
WTF Trump has gone full centrist now???

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He's always been a centrist. Just like most americans.

Fuck the false dichotomy of the political establishment.


Would he ever quit the Republican party?

Centrism is le new counter culture

The Republican party is dead. Trump killed it. And we should all thank him. Dems killed themselves.

Yet you'll still vote in that two party mindset.

Only a fascist state can save america.

Yes, he will create The "First Party"

So will future contests be manoeuvring for the centre or a battle of extremes, or some complex mix?

You mean center right aka neocon

You forgot the part where he cucks america for israel, cuts your social security and healthcare and appoints goldman kikes to run everything!

oh no, he'll try to actually pass legislation that helps Americans unlike Obongo.

Yes, he's always been a centrist, in the good sense of the word of taking a little from everything, and not in the sense of the cowards too scared or ignorant to pick a side in the globalist vs. nationalist fight. Go look at his policies:

Renegotiate or end NAFTA, end TPP, end the Paris Accord, secure our borders, deport illegals, block immigrants from countries that can't vet properly, stop H-1Bs, stop letting companies move jobs to foreign countries, preserve our Constitutional rights by picking pro-Constitution Supreme Court Justices, vet Muslims, reduce crime, lower taxes for everyone, end the UN and NATO if other countries don't do their share, stop forcing people to give money to insurance companies even if they don't want insurance, increase energy reserves, everything else in Trump's executive orders, and put America ahead of all other countries.

Not staunchly left or right, Democrat or GOP, but rather just doing what's best for the American citizenry on every issue, the way it should have always been, but hasn't in a long time until President Trump.

Did you think for a second Trump was an ideologue?

>oh no, he'll try to actually pass legislation that helps Americans unlike Obongo.

Obama was way more centrist than him and he was as right wing on economics as they came.

>Did you think for a second Trump was an ideologue?

It's whatever Goldman Sachs tells him to do.

No he went full blown neocon kike puppet.

$825 billion dollar stimulus package?

>Le muh zionist meme
A zionist would have fired people acting like McMaster.
you faggot, also


What did you expect?

>If he makes extreme far right and extreme far lefts claims, he averages out to a centrist
christ you're dumb

>If he makes extreme far right and extreme far lefts claims, he averages out to a centrist

sorry but WRONG

we are not talking about algebra

You only vote in that moment mindset, if you allow yourself to succumb to said mindset.

Fascism excludes America. What do you mean when you say 'America'?