>A Norwegian woman has requested asylum in Poland, fearing that officials in her home country will take her child away, according to a report.
>A Norwegian woman has requested asylum in Poland, fearing that officials in her home country will take her child away, according to a report.
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Poland: Savior of Evropa and white people
>The paper added: "Most of the Barnevernet’s interventions involve poor people, from lower social classes and immigrants. But Garmo is educated, wealthy, well-versed in the law.”
>chronic use of painkillers
So she's a junkie and she's fleeing to eastern Europe to keep her kid. Maybe she shouldn't have just been a colossal idiot in the first place
Apparently, there are more coming according to our newspaper
Holy shit, what the fuck is happening?
I thought that Poland being a shelter for white people was only a Sup Forums meme.
According to our newspaper, for having a "chaotic lifestyle" she sure was organized enough to flee and have life in Poland. Not only that, the so-called "chronic painkillers" is actually alleged.
Save her, Poorland.
She already is. And if the article is true, there is going to be a huge group of women in similar situations. Apparently the laws in Norway are insane
>inb4 Her chaotic lifestyle is actually being a Christian.
It's a bullshit superficial excuse, something is rotten in the state of Norway.
>During her second pregnancy, the Barnevernet constantly monitored the results of Garmo’s medical tests looking for evidence of addiction to drugs, but no such evidence was found, according to reports.
Northern Europeans are seeking asylum in Eastern Europe, what the fuck is going on over there?
I suspect we'll see more of CPS being used as an anti-white tool in the future. That white girl from a Christian family being taken from her parents in the UK and given to an Arab Muslim family is the shape of things to come.
Wow what? Link to an article?
reminds me of that shit with the german education system being the legal guardians of any and all students, and being able to remove them from parents for whatever reason without recourse
>State decides to take away your kid
>Oh, we found a bottle of Tylenol
>Jew hiding behind a pirate flag rubs is hands together
That was the original article.
Barnevernet (CPS) is far from perfect, it's run by bitter 50yo feminists with no sense of justice or decency, but this story was 1) made possible and 2) publicized because of a ridiculous conspiracy theory in eastern Europe that Norway is snatching all eastern european children to milk them for "superior" gypsy sperm and crazy shit like that.
>Implying you're not
I'm not joking about this. I read a story in a romanian newspaper saying all romanian couples in Norway have their children confiscated for a romanian-norwegian breeding program. Apparently we had done a study and found out romanian genes were the best in Europe.
Well, they do have some skills.
Can i come too? Poland please
Not fooling anyone ahmed, you can take away your blonde wig, and your blue eye lenses
If i was Ahmed then i would rather stay here. I would rather get paid a shitty salary living in a run down commie block with a bunch of poles than live with these animals over here.
Muslims always want to infiltrate the enemy, we have to be valiant
>it's run by bitter 50yo feminists with no sense of justice or decency
That's CPS everywhere.
Well you have a point. Jihad is tiresome busines
Yessss yessss. This is good. Nordic x Slav produces very good looking girls . . . and boys too but no homo.
Fuck off and send her back to get cucked by the state. You've made your bed now lay in it.
My sister has 4 white blonde blue eyed children. She has been contacted by the child protective service 2 times now. There are lots of reasons both times, but none of them are true. She owns her own house, has money, her parents are multimillionaires, I am too, so no problems at all. It is sketchy as fuck. She's a single mom, but that's it. Her kids have everything they want, and she has never hit them. She wore a thight dress a saturday when she was going to a party with 3 girl friends. That was one of the things that was in the report, the other was that it was sometimes toys on her livingroom floor and lots of stupid things.
>Norway is snatching all eastern european children to milk them for "superior" gypsy sperm and crazy shit like that.
Completely ridiculous, why would they need to milk gypsies for sperm when they already get it from africans and middle easterners?
>4 white blonde blue eyed children
Oy vey, these children should be taken away from their abusive white mother and given to some loving middle eastern refugees couple!
This is full blown Orwellian dystopy
Not even Orwell predicted the mandatory interracial breeding grounds!
>publicized because of a ridiculous conspiracy theory in eastern Europe that Norway is snatching all eastern european children to milk them for "superior" gypsy sperm and crazy shit like that.
vent, hva?
some romanian needs to find this article for us
Have you heard of barnevernet(CPS) neglecting siblings of recently deceased parents in seeing eachother? I've heard this happening before. Whats the reasoning? Nonsense modern pedagogy?
>A Lithuanian talk show has accused Norway of stealing their children in an attempt to tackle 'the highest rate of inbreeding in the world'.
>The episode of An Hour with Ruta, which aired on independent TV channel LNK last week, claimed that foreign children were being seized and fostered with Norwegian parents to strengthen the Nordic country's 'genetic material.'
>An introduction to the chat show argued that Norway's Child Protection Service (Barnevernet) argued that it was deliberately targeting Lithuanian children which were seen as a 'sought-after commodity'.
the fuck?
>Earlier this year Czech President Miloš Zeman accused the services of acting 'like the Nazis' by not allowing a Czech mother of the two seized boys to talk to them in Czech.
Russian authorities have also attacked Norway over its seizure of children from their Russian-speaking families.
I know our CPS is a nightmarishly irrationally driven operation, but holy shit. T-this isnt real is it bros?
>our CPS are smuggling slavic and baltic babies for whatever reason
my mind is forever squelched
I'm sure it has nothing to do with a disproportionate amount of east-yurops hitting their kids, just like they fill our jails for other crimes.
Right-wing libertarian revolution when? This statist bullshit is really retarded. Social workers need to be thrown into the street.
The more you look into it, the more you realize all "child protection services" are criminal organizations.