how do we ban americans from pol they are by far the most irritating posters here
How do we ban americans from pol they are by far the most irritating posters here
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Fuck canadian go back to your igloo.
Another leaf thread.
Americans out!
enjoy your somali cocks you fucking cowardly maplesyrup chugging cunt
Canacuck go suck Trudeaus dick
you're basically us, canada. don't pretend you're not. you speak american english, you consume american culture, you enjoy american sports. you're like our retarded younger brother. forever living in our shadow
But we descended from colonials and british loyalist, that makes us older.
muricans are the most dumbed-down idiots ever. ...they believe everything if you just say it loud and often enough. pure degeneracy.
Sup Forums... PLS BAN MURICANS from Sup Forums
this is true but canada has more culture from region to region . the usa is one massive monoculture so its not bad living in your shadow its nice up here pol memes aside
>tfw anti-American posters are trying to get americlaps to unite and defend their country without dividing on established lines per usual
You dirty american pigs will pay for what you have done to my motherland. Fuck to your mother.
too damn cold for me desu
blow it out your ass, leaf
At least we don't have to deal with the american left rioting in the streets every night
triggered senpai-sama-san
Leafcucks cant handle the bants
english.... not even once....
Why the fuck are your lips so big
I've infiltrated Canuckistan to reduce these ice-gooks to nigger-tier garbage. Oh, wait: looks like you've done that to yourselves, Snow Mexicans. Get rape AIDS from Trudeau's rapefugees, you culture-less frost monkeys.
My lips big from kissing your mother after I slaughter the infidels. Fuck to you.
American pig
two black men
American cockarocah
Lol nig
Whatever, you stinking subhuman. Go fuck a camel.
You little fat american pig, I am sure you like the dick kissing, I will fuck to you and to your family without moving a finger.
But I love you user pls
Fat, slippery, Engl*Sh fingers slipping on the keyboard, Mohamed?
Here's to the next terrorist attack in UK, likely happening next week after arts and crafts
May Allah and Mohammed (PBUH) forgive for me for uttering this word... "Canadian"
Fuck to you, fuck to your house and fuck to your family and your dog.
how's algebra going
Classic american, just becuase I am muslim doesn't make me a terrorist.
Good thanks, I can now calculate on a pragmatic way how many years will it take to exterminate all infidels.
Ugly piece of shit. You should wear a burkha
Classic Taqiyya
I wouldnt ban all americans, just the neo cons from the_don
not for disenting opinions or anything but their barage of slide threads will end the site
Don't be rude Mohammed, we us brothers from Muslim Brittania must be a beacon of love to the infidels.
canada your homo
>just the neo cons from the_don
That's like 90% of them now. American bants on here used to be pretty funny, now the extent of their wit seems to be calling anyone with a European flag "Achmed". SAd.
You have nothing in common with Terrorists, except for following the same religion, same set of laws, and insinuating that you want to murder the dumb Europeans who accepted your welfare ass into their country...I can't wait till Europe becomes Caliphate, you're next on the Nuke list after Rocket man
I'm pretty thin. I look like a roman. Man it must suck to be you knowing your a nigger and brown.
Fuck off out of my country forever you fucking subhuman feral piece of shit
We will continue to rape the Middle East like we always have done
Big throbbing Anglo cock is gonna fuck your region forever HAHAHAHAHA