Polish nationalist party head denounces anti-Semitism, praises Israel
>For centuries, Poland was home to the largest and most significant Jewish community in the world. Poland was the centre of Jewish culture thanks to a long period of statutory religious tolerance and social autonomy.
>From the founding of the Kingdom of Poland in 1025 through to the early years of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth created in 1569, Poland was the most tolerant country in Europe. Known as paradisus judaeorum (Latin for "Paradise of the Jews"), it became a shelter for persecuted and expelled European Jewish communities and the home to the world's largest Jewish community of the time. According to some sources, about three-quarters of the world's Jews lived in Poland by the middle of the 16th century.
>Still, as Poland regained independence in the aftermath of World War I, it was the center of the European Jewish world with one of world's largest Jewish communities of over 3 million.
>One-fifth of the Polish population perished during World War II, half of them were 3,000,000 Polish Jews murdered in The Holocaust, constituting 90% of Polish Jewry. Although the Holocaust occurred largely in German-occupied Poland, there was little collaboration with the Nazis by its citizens. Collaboration by individual Poles has been described as smaller than in other occupied countries. Statistics of the Israeli War Crimes Commission indicate that less than 0.1% of Polish gentiles collaborated with the Nazis. Examples of Polish gentile attitudes to German atrocities varied widely, from actively risking death in order to save Jewish lives, and passive refusal to inform on them; to indifference, blackmail.
>Since the fall of Communism in Poland there has been a Jewish revival, characterized by the annual Jewish Culture Festival, new study programmes at Polish high schools and universities, the work of synagogues such as the Nożyk, and the Museum of the History of Polish Jews.
>Grouped by nationality, Poles represent the largest number of people who rescued Jews during the Holocaust.
How does it feel, nazis? There's not a damn place on Earth that you can flee to.
it doesnt mean you are welcome here
I don't care. But why did you let more than 1 million Ukrainians in, if we are not welcome?
Jews want to put every white child on hormone blockers until they reach 16 and emasculate every white male while they open your borders to replace you.
To spite the russkies.
Based Kaczor
They don't care. They've been importing Central Asians and other shitskins for years now.
to prevent social collapse of the Ukraine
Fucking BASED!
Oy vey
To be quite honest, what was he supposed to say? In our cucked world.
And really, don't you agree that Israel, despite them being turbo-kikes, is actually somewhat civilized in the sea of desert pedo moon god worshiping shitskins?
I'm trying to understand what the fuck is going through the minds of those parents who put their children through hormone blockers. I mean , WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?!?
I've heard stories of people who did that because their son/daughter was suffering because "since they were 4-5 years old, they KNEW that they were born of the wrong gender". What?!? How can a toddler even think about that kind of things?
Isn't it irresponsible to give hormone blockers to a child, just because "he will feel better"? Feel better for what? How can a child have the maturity to understand his "gender-feelings" (I don't know how to define it)? You are literally RUINING a person, destroying his puberty only because "he's going through mental suffering"! I mean, aren't there counselors for that? And if he changes his mind when he's grown up, what will he do? He'll find himself with the dick of a 11 years old, and no matter how many counter-therapy he'll take, he will stay like that - with the body of a semi-prepubescent; it's not like you can decide when to grow up.
Really, that shit really makes me upset.
Can somebody tell me how many ukranians poland actually took in?
Can't find solid numbers anywhere
Polandia and Ukrainia are rightful Jewish clay
yeah we wanted to take them all for ourselves, to help improve the economy you know?
Take your straw man and go fuck yourself with it.
People are going to have to keep denouncing anti semitism for eternity goddamn.
No wonder why i see so many Polish kikes here. Especially that faggot in /ptg/
I told you long time ago Sup Forums that Poland is a bunch of cucks but you didn't listen.
Poland is an extremely based country in all ways but don't be fooled by this, most Poles are antisemites. This is just good politics.
So this is why Trump loves Poland so much huh?
Depends what social class actually.
this is a good thing you dummies
israel is one of the best examples of a successful nationalist nation. instead of being fucking retarded and sperging out like Nazis, maybe you should learn some fucking optics
>Polish (ethnic) Jew
Oinion discarded.
How the fuck are they successful nigger? They wouldn't even exist without America and half their population is sandniggers. It's also one of the most degenerate fag loving countries in the world.
I assure you that the core of PiS party is all anti-semitic and believes in the Jewish conspiracy...that's how pathetic they are.
They're brainwashed automatons who are incapable of self reflection
Israel only exists because of the foreign aid. Most Jews don't even live there. But nice try Chaim.
The new national socialism isn't about the Jews anymore. It's about immigrants. Muslims, Mexicans, etc.
That isn't based, that's cucked.
In my experience it seems to be present in all classes although obviously less prominent among urban liberals.
answer me, goyim
Yes, good goyim. We, err, I mean, Jews are not the problem. It's the ethnic people and such.
Thank you for shedding some light on the kurwas, greatest porky ally. I hope we'll be on good terms in future.
Loving the naziboo tears
One thing is LARPing for pragmatic reasons...other thing is put in practice policies that suits the Jews at the expense of the White gentiles.
In many ways the Polish government is worst than a goy blackmailed pedophile or a goy member of a JEWlluminati secret society that is blackmailed by a nasty initiation...what Polish government does represents a complete lack of character, honor and dignity.
Despicable blackmailed dyke Dalia Grybauskaitė is superior to PiS party.
>When Negroes are running too fast and Pervitin is kicking in
>remove russian influence
>fall under US/EU influence
>gay shilling within a month
like clockwork