, how are you doing?
Rio de la Plata masterrace Thread
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>G-guiz r-remebber I'm w-white... Accept me
Just in case you want Canada too mate
I taught Chile would be a lot higher.
Chile 10 millions? No.
5 million whites in Chile
>95% ``white''
Ya'll know that Black People have Eueopean admixture right? So do most Native Americans as Well. The only Americans who don't have European ancestry are newly arrived Chinese and Indians. Everyone else does.
whiter then you bong
Argentina is whiter than America I'll give them that.
another sub human brit in the thread .....
My lineage is Germanic, though.
Your country is muslim and brown lol
Did you remember to fast today mate?
Reported to Sussex Police for not knowing that it is not the holy month of Ramadaan when sawm takes place.
I'm from right there :DD
>The only place in Chile with most Euro admixture is Santiago, which happens to be one of the safest and richest cities in the entire filth that South America.
Looks like Europeans are truly the master race, even remote places were Europeans arrived manage to better than every other ethnic group.
Reminder that Uruguay is more European than the US
Good for them, can you let the Central Americans know so that they'll stop coming here?
European ethnostate when?
Source? I thought PR was whiter than RS. Was it just Sup Forums memeing again?
you mean germans
This can't be true. Kill me now...
Aren't you guys majority indigenous? There's no way that could be surprising to you
Yeah, but I didn't know it was THAT bad.
This map has no country labels so the South American part of it doesn't tell us burgers anything.
None of those people are white.
That's the point, most Chileans are not
lol cheers mate
i lived there too, in Ingleses
Reminder that south Brasil is white. Its called Uruguay.
Bunch of lost Russians.
How the hell did Chile end up shaped like that?
As a Bostonian from Eastie, this shit drives me nuts. Every asshole in Southie talks about their shitty Irish pride bullshit. Why would you be proud of your Irish heritage. I wouldn't want to admit that my family hailed from the U.K.
south america's geography
What does being white have to do with anything you dumb spic.
It's like you losers have nothing to show for God knows how many years you've been in this Earth so you turn to some bullshit about being "white". Even sadder for you lot since you're a South American and not even a first world country. Very sad.
>when the indio realizes that Spain never genocided his people
Who are you going to blame now?
>b-but... muh gold
I don't blame Spain, you guys bring civilization and shiet
are these suppose to be white
Chile is not white, we have a small white rich class but the average chilean is mestizo