Do people on here still like Trump?
Do people on here still like Trump?
kike puppet but good guy
Stop using these cancer frogs thank you
wow, you think? bumping because of you
Never liked the guy. Hillary was a much better choice. Don't know why the hell so many burgers voted for Trump.
t. a pedo
Imagine if we didn't reduce our elections to false dichotomies like this
Of course. He's still doing his job trying to push his policies to benefit all American citizens, but the Democrats and neocons in Congress and federal judges block most of them. Not his fault, but people need to be asking themselves why so many Congressmen and so many judges still have jobs when they block every attempt to help Americans. Put pressure on them to start serving the interests of Americans or get kicked out and investigated for taking bribes from the elites.
Yah, Drumpf stronk, kill w MOAB, pray at wall wi funny hat, hire often akronohio people, have yuuuge love for little white ball game with stick, ride acpoalypse now helo, grab by pussy, love Drumpf
Yes, he told us the truth that our own government wouldnt, that police did know the identities of the terrorists who planted that bucket bomb, they were at their house 2 hours after the bomb was planted, the same time they were claiming they didn't know the identities.. then they find guns and a bomb at the property.
I like him as a person, and I'm glad he beat Hillary, but I wish Cruz had won the primary. Donald is really just a moderate democrat, but he does some good stuff.
yes and even more so since he opposed reversing DACA
Are you kidding me?
Yes I like him still. Not because I think he will be a great president but certainly better than Hillary.
And I genuinely believe he actually have the best interest of the american people at heart, unlike Hillary, even though he may not be the best president in history.
And I much prefer a misguided but good guy than a guided crook at the helm.
At least I know Trump will try to steer away from the abyss unlike Hillary who would set sail straight for it.
>Do people on here still like Trump?
I like him more and more, every time one of you transparent, and quite obvious shills posts an obviously anti trump thread on this board.
sorry, wrong "Thread"
Yes he is a good puppet and comes directly from the establishment.
stupid frogposter
Yes buts its growing more apparent everyday the swamp is unstumpable.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
not really anymore, I doubt the wall is going to get built and now he is talking like a neo con jew on steroids
we got swindled by the joos again. however the sheer amount of liberal butthurt still made electing trump worth it
I do.
Not really. I do like tha fact that he is a major trigger device for liberals though, at least that hasn't changed. And also because at least we can all agree that he was a better option than Hillary.
Red foliage
For all the "wrong" reasons. Yeah. I love that dude, he says so much funny crap, and I know he doesn't care much about Norway since we love being user in the world, just grabbing money here and there unnoticed. If there will be war, it'll be on the asian side. We'll be here, close to Swedenistan, but we'd still be pretty safe no matter what.