Good job falling into (((their))) trap, goys.
You realize that interracial breeding is on the rise simply because of the fact that THERE WAS FUCKING NONE OF IT 40-50 YEARS AGO?
the majority of white women are afraid of these ghetto niggers, they aren't just clueless bimbos looking for a dicking.
White birth rates are rising, and will continue to rise.
And this idea that somehow white people will just vanish in a century is based on what exactly?? Fb tier shout headlines??
How the fuck could we possibly even begin to determine what will be happenstance when we're all fucking dead?
Just make at least 1 white baby in your life and EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE
Sup Forums is actually idiotic enough to believe interracial breeding is even a problem
You're retarded. SAGE
>implying there's not a concerted effort by the media to push interracial relationships
Brown bimbos on tv and niggers with white women adorn the tv and print media. Do you actually think it's because people all of the sudden abandonded the ideals of culture? Or do you think it's being pushed? It's the latter.
I for one don't consider the white race to be homogenous and wypipo in the us are the result of centuries of multiculti and race mixing (a Slav isn't a Celt isn't a Teuton etc.)
>MSM rating at all time lows
>hordes of people rejecting the PC culture being pushed down their throats
>1 post by this ID
>telling people to make white babies
>telling people not to believe this false flag
Try again, faggot.
That doesn't disprove the fact that their pushing it. OP is retarded and so is your reading comprehension
You're implying I'm a virgin by my own fault and not because society is brainwashing women into not dating me. There's just nothing I can do.
It's being pushed into the ground idiot, even normies are getting fed up with this black identity politics and le drumpfff being brought up at literally fucking televised event.
>(((ignorant))) is bliss, goyim!
Alt centre, holy shit. That's what I've been all along. I think most programmers identify as this also.
I'm pretty certain I mentioned it's rising simply because it was non existent before?
Your point doesn't hold up. Stop bullshitting about the fact (((they))) are promoting in every imaginable way in media/school ON PURPOSE. At least half of it is artificial due to programming the narrative "white=wrong/evil" and "multi is cool and progressive".
And daily doses of this. Anti-family media targeted at whites and whiteness.
Funny, I see more and more of the fucking race traitors every day - and it sickens me.
Were they all incinerated along with their spawn, the world would have a chance to heal itself.
I'm on my phone but member that poll saying about something like 40% of america thinks white are under attack?
These Internet headlines don't account for the entire population, but it seems you don't get out much.
>(((their))) trap
>exactly what they do to advance themselves
>implying Arabs are a part of the human race.
Seems the kikes can get a few things right
Good goy
Hail trump
Do you have a logical point or do you just want to keep avoiding the extreme roles (((brainwashing))) play to keep people raised by communist (((belief systems)))?
Every day I wake and thank God that an African sold my ancestor to a Jew. Can't even imagine how horrible it would be to live in Africa
>Real recognition of history.
Daily reminder that if you aren't against mongrelization then you're apart of the problem that must be dealt with.
Don't know why you keep posting these kike headlines like I'm unaware of their efforts. Yes, it happens regularly and will continue to happen.
But more and more people are rejecting what they push everyday.
Put some faith into the normies and the next gen. Millennials are already a lost cause but the future is looking bright.
>But more and more people are rejecting what they push
Right. Thanks to people like me relentlessly informing dimwit centrists and non-zombie leftists across the internet. Armed with evidence. The only thing continuing that trend is others doing the same and doubling down on spreading information to break the white genocide anti-white communism.
Needless thread. You're conveniently forgetting that (((the elites))) are trying to get whites to breed themselves out, or become sterile, or castrate themselves by becoming trannies. Plus, y'know, all of the murders by non-whites they brought in just for this and the rapidly growing rate of suicides. You can't just out-breed your genocide. You have to stop it. You HAVE TO stop it. YOU HAVE TO STOP IT. NO GOD WILL SAVE YOU.
It's white nationalism or continued oppression, abuse, injustice, repression, enslavement, and eventually extinction.
The concept of breeding and racial integrity will be pointless in a few decades because we'll be beginning going down the road of transhumanism thanks to genetic engineering.
The racial purists here will be laughed at for clutching onto these soon to be antiquated notions.
Well I'm not going to belittle your efforts in the right direction.
Keep at it, user.
anything more than nothing is too much
Yeah! Let's genetically modify niggers to remove the all the melanin from their skin and modify their brains to not make them degenerate criminals! I'm on board with this, tyrone!
Americans and mathematics.
That's white in the US
And we'll have flying space ships n shiett
Fucking nig
>White birth rates are rising
*Judaism intensifies*
common guys, race is just skin deep
The amount of fucking retarded in your post is off the scale.
It surpasses the largest possible reading.
If one attempted to write the level of retardation down in any fathomable unit of measurement with ink, he wouldn't have enough space in the observable universe for all that ink he'd need.
Go fuck yourself, you are the reason aliens avoid us.
That's a wonderful argument you've got there.
Stay cucked in mom's basement
You have none. You say that racial imbreeding is perceived as a threat because it's new, and that it yet has not proven to be harmful.
In the modern age of transportation, yes, inbreeding is on the rise but it has already proven to be a horrible thing to happen.
Culture and identity gets blurred and the people gets deprived of their most basic sense of social cohesion, the race element.
This is definitely a new challenge while at the same time being an old problem which is quickly getting bigger today.
I imagine every civilization of any race will encounter this problem at some point, and its survival is dependent on wether they tackle and overcome it by selection, or get bred back into a mediocre, vegetating state of mongrels, essentially experiencing a genetic setback, ruining ages of selection.
>many girls and women had been ruined by Jews because no one had warned them of the perils, "no one introduced them to the god-given secrets and laws of blood and race. Such unions could produce children of mixed blood ("a lamentable creature, tossed back and forth by the blood of his two races"), and even when they did not, "the curse also sticks to the defiled mother, never leaving her for the rest of her life. Racial defilement is racial death. Racial defilement is bloodless murder
Hmmm, so mixed race babies causes lack of true racial identity and will cause problems? Well then maybe people should like you know, breed with their own race, as they've been doing for millennia, and will continue to do for another millennium.
Yes they are. Although I really don't think they can get women in the first place, hence why like libshits,they join some shitty movement to feel something. You won't be remembered in history and you cannot do anything about what is going on.
They want to preserve the white race, but white women aren't even interested. Tolerating a bitch simply because of genetic reasoning only breeds beta fucked up kids. Beta fathers are truly scum, and the reason why so many white women/ their daughters are thots.
I actually don't mind racemixing, I just mind it when it's as a result of an insidious pervasive agenda. If a white person wants to fuck a black person they should go ahead, but not if they only want to do it as a result of subtle propaganda.
That is what one should do, regardless of race.
At some point a people will reign supreme because they kept their blood pure.
Then it is up to them to grasp world power and a genetic monopoly (essentially genocide).
From that race, the new human will be bred, which will be a strong and intelligent product of human-controlled selection and genetic engineering.
We should seize what we can become, we as of now are far from what we can be.
Thanks, user.
No one seems to give a shit about the reverse propaganda that the right is pulling in regards to white babbies.
>he fell into John Bettendorf's inversed penis meme
But you guys are super smart! Just like how libshits are super smart for being open minded!
Because it's a reaction. If all avenues of media weren't pitching a pro-racemixing front there'd be no reason or need to provide the alternative view.
Again they're only rising due to piercing through anti-white-family communist indoctrination with facts. Don't be lulled into a false sense of security. This chart I posted should be unfathomably shocking at how quick (((leftists and neocon globalists))) sold the culture: The uptick isn't high enough.
>Sup Forums is actually idiotic enough to believe interracial breeding is even a problem
Ever heard of a country called Brazil
yeah that went well
But you seem to think that it's not propaganda in itself. For example, you would put up with a white womans shit simply because she's white and in turn still produce fucked up children because of a. Your beta behaviour towards her and b. Her entitlement that stems from her being a race every race on earth wants to plow.
If we are being honest here, the wars left disgusting beta males behind as well. Beta males can produce families but not decent ones. Same thing is going on homie, you have beta insecure men trying to save da whyte race, when their women don't even want them.
Not really. Most "betas" are just raised on communism so they become cucks to feminazis. Many of them break out of it through education.
You don't just become un insecure though. Perhaps you can try to imitate an alpha but women see right through that shit.
True. Waking up from the matrix is the first step.
>why won't you race mix!?
because we don't want to mix with you or anyone but our own, you self-destructive psychopaths.
Go mix yourselves away.
And yeah, there will be whites only areas, libfag. You say that like it's a bad thing.
We don't care about appeasing these other races like you weak followers.
Stop attributing your weaknesses to us.
We want them to hate us, so we can be rid of them sooner.
Niggers are only thirteen percent of the populations, and Jews less than two
less credibility lets them being crooks
communism upshing women to destroy anything decent in a society.
everyonw knows in 10 years when they try pulling that shit out to go ok everything works like THIS and theres all these books people will be like,
waht the fuck are they talking about
So what's your point user?
Stop calling it out?
"For thee, not for me."
The average Conservative Jewish man would flip his shit if his daughter brought home a kaffer. Hell, most wouldn't be thrilled with their son SERIOUSLY dating a shiksa.
Jews want to be ethnically homogenous so they can play the "is it a race or is it a religion?" game. A few generations of inter-breeding and they're just as vulnerable to criticism as other world faiths.