Sup Forums I am no commie, but how do you guys explain this?
Sup Forums I am no commie, but how do you guys explain this?
Guys, please, i really want to know.
Shameful self bump.
The fuck, why does his flag mark say JIDF
It's an old Sup Forums flag
>bumping your own thread
fuck off
sage in all fields
fucking newfag, doesn't even know he can't selfbump. sage
Oh, but at some point, it shows an Israeli flag. Or was that another joke flag.
I didn't know.
Proxy. Or NatSoc jew. Who knows.
You could choose an Israeli flag back then
Weird, but this basically btfo's the pic i posted?
another version
Could you? Didn't remember that.
Read it faggot
I did, and it does pretty much btfo the image i posted.
Well there's your answer then
I'm pretty sure it was an option, but I may be wrong
You used to be able to pick your own flag a few years back, but it was swapped out with only either a JIDF banner or Israeli flag randomly on your posts. Eventually it went to geographic flags and now you can choose if you want that or some meme flag
I will admit though, asia times is a weird source, and i can't find savethemales.
But i guess realcurrencies can also be considered the same.
Thank you pirate, ahoy.
(((OP))) you are trolling us with this thread. Schacht was instructed to conduct int'l trade through barter system. He resisted, but obeyed, and at Nuremberg was acquitted
NatSoc was implemented by the Iron Chancellor, Bismarck, and entails drawing a perimeter around your territory to protect labor. Its opposite is capitalism, no perimeter, and usury (bankers) are protected
NatSoc Germany's unforgivable crime was to bypass int'l bankers altogether, and for that they had to be destroyed
it was 4d chess, go back to sleep, untermensch
But the thing about Schacht is 100% true. Literal Rothschild shill.
Which is why he fired him, then eventually sent him to a concentration camp.