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Serves him right desu
Just say "Mad Max: Fury Road"
>gets to bang her
>she wants him out the same moment he realizes she is a raging feminist
How is this not a win/win for the guy?
He still got that pussy lolll
Even when women "win" they still lose
It was at that point she realised she had been raped.
this must be satire
What's the point of writing movie, "movIE,"?
Nice story arc.
This is the reason there have never been any good female authors.
>western tomoko
>meet guy
>fuck guy
>"hurr durr y dun we git 3 kno each othr?"
For your viewing pleasure
so much breast milk
>Ahhm JK Rowling much
Her mistake was not leaving his house after sex like she was goddamn supposed to.
>giving a shit about her opinions AFTER you've dumped your nut
That's not how biology works
>This is what happens when you don't take the robotic anime waifu pill
WTF is that cuck shit, he should be like bitch dont talk
>banging guys you barely know
enjoy your DST's and never being able to fill the void daddy left
Someone post the pasta to this Jew.
The real joke here is practically every movie was written by and for men and there are no movies with sizeable female leads.
patriarchy is real lads, not shilling
thank god it's real.
i mean STD's*
I think she resembles Marceline from adventure time more
Isn't Jaws a girl shark?
>lets perform one of the most intimate acts before we know even the most superficial aspects of each other
>i wonder why everything feels empty and unfullfiling?
>must be some randomized chemical imbalance
>>>>literally linking donations to gelding and abortion clinics.
Agatha Christie. Jane Austin. Mary Shelly. A metric fuckton in the fantasy/science fiction genre... I get you hate women but comments like this make you out to be a fucking idiot.
Women's studies is a Patriarchal system.
You spend tens of thousands of dollars to a board of white men, so you can be isolated in an echo-chamber to regurgitate phrases that make you seem insane to the outside world, and ensures you will have no future career prospects, so you can remain forever in debt and hence enslaved to your white male lenders. Further ensuring that women remain in submission and incapable of making real change in the world.
Think about it.
Women's studies is the ultimate patriarchal ruse.
Is this satire? I cant fucking tell anymore
I'm with you. I have no clue what's going on.
It is satire.
Jane Austen is the only one of those people even getting close to making it
Mary shelly
Lois Lowry
bunch of 18th + century ladies that wrote under pseudonyms
the woman that made full metal alchemist
>still doing chivalrous shit for random women in 2017
i don't do shit for women i don't know. i'd gladly hold open a door for a guy, but women have been getting retardedly uppity about it the last few years.
fuck em, unless i know em, i wouldn't even piss on them if they were on fire.
I don't mind the link. It let me send some edited ones back to the author. I also added pissy comments like 'how can you make such a hateful comic?"
Thank god
>that meme flag.
Would have been more subtle without that, but I get that it's a tongue in cheek troll.
It's definitely satire.
MGTOWs proclivity to interracial fantasies annoy me though
Should have just listed anime
Neckbeards win this one
>A metric fuckton in the fantasy/science fiction genre
yeah, i've read quite a lot of (((female sci-fi)))
it's garbo.
Someone post the gif of the woman being incapable of throwing a grenade and nearly killing her squad
edit the explosion on her shirt to be hillary's H logo
Oh fuck, please. Those books are what people who don't read much, think good writing is. The story is impressive only if you've never read beyond a 6th grade level. I'm not being sarcastic, I'm completely serious.
>she lets a guy fuck her roast beef gash before even engaging him in non-alcohol fueled conversation
Hopefully she's pregnant and alone too
great edits
I like the part where the strawman satirically admits wrong right away
As opposed to “movIES”. The distinction is it’s hard to pick just one.
Someone post the original, the one with Chad driving instead
Checked. The rare trip-dubs.
Read more, then. Or don't because there's enough echoing twats in various parts of geek culture.
but it's shit !
>people think these are satire
Look up the guy who writes these, huge SJW fag. I doubt he is larping that hard.
>It's wrong to depict violence to children
>even though I depict violence
>even though I encourage children to commit actual acts of violence
you're going in the oven first
Romance movies are actually a large part of the movie pie. They don't appeal that much to males, though, so of course they don't get as much money as gender neutral movies, a la Disney, or action packed testosterone thrillers like Thor or Fast and Furious.
Reminds me of why I left Star Wars fandom. It got overrun with women and niggers. I'd listen to fan podcasts and it was a topic that came up. "I feel like our community has to try harder to reach out to groups that have historically been marginalized by fandom." It got so bad that there was a sense of "if you aren't friends with fangirls and fanniggers then you're betraying us. GO BE FRIENDS WITH THEM."
Now that I'm fully redpilled, this idea of "compulsory tastes" is still my biggest hatred. I'll like whatever movies I like damnit. It's none of your business who I exclude from my friend groups.
There's literally absolutely nothing remotely wrong with discrimination, even racial discrimination. Discrimination is non-violent.
I don't understand star trek has broken some barriers, the writer was a huge liberal. Takei actually got mad when they made his character gay in the new one, because he thought the director did his part for that time period for breaking social stigmas on t.v.
No one would believe you're serious because it sucks so bad.
Reminds me of these comics
>editing anti-feminist comics
being that bluepilled
Anyone who uses the term "fandom" deserves to be stabbed in the groin with a rusty screwdriver
She's lucky to be alive
He said GOOD female authors.
"Favourite movies"? "
>watch as confusion ensues as feminazi tries to process if this is a good or bad thing
yeah femdom is much better
What's the point of showing us how stupid you are?
Jesus tap dancing Christ
I don't think this is a parody
>man literally cums inside of your pussy, the most intimate act possible
>ask "how about we get to know each other a little better?" afterward
what did xhe meme by this
these are genuinely funny as fuck
>she's right
>I'm wrong
I agree, croissant nigger.
Advocating murder and terrorist activities? Noooo, but they just want respect.
>Ahhm JK Rowling much
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
>imagine feeling such self-doubt that you have to write and draw webcomics validating you and your bullshit opinions
I actually feel sorry for her
thank you for this, i try to post it every time JK rowling is mentioned.