I get that it's Wolfenstein and they've always killed Nazis in the games, but they're really bashing the Nazis were ebil over your head this time it feels like
I get that it's Wolfenstein and they've always killed Nazis in the games...
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They keep trying to drive home NAZI = FASCIST NAZI = FASCIST NAZI = FASCIST
They were just sick of bullshit and chimped out in a white fashion
Fascist my ass
Can't go anywhere without having politics shoved down your fucking throat. These retards don't even realize their fueling right-wing uprisings, or just do care.
Either way they're just as dangerous as they claim the fascists are.
You figure someone on the dev team must've been redpilled by the experience.
>tfw Generic afro hair mulato woman as part of the resistance.
I'm fighting left wing fascism (AKA political correctness) by not buying this shitty uninspired propaganda game.
>implying I have to advance a video game past the atmosphere
>implying I have to kill "the bad guys" in any video game
>implying social conditioning isn't a complete and total waste of money and time
>implying social conditioners aren't wasting their lives trying to change other people's minds, failing, when they could have lived their own lives successfully changing their own minds.
One WW2 fighter plane game I played as a kid had none of this ideological bullshit. It was men and machines fighting a war in the sky, I can't remember a single ideological shoehorn. Developers nowadays are intellectual cowards.
Wolfenstein is as realistic as the goodies. It's just a fun shooter. Jesus Christ do any of you goobers remember killing mecha-hitler before battling the undead Stormtroopers from Wolfenstein 3d?
This is in the newest trailer
>no redeeming qualities
videogames are degenerate
who the fuck is the nigger on the bottom left?
Same. Anything that promotes this narrative can fuck right off, and I used to be a libtard so the jokes on them, they really are alienating people with an IQ above room temperature.
B-but muh culture is not a costume
I say let the Nazis win.
I really hope this backfires to some extent
>wanting to buy western propaganda garbage
>not waiting for a game made by actual commies with no agenda other than 'survive'
gotta open up new markets user.
everyone else is just expected to tow the line like good little consumers.
culture war was lost years ago. people didn't even try to fight.
People are thinking differently about natsoc Germany, these days. The big picture of the before during and after has captured people's hearts. You might even say the real genocide was the Germans. Not the Jews.
The world is a big place.
the game will tank and they'll stop with all this gay shit.
>Executed criminals
>Executed Pedophiles
>Purified the gene pool by getting rid of several hereditary diseases
>Encouraged hard work
>Boosted the German economy
>Increased productivity
>Forgive criminals
>Discourage punishment
>Encourage giving birth to children with defects
>Encourage aborting healthy children
>Encourage promiscuity
>Reduce productivity
>Reduce efficiency
>Reduce economic output
>be leftie
>see nazis everywhere
>even in your own european country where rape and murder statistics are bloated by the supposed multicultural richness
I love vidya, I love Wolfenstein, but oh how I laf when lefties get their freedomboners over killing fantasy nazis when in real life they close their eyes on true oppression.
> encourage giving birth to children with defects
It's the left that pushes for abortion
how the fuck are you in america and it''s 4:43?
if fascism is bad why did it work so much in history
>reminder to fight racism because if you don't you'll get a nice house in the suburbs with a wife and a lot of kids...
Some of these sjw yanks are so fucking cringe thinking theyre experiencing anything remotely close to a fascist system.
Its so dramatic and pathetic.
Makes sense that landwhale and nigger settle for each other.
Commies take advantage of Americans being against fascism and try to push it to the extreme in order to bring them over to Communism. They did this in the 40s, 60s, and 80s. Seemingly every 20 years, I'm guessing they weren't able to push it during the 2000s because of 9/11 making people angry as fuck about their garbage fucking proxy war candidates in the middle east.
>Nazi America looks comfy as fuck
>Rebels want to destroy comfy society
>Rebels destroy Nazi America, and its peaceful society.
>Rebels are good because they aren't Nazis
What did they mean by this?
fuck metro is so good
its literally the definition of paradise. why wouldn't anyone love it!?
Funny, isn't it?
On the one hand they'll go on a rant about people "interfering" with their rights for their body, on the other hand they hate people that discriminate against the handicapped and the autistic, because "they're people too".
They push for abortion choice but don't advocate targeting defective babies and actively say that to do so is wrong but abortion in and of itself is not.
Other user's point was quite easy to understand.
It's actually quite funny to me that often games portray Nazi societies as well maintained, the people fed and happy, the economy flourishing, great infrastructure, great technology, but somehow they are bad because they oppress dindus and (((them))). I wouldn't mind living in Wolfenstein's Nazi unvierse, it looks fucking great.
abortion of white babies.
Can you play as a Nazi and kill Antifa?
Can you play as a regular citizen and kill Antifa?
It's funny that if we didnt have death camps that everybody would have thought the nazis where the good guys
john boehner
i didn't quite like TNO concrete landscapes
i did quite like a finished autobahn between warsaw and berlin, something we still don't have
They have such great armor designs too fuccckkkk I want to wear that shit
I like how TNO basically confirmed Jews were hording technology and instilling an autocracy upon mankind, and that Nazis taking over the entire world is LITERALLY the Jew's faults.
They failed. They don't even know it.
As if it wasn't bad enough that hey made a ww2 game not about a war fought between countries, but about resisting le ebil Nazi utopia, but they decided that instead of regular freedom loving Americans resisting occupation, it had to be communists.
I pirated the first remake, New Order or whatever, on my PS3. I actually liked it too.
As much as I want to join in on this muh media crusading that I usually love to indulge in, I honestly was not triggered by the trailer.
I think it fits into their thematic trend.
They support abortion, but mention it along with eugenics and they'll flip out.
>nazis have zero redeeming qualities
He says, living in a world made possible by Nazi science.
I would give anything to have my kids grow up in the "Nazi" America, comfy af
Going to the mall (they are still good because no nigs), sitting him on Santa's lap (who is actually a white Santa), etc
>no redeeming qualities
Then why do all these lefty writers want socialistic policies like nationalized healthcare that was implemented in Nazi Germany?
wtf i like nazis now
You just needed to say yes, Nigel and pic related would be our reality.
videogames were steamrolled just like movies television and comics
is there any way the nazis can win in this game if so I will buy it
Old blood and new blood or whatever were fun to play I don't really care about the crap around them but I will wait until it's half off
the funny part for me is that if these axious cowards were alive in nazi germany they would have been first in line to heil hitler
Because if you do it specifically because you're child will be a downie than its eugenics WHICH IS A BIG NONO YOU NAZI. Bascially leftists are fucking retarded
id software went full cuck decades ago. the only real claim to fame they've ever had was Doom and Quake, and the only reason they've survived so long was people creating mods of the old source code into what we know now as source engine based games. this game is just a cash grab to re-sell the brand name of something that was revolutionary to do when it was first created (3d environment, etc) and they're filling it with propaganda. fucking disgusting.
Turns out im the retard and should of been aborted
last light is my all time favorite game. right in the fucking feels. SO GOOD
is there any way the nazis can win in this game if so I will buy it
nazis also were well on their path to exterminate the Poles, executing blonde haired blue eyed women and children.
im new to games (oldibie) explain it please.
>should of
double abortion initiated, thank to marshal law
>they have zero redeeming qualities
People actually believe Germany just turned into a nation of comic book villains in the 1930s, and went to war with the world because of evil. People actually fucking take this seriously. Its so easy to brainwash people, they won't even question the most absurd telling of history possible.
American History X Stream
American History X Stream
American History X Stream
American History X Stream
American History X Stream
enjoy user :)
The Nazi version of America looks pretty rad, desu.
just go to /leftypol/ already.
just go
is that suppose to be aztec sacrifices? Child sacrifices?I don't get it what is this picture saying?
comic book super heroes are a jewish invention as well btw
Did you see the Strain? Nazi vampires dudes. And old Jew professor holocaust-survivor saves the world from the Nazi vampires. Media is a joke.
Based Grammar Nazi
How many of us even KNOW the Europe before Nazis? The whole fight Nathzees is like a new creation myth, a secular version of the Devil, ooo, so spoopy.
I didn't play Metro 2033, but I didn't like Last Light that much. Controls were pretty bad and some gameplay was annoying. Played it when it came out, so I don't remember much.
Let them fill you with bullets when you start the game.
they push for both user
the choice to end the spark of life, or (if defective) the choice to burden society with it forever
Unless this is the extrended ending its a kike ass movie.
Was that so hard?
That the fasces is a roman symbol?
Having seen the trailer, I wouldn't be surprised if people would become more sympathetic towards nazis. I want to kill that narrating sassy nigger bitch so much
>but they're really bashing the Nazis were ebil over your head this time it feels like
Wolfenstein has always been about making Nazis into the evilest thing imaginable since inception.
In Germany video phone calls between a couple of cities existed from 1936 on.
>That the fasces is a roman symbol?
The fasces is a faggot. If you don't like it you are homophobic.
The only people I've seen say that are religious cuckservatives
>that meme
google it then yourself fag im not your fucking mom
i wonder if kids will believe there were niggers in medieval europe in 20 years
Vilification is a cash cow they keep milking.
Sure. Younger generation eats it up without questions asked.
Why is that nigress' afro twice the size of her head?
History is being rewritten as we speak if nothing happens to change the current course, yes they will think that.
>Implying implications
>You now have to display black woman as completely stereotypical otherwise they're too white or acting white.
Wew idk wtf to think anymore
>perfect video game enemy
More like lazy villain by mental midgets with zero creativity
yeah gen z is retarded and loves niggers.
It is. It is the most degenerate generation I know