

Is based Cameron still on the director seat, though?

No, the new guy did Sin City though. Still working with Cameron since they are using Cameron's screenplay

>more white washing

Oh, Rob Rodriguez is doing it? Nice.

Fuck off, Tumblr. Nobody wants to see shitty Japanese actors. White countries make movies with white people for white people, and that's how things should be.


Sounds Japanese, totally.

>white washing
she's not japanese, but that doesn't make it white washing.
I'm more bothered that they're casting a 31 year old to play someone who is supposed to be passable as 14.

Kill yourself you stupid fucking nigger.

Wonder if Cameron would be interested in Iria: Zeiram?

He just has a thing for action girls/women.

I know it should be a black trans woman and the we'll never have to worry about another anime movie ever again because it would tank..

her name is yoko

I like how it say "settled" like they were trying to get an Asian actress then realized there's all of 3-5 that mainstream audiences know and then they realized they want to make actual returns on this so bankable white actress it is.

Battle angel alita is getting adapted?

where's my fucking 110 episode OVA series

Murrica is done churning out shitty video game and comic movies and is now moving onto the next thing?

Why are they pushing for anime and manga adaptations? I know Gunm has been in development for a while but it's insane, you've got Gits, Death Note and maybe a couple others I don't know about.

Is it just because the YA book market is completely and utterly dead after Divergent failed spectacularly at the box office?

What anime would work as a hollywood adaptation?

lack of creativity

Don't adapt manga featuring Japanese characters, then(I'm not talking about Alita).

>Why are they pushing for anime and manga adaptations?

Name 5 anime/manga adaptions from the last 5 years if you're going to "push" the idea that they're pushing for these adaptions to be made.

That's 5 that have actually been released not rumor milled to development hell and back.

>Why are they pushing for anime and manga adaptations?
The Edge of Tomorrow pretty much broke even, which showed them that there was potential.

Boku no Pico.

It'll premier at cannes film festiville, and be hailed by progressives as a progressive love tale.


>I have never read Gunm

Are you ready for normalfags to call themselves such Otaku XD when Animeshit becomes a hit similar to what happened when Capeshit became big?

They can cast Tom Cruise as Cunningham so Takeshi can be cast as an asian.

Rodriguez is doing it? damn this could actually be good. Get ready for the animekino phase of hollywood, then Disney will buy Japan and release movie after movie of DBZ, Slam Dunk and other shit.

Space Battleship Yamato or whatever the American name equivalent is.


honestly, this would be great

shes a wetback

Same could be said for Japan. Who fucking cares?

Attack on Eoten is perfect almost Young Adult Book tier

Who the fuck is going to watch these live action trash movies?

>t. retard

Dirty Pair

Capeshit is nearing its end. Warner Bros completely fucked up the DCEU and Fox botched Fantastic Four and X-men while Marvel is done after Infinity Wars. Nobody buys comics anymore while manga has a sizable presence in America.

They fucked up doing superhero movies, trying to set up cinematic universes like Disney/Marvel. So they are going to backpedal and do anime/manga.

>Hollywood adapting more and more shit
It's over, anime and mangos are finished.

I think the public will be fatigued of Capeshit by the time Infinity War comes out, don't see the MCU doing so well after that especially a post-Infinity War Avengers movies, the current roster is pretty household name brands and I doubt they would repeat the success. Sure they could probably cater to more niche audiences but I think Infinity War will be when normalfags call it quits.

I can see Hollywood doing a good Attack on Eoten if Tom Cruise is in it somehow, they did a good adaptation of Edge of Tomorrow (All you need is kill) and it was a fantastic movie on its own.

It's too normal for Cannes. This year alone there were things like: fucking an old man to death, closeup of childbirth, lesbian necrophilia and a woman enjoying getting raped.

>lesbian necrophilia and a woman enjoying getting raped.


The capekino shit survived because RDJ carried all the MCU to greatness once he is out the rest will start to fade away or relied to much on Evans or the Spiderman guy if his Standalone Marvel/Sony movie ended up being good. Though Marvel still has an exit planned after RDJ. DC is screwed if Justice League ended up being as badly received as BvS.

I hope animekino fails, if we ended up with another Edge of Tomorrow (which was a success with movie fans, casual movie watchers enjoyed the fresh air of that movie) then get ready for the second coming of normalfags that an entire generation has never witness since the last normalfag invation post Toonami/DBZ success.

Neon Demon and Elle.

Pedowood approves.

Nothing because they only make marxist propaganda shit with racemixing white sluts and nigger scientists.

>then get ready for the second coming of normalfags that an entire generation has never witness since the last normalfag invation post Toonami/DBZ success.

Why do I dread this so much? The very idea is unnerving and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Sup Forums leave, everyone here thinks anime going hollywood is a good thing. We can finally get rid of the problematic moe shows and have diversity in anime.

Not that user, but fuck you. You marxist shit. Anime is fine as it is even with all the moe shit going on at least they don't pander to turbo feminist and nu-males like comics and soon marvel movies will do soon.

Boku no Hero Academia

She is named Gally in the original nip version, and is not like the story taking place in Japan.

Boku no Pico
by Roman Polanski

One thing I'm wondering about since anime and manga are able to do female leads so incredibly well is that if it will transition over to Hollywood versions? Unless of course this is nothing more than a ploy to push SJW shit more, which more than likely is the reason they are doing this.

>RDJ as Gendo in the inevitable NGE live action

I can picture it now, especially the annoying, tumblr and Reddit fangirls screaming how RDJ is their favourite character



>Inuyasha is half-black instead of half-demon
>during american colonial times
>names, costumes and powers remain the same

Spice and Wolf
Welcome to NHK
Detroit Metal City
One Punch Man

>MC has super strength
>his edgy rival is a hot head
wait a second...


Is Disney stealing ideas from manga now?

Last Order fucked up by being a boring as shit shounen tournament arc where Gally's personality degenerates into generic shounen lead, complete with being ridiculously OP. HURR MUH BERZERCAR BODY IS POWERED BY A BLACK HOLE.

jesus fucking christ. Sechs was carrying that shit on her broad, masculine shoulders and her feminine gunpenis. And the bunny alitas were cute.


Why do you retards even care to entertain the idea of Hollywood adaptions?

suck my cock dude

Fate/Zero with Zack Snyder as the director.

LO was shit when Alita died for the first time. Then got revived a bit later, then died again and got revived like 5 minutes later into a fight

Bakemonogatari by Tim Burton.

I want it. Think of the songs, man.

Because Sup Forums is for normalfags now. Most people here actually want moe to die and for anime to become a politically correct.

I kinda want that. Big Bish and tNBC are among my favorite movies ever.

Wouldn't work, there's no girls sexy enough alive to be able to pull off either Hanekawa or Kanbaru, but I do think his visual style would be pretty apt for the series.

>the cast of monogatari reenacting the halloweentown song

It would be claymation like The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Gundam, get that elyisium guy to do it with a gritty war director.
>gritty war
>surface politics
>space tanks

>live action

Look at the poster's image. It doesn't remind you of anything?

>men in colonial era fashion fighting rogue demons wandering the wilderness of North America using swords and magic-empowered guns with some Indian mysticism thrown in to fight back the growing tide of colonial expansion

Barring the halfbreed part, this sounds like a neat concept for its own thing.

>the ultimate Sup Forums pedo movie.
Sup Forums will cum buckets if they can see Burton openly sexualize 10 years old, 8 years old and several 16-17 years old.

Berserk live action by the west adapting golden age with actual good CG when?

Habaneros but in the wild west

Nope, it would never work. Just don't even think about it, or it will become a kaii from your belief in it, and curse SHAFT's impressive adapting of the novels.

Capeshit had The Big Bang Theory to help proliferate it, will Animeshit have a similar counterpart?

Only if they have a trap in the cast


I don't care what anyone says, you could make a fantastic and successful Outlaw Star flick so long as you made it emulate the tone of GotG and nu-Star Trek with a solid choice for the lead.

I think any anime/manga/LN could be made into a good movie, it just depends on how much you're willing to twist it into your own thing.

Edge of Tomorrow is the proof of this. They were willing to take All You Need is Kill and turn it into something different but at the same time amazing. It's not a faithful adaptation but it's a good one.

remember to never support western live actions. It will hurt anime and manga in long term.

>Need for Initial D
>They'll remove eurobeat and replace it with rap
>Everyone will be nigger
I'd still watch it

Peter Jackson's Berserk
Sam Raimi's Devilman or GANTZ
Del Toro's Baccano


Good lord... I wanna kill myself so hard.

Why do Western comics keep rebooting the same few dozen capes that they've been using for decades with no end, while Japanese manga shits out dozens of new IPs each year that are samey clones of previous works that have come to an end? In the end both approaches serve to perpetuate the same old thing, but why the difference in approach?

Del Toro was going to make a Monster TV show. It never got picked up though, so the future is sorta in doubt for that one.

>Del Toro's Baccano


What point of no return has anime and manga reached according to this chart?

Thank god. He should do a gundam movie instead.

America needs to get fucking nuked already

Because it's hard to sell western comic fans on anything not set inside the DC or Marvel universes.

Hell, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are technically a part of the Marvel comics universe.

Just before the normie takeover

HBO wanted to make major changes and Del Toro told them no, and they didn't like that.