This stupid ass motherfucking Trump is going to get us into another Iraq style war isn't he?
This stupid ass motherfucking Trump is going to get us into another Iraq style war isn't he?
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i have a blue mark im important
How come today's Trump U.N speach had bigger ratings than the emmys? Looks like Trump will be your president for the next 8 years.
>why would something the President of the United States says be more important than a gathering of actors?
What are you, retarded?
>just let this openly rogue state alone to develop their death weapons and test them on our allies
If these twitter liberals don't have a drop of self awareness and common sense, why do they bother posting such bullshit?
these fags and soyboys are incapable of conceptualizing a solution to confrontation that doesn't involve cowering away from the challenger. It's like asking a woman to admit she was wrong.
You don't even know. People are so distracted by North Korea that they can't even see Trump using the Iraq War playbook to justify a war with Iran.
Because some shit tier bobble head said he was? No.... A tyranical faggot is going to get what he should have gotten in the first Korean war and the string puller China its just deserts for trying to conduct this shit from the shadows so it can further its greedy lust for power over the world even though it hasn't managed to get its shit together domestically.
Are there muslims in NK who will run amok the second the boot is removed from their neck?No. Just a bunch of starving people who will suck dick for burgers and candybars. We'll be fine.
>not wanting a war with NK
You know the globalist elite will get you to die for them in one war or another, so why not NK?
>This stupid ass motherfucking Trump is going to get us into another Iraq style war isn't he?
That's the plan muchacho..
He is trying to goad the Norks into bombing commieformia into a living hell so he can justify obliterating those slant eyed pieces of shit
Did you forget how North Korea can now reach the continental US with nuclear payloads? Part of his duty is to protect the American people from threats like that. Were you one of the shills who was whining that Trump wasn't doing anything about it, and now whining about doing something?
>if you insult your enemies, you lose
North Korea is a threat that has been ignored far too long. It's clear diplomacy will not work after decades of failures.
Look how well leaving them alone worked out! We need to figure out how to split the country with china and just glass pyongyang and this point.
>Lawrence O'Donnell
>not only should we appease the murderous psycho developing hydrogen bomb earheads on ICBMs that has promised to use them
>but we should also be nice to him as well
liberals will be the death of us all
Lawrence is so gay. So gay.
Always take MSM press headlines and the truth is their antethesis. Best UN speech ever delivered. Globalist mouthpieces are simply told to say the opposite. Globalists BTFO today!
We need a foothold on the continent to take out those chinamen
U have millions of peoples blood on ur hands just since 2003 alone. How can you be such a hypocrite? Eh cutfag?
A war against NK wouldn't be anything like Iraq. If anything it would be like in WWII after Germany got their ass kicked everyone sat around and divvied up their clay. China will keep a buffer and most of the land will go to South Korea for reunification.
NK is built around a suicide attack strategy. They can fight like hell for a week or two then their fucked. No supply chain logistics or resources to keep a fighting force moving. If they wanted they could kill millions of people if they attack first so it would have to be a preemptive strike on them that hopefully limits the damage to Seoul.
I sleep well. Do you?
>openly rogue state
What does that even mean?
north korea falls in a few hours.
not like its our decision, south korea and china decide everything.
Are you retarded?
Ah yes the ol' lefty canard. Be a sniveling, groveling pussy and maybe the bad people won't hurt us.
What does it mean?
All he wants its to get in war with china, north korea will be an excuse
I'm fine with China annexing the entire thing. Hell I'd even offer to send all US troops on the peninsula to Japan and Guam permanently if the Chinks gave us the go ahead to lay waste and salt the earth of Fatty McGook's commie kingdom.
the same people for iraq are against NK intervention.
Im generally against military intervention but when someone threatens to nuke you and your allies, and then develops hydrogen bombs and is currently working on putting them in ICBMs the line has been crossed.
They don't adhere to any real agreements, regulations, etc. They are isolated (kinda) and therefore a rogue nation.
It is all for Kek to decide. Whatever happens, Trump is simply Kek's instrument of chaos.
Completely agree. I was screaming about Iraq to anyone who would listen (spoiler: no one cared) back in 2003 and the norks simply need to be destroyed. Moreover the west needs this, the west desperately needs a unifying struggle that can't be tainted by lies and moral relativism.
yes with the final 3.
>Im a self hating white person and i dont like Donald Trump!
My god if people can just look past the Celebrity bullshit and actually listen to his speeches instead of taking what they hear on Reddit and Twitter they would know Trump gave more of a fuck about the US than Obama "we did awful things and we must be a limpdick cuck".
After today's speech i am going to donate money and actually actively get people to vote for Trump for reelection.
Because everything we've done prior was working well right?
Trump autistically screeched everywhere at the UN and now has soiled diaper
I listen to my CFR overlords
It should be and now that people respect their president, it is.
Hey OP, that's Augustus Trump to you
That's their entire problem with Trump. They hate America and wish to see it destroyed. Seeing someone who not only doesn't, but is actively trying to stop it, makes them incensed.
Lawrence O'Donnell is a fucking Socialist who believes all guns should be confiscated and everyone should be on Medicare.
It's not a coincidence that everyone who hated the speech also happens to be a colossal faggot. I hope Kim gets his shit shoved in soon and Trump doesn't back down.
NK will be nothing like Iraq.
For starters you will win NK.
You know for the party that's been feigning pants shitting fear of nuclear weapons for the last 70 years you fags seem pretty fine with countries having them as long as they're pointed at America or its allies.
Globalist kikes embargo their country for not doing their will, and even besides this, there is nothing wrong with isolationism.
No way in hell it'll end up like Iraq. Trump isn't one to put public opinion in the way of winning - I'd expect much more flexibility with ROEs so long as Javanka keeps its mouth shut and Trump lets Warmaster Mattis do his thing.
Good! I work for Lockheed-Martin. I see raises and promotions coming.
A former un ambassador said it was good tho
>there is nothing wrong with isolationism.
There is when you're threatening to nuke other countries 5 times a week.
this is transparent
do better
That's normal when all your neighboring countries threaten and sanction you.
You would be right if NK didn't directly threaten to nuke countries constantly. I understand why they're doing it, I just don't think it's the greatest strategy.
yeah, because placating lil' Kim has made so much progress
It's almost like they get sanctioned for threatening South Korea every 3 days while developing nuclear weapons
No, it's literally unprecedented you fag. Also countries have a right to sanction whoever the fuck they want. You have no right to do business with people who don't want anything to do with you.
Do liberals think you can get a country to stop its nuclear programs with compliments and niceties?
I also think its a matter of misinformation and ignorance. The baby boom who voted for Liberals or a democracy think that we are going to go back to some militant oldschool style Republic when Trump is trying to lead a new direction for a center right. They believe all the information they are fed on Reddit and Twitter and its crazy they do not even know what they are arguing about when it comes to immigration and how much of a pain it has put Germany, Sweden and it will hurt the US badly if we had an open borders policy.
Everything the Leftists have done is based on Feels "Well they have a lot to teach us" "your racist because you believe one race is better than another", and yet we bring up facts about how it's all true and how it has hurt the culture of their respective countries. They also believe in the fear and smear of White Nationalism being the White Supremacy and the KKK. Its just absolutely crazy when you try to explain it or even are able to fight them back and they resort to "well its just my opinion" and i always have to remind them that their opinion is wrong and the facts disprove it.
It also is ironic because those who are liberal or support a democracy have never lived with the repurcussions at all and have no idea how it has failed other countries. Even Trump noted Venezuela and Cuba as socialistic countries that were implemented faithful but are corrupt and damage the society and the culture, the people that live there.
>talk shit
>get hit
Hey homo, Trump is about to exterminate NK. If Rocket Man gets off a nuke, it won't kill a single Republican voter.
Trump is doing what several presidents before him didn't have the balls to do. This N. Korea situation should have been disarmed long ago, before they had the capabilities to bomb our mainland.
That's a white checkmark, Cletus.
Libs don't want them to stop. They want the same thing they've always wanted: for communism to destroy and subjugate all free peoples.
AS IF north korea would stop it's nuclear program if we asked nicely for them to stop, fucking retards
Yes hes a global liberalist/crypto jew/warmonger.
Their sovereignty is threatened in the first place.
All the fucking world jewry uses countries they hold to embargo them and threaten 3rd parties to not do business with them, you fucking moron.
>You have no right to do business with people who don't want anything to do with you.
Oh, like the country that don't want to have rothschild banks.
>chubby asian kid keeps bitching about how he'll shit on my lawn and kill my dog
>last guy who owned the house made excuses
>will not shut the fuck up about this shit
>tell him if he sticks one fucking toe on my property I'll beat him bowlegged with a pipe wrench
>wait for little cunt to do it
>never does, keeps bitching, keep pipe wrench handy
Somehow this is inappropriate at the macro level...
>Their sovereignty is threatened in the first place.
Who started the Korean War
came to say the same thing. Being stern talk + sanctions have worked out so well for us
No problem with that, good for my nation and will hire more people at the army + bonuses. Go fight burgers!
They know this and since all the fake diplomatic bluster in the UN has been completed the only solution is war. The public will eat it up and we we will have 2 wars against Iran and NK.
Why do people say stupidest instead of dumbest?
Stupidest is the brainlet way of saying dumbest.
liberals didn't watch. they just wait for dailykos to tell them why it was worse than some fictional character and/or hitler.
take off your meme flag fren
>we have a right to be giant faggots and still demand that people trade with us
No you massive fag. That is not now, nor how it has it ever worked, in the entire history of the human species.
Cry more bitch. Act like a fag, get treated like a fag. I bet you think you have a right to walk into someone's store, take a huge dump in their floor, and then demand they sell you their products.
Wow user that's awfully edgy.
I just got done watching the speech. It was pretty coherent and was a cry for independent nations cooperating despite their differences, but of course the news is just going to frame it as "Trump wants to start WW3 and he just rambled a bunch #sad"
> Iraq
> "We don't have any WMD's. Look around"
> WMD's never found
> NK
> WhyCantIHoldAllTheseNukes.jpg
> "I've got nukes and I'm going to log them at USA and all your allies"
Yeah a bit different to Iraq
NK, and? That's like saying the US shouldn't have nukes because they started their war for independence.
Already answered this, try refuting it instead of repeating your old argument.
If you insult your enemy, he wins.
I'm fine with both Iran and NK being glassed. Always have been.
The delicate part of the dance is stopping it there.
The UN and the Emmy's aren't very different: Jewish entertainment
Should've been deposed after using a kidnapped foreign national to assassinate another foreign national in an international airport with an extremely volatile poison.
But props for memeing while he did it.
No you absolutely fucking didn't answer it what you did was cry and deflect away from the very real rights of countries to not trade with other countries they perceive to be giant fags.
Show your fucking flag. Show what third world shitheap of subnormal IQ savages you're from.
>NK threatens the sovereignty of SK by starting the Korean War
>international kikes threaten >rd parties
He did say checkmark jose