>someone jumps at you while you're driving
>not braking immediately
anyway holy fuck that's radical
they were going 90 kph which is literally highway speed, in a bus. would take a very long time to slow down.
Also I dont get why these threads always get posted, do you think that nobody does crazy shit in whatever shithole country you're from OP? Or is it the chinese who only do crazy shit?
Im white, I live in a neighborhood with a lot of chinese people. They never bother me, or anything. Just live their lives like everyone else.
I guess I just dont understand racists
why i never see chinese flags here?
are their censorship really that strong that they can block 1 billion+ people from Sup Forums?
or i'm just retarded and there's other reason?
China is a VERY good country.
Damn. Exploding mullet.
Censorship blocks google, so no CAPTCHA.
What is this movie and what is the plot?
Why is that other guy just standing there?
> would take a very long time to slow down.
You're an idiot. The average Chinese bus comes to a full stop in 4 seconds at those speeds without skidding.
You have not yet had the opportunity to be properly culturally enriched. You will understand one day.
Looks like a typical day in Chicago or LA. Take your fascist hatred elsewhere, commie.
Holy fuck I am dying
Great Firewall of China
All internet in China is basically intraret routed through goverment cencorship-filters
that was fucking crazy
Name some negative behavior qualities of the chinese people in your neighborhood.
thats fkn crazy
>The average Chinese bus
> would take a very long time to slow down.
dude, most buses can completely stop at 100 in less than 4 seconds
>le condemn an entire country because of a few .webms of traffic accidents thread
Hmm, I wonder why you fucks are always picking on China? Could it be that you're using some cherrypicked footage of the rarest, most horrific accidents to push the image that China isn't a beautiful country and isn't going to be the leading superpower and economy in the world that everyone will be trying immigrate to.
How about you post some car accidents that happen in the US so we can laugh and assume the entire country must be awful
Capthcha is blocked, but goldpass members can post all fine
that's india tho
They do this to get around the higher iq stat.
Hi wong
herro Zhang
and if it wasn't enough to be so fucking unlucky that you bike right in the path for the lamppost to smash you to bits, the truck runs over your remains while burning
Enriched with what? A dim sum food truck?
scram McFly I'm cuttin in
Where is the difference?
they have done actual IQ tests in provinces where children of farmers and such score as low as 77
>trying to hold a forklift
Natural selection at work.
>go to live leak
>search "china"
>coutless videos of dog torture, vehicular homicide,post vehicular homicide, indifference to hurt and injured children, women beating the shit out of and stripping naked other women in public
>then remember you werent looking for these things, you just searched "china"
its not about race user, its about culture, and the national chinese culture is abject masochism
I uh, uh, yeah. Did not see that coming. And those were nips not chinks you racist piece of shit.
>would've just made it if he continued straight like the other cyclist
Jesus fucking christ that is brutal hahahahahaha
typical forklift weighs about 5 tons. the only fault there was the guy thinking he could hold it down
which michael bay movie is this?
Not enough farmers to lower the average. Aggregate stats dont matter to wn i guess if it goes against the narrative. Nigger tier logic.
it's the windscreen breaking off and reflecting the sun for a split second my vision impaired brit
Oh fuck youre right
i thought it was some edited bullshit
you do know most of these IQ tests are done in larger cities like Shanghai and Shenzhen with low sampling rates?
those fucking yellow jews
japan did nothing wrong
There was nothing racist about his post, dumbass