>Poland is bas-
Poland is bas-
Well no shit. Poland is crawling with kikes
Far right parties in Europe are all anti-islam and pro-israel. I wonder why goys. Just a cohencidence right?
Zionists have long strived to vilify the arabs through whichever means possible.
it is a miracle tho
they are surrounded by people who want them dead yet they still grow stronger as the years go by.
truly god's chosen people.
It is a miracle that someone has nuked the fuck out of that Zionist, land grabbing, Shekel hoarding nation.
Poland is based..
Don't equate Jews with the Jews in Israel.. There is a significant difference.
Good goy
Not enough idiots on this board know that. Israel is based and increasingly so.
It's a miracle because it's a culturally homogeneous nation with one people, one religion, sharing one language. It's everything the west is losing. To top it off everyone around them wants them dead. That's the fucking miracle you fool.
>but min Israeli arabs, muh druz, muh Palestinians
All are put in their place and are actively encouraged to leave. Their populations kept under control. It's a non issue.
Fucking moron
>For centuries, Poland was home to the largest and most significant Jewish community in the world. Poland was the centre of Jewish culture thanks to a long period of statutory religious tolerance and social autonomy. This ended with the Partitions of Poland which began in 1772, in particular, with the discrimination and persecution of Jews in the Russian Empire.
Yes goy. Israel is BASED. I let my Jewish friend fuck my wife because jews are BASED as fuck! After he fucked her, I thanked her for her service!
>Benjamin Netanjahu litereally said that Hitler did nothing wrong and was forced by the Arabs to gas jews
Yeah, you're insane. Daily reminder that Soros was a Nazi aid. There's a difference between Frankfurt school marxists who are incidentally Jews, and Israelis in Israel. If you can't see that you're just blinded by crazed hatred as evidenced in your post.
He's right Poland finally has somewhere that they can send all of their Jews with having to pay reparations until the dawn of time over it.
Why would you do this? the entire idea is that Jews in Israel behave very differently than Jews elsewhere.. You just let some money grubbing jew, whom day to day life involve undermining your nation, fuck your wife! and why? because Jews in Israel is based..
It would be the equivalent of me, admirring Thomas Sowel, taking my wife to a migrant camp to let her get tag-teamed by African migrants..
It doesn't matter which side of the political spectrum you're on, with jews you lose.
There's Marxists on the left and Zionists on the right. You are an American. Your fucking tax dollars go to a foreign land. For what? Wise up bro.
t. time traveler from 1933
>calling a party right wing just because they are religious and dislike muslims
>even though it's the most socialist party in the whole parliament and their main point was more gibs
Nobody is talking about sending money to Israel, we're talking about whether Marxist Jews in the West are the same as Israelis in Israel, and the answer is no. Nice try moving the goalposts though.
Yep, the G-d himself sends 4 billion shekels and military technology from the sky every year to Israel.
This is how it really works.
In their own country, they are based. They promote ethnic/religious nationalism. But in your country they promote the opposite because they want you weak, divided, and deracinated.
>Well no shit. Poland is crawling with kikes
this poland is ruled by few diffrent kike cabala factions.
They're conservative, but they're full-blown commies. When will people learn what right/left means?
>hating on Jarloslaw because of him complementing the only functional ME country
>not hating on him because he said all children with severe genetic damage should be given birth to, just to get baptised, since unborn children dont go to heaven according to him
>right wing
They are literally national socialist.
I'm not joking.
This is a smart move for them. Everyone on the left is chomping at the bit to paint them as a Nazi so this is good PR.
Also, Israel seems to be getting pretty far-right themselves so why not?
Epic Lifehack To Assuage Guilt And Not Feel Like An Ebil Natzee: Say israeli jews that strongarm your government into sending you to die in a desert are based just because they're not in your country to be able to promote immigration
poland is not based
>my ex gf was polish
>not based though she was a 20 y/o virgin and qt
>They are literally national socialist.
Naaa they steal all they can, they do not care about shit going down hill. They get menager contacts to avoid ustawa kominowa and get pait XXX amount of $. They are powerhungry $ hungry anti-polisj kikes that suicide anyone that stands against the. aka Lepper wójcicki etc
Or maybe kikes were /ourguys/ all along.
The Jews control both sides of the ideological spectrum.
The right hates everything the Jews are responsible for such as immigration, diversity, big government, etc. but unconditionally loves the Jews and Israel.
And the left loves everything the Jews advocate for, such as immigration, diversity, big government, etc. but also hates Israel.
that's right goyim, you need Islam to enrich your countries
Israel is ethnocratic reich. Old school South Africa and Rhodesia were friends with Israel. Itshak Rabin was a friend with Balthasar Volster, literally nazi.
I wonder how long it takes to compute this obvious thing. Being israellike is a dream and goal of any ethnic nationalist, and is a shield against much racism blaming.
bitch please, if it was white people doing exactly what the Israelis are, you'd be screaming based all day long and you know it. STFU
It's payback time motherfuckers. Jews and Poles will destroy the filthy Aryans once and for all. Glory to Poland, Glory to Israel, the Europe will be on her knees before us.
tell me more polish user
you're welcome
The kike press and their shabbos politicians could end the migrant crisis tomorrow.
Or they'll sell you out once again. Who knows.
>Being israellike is a dream and goal of any ethnic nationalist
Our dream to relocate the inbreds to their ethnostate. You're close.
Israel shields their spies and pedos. It allows the kikes to blast the most degenerate garbage at our children because they have a place to run and hide in.
World bolshevism cannot come about without an Israel. These rats that infest our country have the backing of a nation state. Again the kike press and the shabbos politicians could end the migrant crisis tomorrow, but why would kikes stop the invasion they themselves organized?
>The Jews control both sides of the ideological spectrum.
>The right hates everything the Jews are responsible for such as immigration, diversity, big government, etc. but unconditionally loves the Jews and Israel.
>And the left loves everything the Jews advocate for, such as immigration, diversity, big government, etc. but also hates Israel.
It's basic Sup Forums 101 shit, yet maybe 10% of you morons ever seem to understand it.
WE WAIT FOR GIBS and DENBT from germany.
They want nothing more than to provoke a war between muds and europeans. That's why they destabilize the middle east, fund the ngos, blast multicult at our kids, attack every pro-white group, and practice the most obscene Jewish supremacy and nepotism imaginable.
I support Israel insofar as it allows us to solve the Jewish Question peacefully. After the inbreds are relocated for the 360th time in history we can let the semites bid for domination of the middle east. America has spent trillions so far and received less than nothing from the kikes. Perhaps a readjustment is in order.
Fuck off kike scum
you shills are getting stupider by the day
In Poland leader of JDL is against refugees, fascism and workers of Soros.
>Perhaps a readjustment is in order.
Friendly reminder to everyone here that the pedo worshipers will completely vacate the west if we allow them to reform politically as they wish and if we allow them to get revenge on the Israeli's. Qaddafi said after 9/11 he would take every single Muslim in Europe and America if we simply let them go their own way.
Trillions and trillions have been spent by goyim to keep the chosen race from going extinct. These rats have given us less than nothing in return. The muds don't want our money and most don't even want to live amongst us. They will leave, and they will solve the JQ for us, if we make very minor concessions.
Nah they shit on Muslim migrants fleeing Israeli wars whilst more than half of all so called migrants to Europe since 2015 are African Christians.
would heatpat nr 2 from the right
>African Christians
So? Why i should pay people who dont even flee? They come for money and easy life.
Also Poland all time help people on middle east via sending aids for them.
These people are literal scum of the earth and are never attacked by the kike controlled right. I'd argue the coppo kike right exists to destroy arguments against migration by making it all about opposition to Islam when more than half are now African Christians.
These hardcore "counter-jihad" coppo kikes rub their hands when they see these pictures, without doubt.
The kike controlled right exists to destroy arguments against migration and for homogenuity. Again these rats rub their hands at the thought of millions of Christian Africans invading Europe. They'll never speak against them even though they are the majority of the arrivals and cause the majority of the problems.
We have a racial problem and the kike controlled right does everything they can to hide this fact. It's all about evil Muslims and the need for a massive police state and military operations abroad.
This was the plan all along
Do you think they were going to sit idle and watch as their mechanisms of control fell apart?
A few years ago, the scheming jew meme was gaining foothold thanks to Sup Forums, to the point there was studies done about it.
We sat here sharing information about their infiltration of government and media, without the comprehension to deduce that they would react. (most people).
Cue a major refugee crisis. Preempted and sustained by western agencies, numerous instances of evidence pointing that way.
Millions of muslims and niggers flood the west. No one is spared. Every white country is getting BLACKED.
The schemeing merchant meme falls away
The populace embrace a cryptozionist with jewish children as their saviour because he promises to address the issue
Israel and zionism start to be projected as a guiding light, a shining example of ethnic nationalism.
Islam becomes the main problem, people are frozen, apathetic.
the pressure built up by OWS before it was subverted finally dissipates
8 years of hyper progressive politics
no changes in establishment agenda
8 years of "bigoted conservatism" with trump
at the end
a populace reinvested in the bipartisan scam, along with heralding zionist israel as an ally against the muslim barbarian hordes
time to swing trade cryptos
interesting theory about Poland, makes me think of the Pale of Settlement
if it ever came to israel not being viable anymore, don't you think that it could also (and more likely) be the result of a massive redpilling in the west, thereby rendering Poland unsafe for (((them)))
Stop taking shit.
Jews could end the migrant crisis tomorrow via their domination of the press in the west alone. They created this crisis. They are not going to stop unless we stop them.
>israel special forces
Who knows how many times society has come too close to taking them down and is thus destroyed, reset
They've been removed 359 times throughout history. I'm convinced that thanks to globalization 360 will be the final assbooting. Everyone will know better than to give them quarter, Americans treated the kikes better than their own sons and daughters yet once again it took only 2-3 generations for the inbreds to turn on them.
Pale of Settlement was created by Russia's Catherine the Great
And Poland is accused of being complicit in the Holocaust not because of some tinfoil hat theory about JudeoPolonia (although after WW1 Jews made official requests about polish-jewish state), but because the Left wants to discredit the existence of Europe as a whole, so everybody must be responsible for the Holocaust, not just Germany
Jews coming here is unlikely because: Poland is a shithole, it has the reputation of being antisemitic, it's a jewish graveyard
not sure why you replied with these hideous twats
.. same shit happened in Germany and Ukraine. Germany let in 18th century inbreds fleeing their crimes in the Russian Empire and in return they gave Germany the 1918 (((communist))) revolution. Ukraine fought for the kikes in the 1910's and then untold millions were famined by kike NKVD head Yagoda in the 1930's. Nevermind what Lenin and Trotsky did to Russia after the Russians placed their faith in them.
>Jews coming here is unlikely because: Poland is a shithole, it has the reputation of being antisemitic
And often i see news why Poland is great for jews, jewish life is here and bla bla bla.
Isn't a part of their belief that the end is almost near when all of "israels children" are back in israel?
perhaps they are trying to prompt it, like some christians do, and some muslims do.
>this poland is ruled by few diffrent kike cabala factions.
You literally have like 3000 jews left in your country. The rest got murdered in the holocaust.
If there's one common lesson that is screamed to us from the history books, it's GOYIM ONLY. NO EXCEPTIONS.
on the other hand I often see how antisemitism is on the rise in Poland and how Poles murdered Jews during WW2. There's fierce dislike for Poland among jewish circles
Contemporary Poland is not the Poland of 15/16/17 century when Jews immigrated. Contemporary Poland is an unstable state and probably soon to be Venezuela-tier
I know it was to contain the jews, I just thought of it because it was closeby
we french are being blames as well dw
we never hear the end of the jewish suffering during ww2
meanwhile, wooden doors aren't airtight
Who's a good goy, come here goy awwwww
>how antisemitism is on the rise in Poland and how Poles murdered Jews during WW2
Part of this has origin in our jewish profesors like Gross who was friend of Michnik, i am sure that both are neomarxists.
>Contemporary Poland is not the Poland of 15/16/17 century when Jews immigrated. Contemporary Poland is an unstable state and probably soon to be Venezuela-tier
Maybe not like in our best days but i think that we are on better way than with last government.
>implying arabs have not been actively slave raiding, looting, genociding and attempting to submit us to their faggot god for some 1400 years.
fuck m both
Here's what you b8fags don't get -
You CAN respect Israel for being a mostly homogenous nation that's fully nationalist and refuses to let invaders take over WITHOUT being a kike lover.
It's like how I respect the strength of a few strong-ass black powerlifters out there, but I still think they're stupid niggers and wouldn't do them any favors. Respect for a talent/accomplishment =/= liking, it's simply acknowledgement.
You guys know that the cognitive dissonance you're experiencing in this thread could be solved by dropping the assumption that Jews are a literal hivemind, right?
>Part of this has origin in our jewish profesors like Gross who was friend of Michnik, i am sure that both are neomarxists.
Nah. It has to do with the fact that Eastern Europe lacks prestige and is disliked by everybody, so Eastern Europe naturally as that savage Europe automatically gets to be blamed along with Germany and the rest. And in the end it has to do with the fact that the Left needs a proof that the existence of Europe is wrong, and Holocaust is this universal argument which can be used at any time
>but i think that we are on better way than with last government
dude, this country is just too split apart since 18. century. The economy is foreign owned and I doubt V4 stands a chance against western multiculturalism unless the West collapses before it can impose it on this country. If it doesn't then it will be easy for them to destabilize this country in the form of economic pressure
>proponents of a highly exclusionary tight knight ethnic based doctrine couldnt possibly have the same agenda
what is "zionism"
They are though.
If you disagree, then you clearly haven't been paying enough attention.
you're being hysterical.
Agnostics win again
There are 2 reasons European far right parties support Zionism.
Number 1, they have too in order to bypass the stigmatism of being "far-right" anti immigrant by paying lip service to how "brave and wonderful" Israel is as a Jewish state.
Number 2: Hitler was a zionist for a reason. Get the Jews into their own home instead of destroying ours. Its difficult to stand up for nationalism without sticking up for Jewish nationalism. Very few are redpilled or intelligent enough to know what must be done. Therefore support for Israel is intelligent politically for far right political groups.
Because they're good at killing Arabs
>Sup Forums is not J-
Israelis would kill the Arabs with bear hands, take their weapons and equipment and defeat them the same.
some jews will have to pay for their crimes though, do you think israel is just going to hand them over?
Link, you drooling retard
If white people acted like Jews then they'd deserve it as well
>failing to notice blatant double standards this hard