Has anyone managed to register an account on the Korean Sup Forums, also known as Ilbe?
My Grandfather died in the Korean war and I want to give these gooks who think they can talk shit about us a piece of my mind.
Has anyone managed to register an account on the Korean Sup Forums, also known as Ilbe?
My Grandfather died in the Korean war and I want to give these gooks who think they can talk shit about us a piece of my mind.
I bet your grand father is happy he died so he didn't have to see how Autistic his Grandson is
Everyone talks shit about you, leaf
shut the fuck up you dumb leaf.
You can't understand how it feels like because your grandfather fought on the other side.
Who let the niggers in?
Who this qt
A korean on the website posted about 'his first white girlfriend'
They're all gloating and calling us cucks
Sup Forums cant even make organized posts / raids on 2ch, what makes you think Sup Forums cares about ilbe?
Pro tip- he's probably lying.
because 2ch blocks us. These fucking japs come and shit all over this place on occasion but we can't do the same.
Subhumans have no concept of fairness.
>Ilbe posters want white women
>Sup Forums posters want Korean women
there is nothing wrong with mixing the masterraces
she's a twitch camwhore
she doesn't have a bf
Canada, probably
and people say white people aren't the most insecure race
some gooks on the otherside of the world that you will never met, and will never have an influence on your home could be talking shit and you still get flustered
Your grandfather died fighting for kikes.
>implying most Sup Forums users are a single race
we're more diverse than a fucking RPG character creation list
Your grandfather is a fucking cuck -- just like every other person that has ever joined the military.
We should start a war with them. use effeminate k-pop stars to call them sissies and cucks.
why are south koreans such naive faggots?
it's just boy band shit
only teenage girls like it. but in the west adult women love it
Wow it's like 80's British pop done Asian.
your grandpa was a cuck and so are you
>thinking the Korean War was the Koreans' fault
A Japanese shot my Grandpa in the back during World War 2. He suffered pain the rest of his life and passed away before I was born.
The Japanese are responsible for never being able to meet my Grandfather.
I feel your pain Leaf. Good luck to you.
the difference is 80's rock stars were alpha as fuck despite having long hair and makeup. kpop stars act like faggots to go along with looking like them.
The most ugly guy, the tall guy on the far right with long curly hair.
He is objectively the least disgusting person in that picture..
>muh noble gooks
Why do they say white women smell like "cheese?" First time I ever heard that.
I said pop, not rock.
>백인 여친 1인칭 시점
White girlfriend first person view
cheese is the white man's kimchi
MCR isn't from the 80s you stupid faggot
Kpop is more comparable to Boy Bands and Pop Rock
Western girls these days are probably turning to Kpop because the music industry doesn't push white boy bands anymore.
When it's not degenerate white (Jewish) women dragging their pussy on the floor, it's niggers with soft voices, white (Jewish) guys who act like niggers, and Maroon 5 (eww)
Thanks Burger bro. I managed to create an account and post a little but I can't figure out how to make a thread yet.
I want to bring some of the pain back to these yellow men but the odd design of the website and google translate prevent me from doing it for now.
maybe FDR shouldn't have let the Japs bomb pearl harbor
일제는 친미인데 ㅠㅜ
Fuck off you cringy paki
>use effeminate k-pop stars to call them sissies and cucks.
1. Why would Koreans care if you use effeminate kpop boy bands to troll? Kpop is just one aspect of the Korean entertainment in which they have everything from masculine actors in their kdramas to gay kpop boygroups just like US entertainment has everything from Brad Pitt to Justin Beiber.
2. If you went to ilbe, you would know they are actually proud of how kpop boy groups like BTS are popular outside Korea especially among Western white girls.
3. Why would anybody be embarassed when White girls are obssessed with Asian boys like below?
fuck off? this is my country now, you leave m8
친미는 개뿔
맨날 입럼프 타령하는데
본토개돼지는 나가 디져라
Ching chong to you too.
>3. Why would anybody be embarassed when White girls are obssessed with Asian boys like below?
Whites consume more dairy than asians and they say they can smell it on us.
. Why would anybody be embarassed when White girls are obssessed with Asian boys like below?
They look at them like cute puppies or something. grown ass women want real men.
>3. Why would anybody be embarassed when White girls are obssessed with Asian boys like below?
Or this
etc etc etc ...
They just hate us because they have tiny dicks and are insecure about being skinny little feminine manlets, so they make shit up
>literally muh dick
Cannot make this shit up
>Leaf on Leaf violence
Ok I'm in ready for this thread.
DUDE they're totally appropriating Aryan culture.
Wait never mind, I thought girl was a k boy from thumbnail.
>bragging about a 5 inch dick
atleast when the black dudes do it they're right, this is just sad kek
Sup Forums and /r9k/ think all women are whores, and fuck nothing but black men. but recent studies have shown that most millennials aren't having sex.
you all like to think it's because it's the top 20 rule, and all women are just fucking the top 20% while 80% of men make up those virgin numbers.
but these are the millennial women not having sex
they hate looking at niggers pushed in American media
they don't care about liberal shit (too busy watching k-dramas)
they don't want an overly muscular man on roids
they like using makeup that doesn't make them look like whores
and they're not ham beasts
what are you waiting for boys, go get them
I've never met anyone over 20 that likes kpop what are you on about
6.5 actually and I'd tear your tight little paki boipussy wide open with it, while you scream for more
>grown ass women want real men.
Will some of these White grow up and want 'real' white men? I am sure some of them will. But plenty of these girls will have it imprinted in their brains that 'ASIAN BOYS = SEXY' and this will happen
really? personally, i'm surprised how often i run into them
even my friend's mom and 30 year old sister love k-dramas
That guy doesn't look faggy to me. You think some girly korean twink is going to be popular with your typical western women? dream on faggot.
don't those disgusting korean animals need a smartcard ID to login on each and erry of their websites?
Why do you have against koreans? They seem ok.
Stop following other french posters around.
they fail the ultimate civilization test
they bin shit soiled toilet paper, instead of flushing it, exactly as greeks or brazilians would do
Lmao Koreans are literally the niggers of east asia. I never realized how bluepilled Sup Forums was on (((k*reans))) until all of this illbe shilling today.
>dream on faggot.
You seem to think the popularity of kpop among Western teen girls is niche or something.
TODAY 2017 = It is in that gray area that is between NICHE and MAINSTREAM to to point where it can explode into something
When HOT girls who look like this are obssessing over kpop boy groups, it is really onto something.
Lol you just say that because you want to shitpost them. I was only genuinely curious about what he had against them.
Holy shit you're right... It seem to be mostly in older buildings though.
I admit I am bluepilled on the south Koreans.
Korean right wing? Are they fascist Koreans?
What the fuck happened to Kpop? Why is it filled with generic nigger beats now?
i don't even get a tiny bit triggered about racemixers
sure it's gross but it's just sad for the girl more than anything
reducing herself to anything less than a white man
it's either a good thing or a bad thing
it can convert girls to kpop, or be a sign that a nigger will one day be a kpop idol
>register an account
>Korean Sup Forums
A Sup Forums of any kind will not have any accounts. That Korean "Sup Forums" is a fucking Reddit.
Kpop is literally a vehicle for jewish-negro culture to enter east asia.
Tell me more.
>Subhumans have no concept of fairness.
The sushiniggers are not "honorabru."
>seem to be mostly in older buildings though
it's about errywhere, except in hotels or business places, where tourists or clients may go
they also are very fond of squat toilet ("chiottes à la turque")
it's all to do with their mentality
they developped their country so that growth was fast, not so to build actual civilization, a bit like insects would build a hive
and it shows in errything they do: always half assed and dimwitted
it's more than time they're rice krispied with nukes
nips used to be like them (nips are just sea koreans, and koreans are land nips)
then Merry Friends nuked them twice
look at them, now, all tame and clean
they even taught robots to clean people's asses!
>white guys being threatened by asian boys talking crap on the internet
Stay absolutely mad white boys
Asian men are superior
White "men" simply cannot compete
It's a very fucking bad thing. The inclusion of black cultural aesthetics into Korean popular culture has caused black culture itself to rise in popularity in korea and other areas of east asia.
The song below is a collaboration between wale an african american rapper and rap monster leader of the most popular kpop group at the moment bts. It's a literally fuck racist and the alt-right anthem.
>nips used to be like them (nips are just sea koreans, and koreans are land nips)
Why are nips better looking?
ching chong Toyota Nagasaki Hiroshima
im ok with white women + jews mix. Jews have higher IQ and generally wealthier. Whites are like the Marios of all races. They are average at everything but no real weaknesses. Jews on the other hand have high IQ which is more important than physicality unless you want to play niggerball.
Everyone that dates Koreans because of Kpop bullshit realizes soon after that they're not men (except their work ethic) they're fuckin peacocks. No one wants to date a strutting peacock with a $700 tshirt with a fucking skull on it.
Great people to hang out with but impossible to date long term.
Just wait until whitey loses his patience.
The real korean Sup Forums is DCInside you dumbfucks
Ilbe is korean r/the_donald
1) they're farther from chinks
2) radiation magics
3) they fought their war on their own, instead of letting others do it, so many manly men died, feminizing their phenotype (feminine women, but wimpy "men")
>work ethic
These are the men we should fear?? hahahaha
I guess they grew too fast, they were super poor until a few decades ago. But it also has to do with globalisation and the destruction of identity since the north isn't like that.
holy fuck i went to the website and found it on the front page
it's all google translated so it's incoherent sometimes
lmao they keep calling white people white horses lol
and saying that we have rough skin and smell
and that asians have nice soft skin (low testosterone that is btw)
wtf white horse
i would assume its an insult like russians calling people goats.
white horse is slang for white women I believe
they are calling us horses because we have bigger dicks,they are bassicly calling us niggers because they think that the only thing we are better then them is bigger dick size.
no, no
it's their choice, hence their fault
they really are like that
they even made a motto of it when they funded their "country"
can't remember it word for word, but in substance, it was about developing fast, even if it was in a shitty way
and that's how you end up with sewage pipes not even fit for toilet paper, or even worse abominations such as touchwiz
Fucking checked and keked