Why is (((Trump))) so afraid of Iran (who doesn't have Rothschild central bank)??
Why is (((Trump))) so afraid of Iran (who doesn't have Rothschild central bank)??
Other urls found in this thread:
OBAMA: "Lets give Iran $150bn, they won't do anyhing silly with it"
>Iran buys brand-new Russian missiles, paints "Death to USA" on them
He's just being a good goy
Is a Rothschild bank really the deciding factor for you guys? That's it? That's all it takes to convince you that a country is great and doing nothing wrong?
If it doesn't have a Rothschild bank, we can't trust anything we hear about it. Just a sovereign nation doing it's own thing for all we know.
>Implying that's a bad thing?
Also that 159 billion was ours to begin with. It was just frozen assets.
So Obama did make one good decision in his presidency.
150 billion
What quaint customs they have, though...
"If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrement become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed and as quickly as possible and burned."
"A man can have sex with sheep, cows and camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine."
Khomeini's "Tahrirolvasyleh" fourth volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990
In fact Murica is always bringing war to countries and destabilize them. ...so the real troublemaker is always the fuckin USA.
haha is that true? ...lol great :D
Iran is full of pedo worshipping dune coons and all pedo worshipping dune coons need to be killed, no exceptions.
"A man can quench his sexual lusts with a child as young as a baby. However,
he should not penetrate. Sodomizing the baby is halal (allowed by sharia).
If the man penetrates and damages the child, then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however, does not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister. It is better for a girl to marry when her menstruation starts, and at her husband's house rather than her father's home. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven."
Khomeini, "Tahrirolvasyleh" fourth volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990
But the lefties like pedo worshipping dune coons.
This is going to be a problem.
Then we kill the lefties too. I fail to see a problem.
Americans need to be killed.
how new are you?
The phrase here:
>even their urine and excrement become impure
needs further explanation:
Narrated Anas: Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine). They did so, and after they had recovered from their ailment (became healthy) they turned renegades (reverted from Islam) and killed the shepherd of the camels and took the camels away. The Prophet sent (some people) in their pursuit and so they were (caught and) brought, and the Prophets ordered that their hands and legs should be cut off and that their eyes should be branded with heated pieces of iron, and that their cut hands and legs should not be cauterized, till they die. Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 8, Bk. 82, No. 794.
How quaint.
Then let's do it sand nigger, let's have your clash of civilizations. Let's see how long your false God can keep you rats from being exterminated.
They don't need to as demographucs are on their side. You've already lost american white boi.
He didn't give them the money, the money was rightfully theirs. But hey, I guess you like to steal from others, don't you Tyrone?
Whatever you need to tell yourself so you can sleep at night.
prove it
Because Iran is the only normal country in the middle east and they hate jews and jews cant control them like they control the saudis, uae, qatar. This is why (((nobody))) likes Iran.
Keep on barking
fuck goats
be pedo
have laws to enshrine same
I'm not a Sand-nigger, but Americans have to be stopped. You already fell for the multicultural meme back in the 60s and now your culture is in full decay as you are being snuffed out by the lowest common denominator (which is what happens in "multi"-culture), and now you've influences Europe, the bread-basket of all whites to do the same and open their borders to all kinds of African-tier filth to come destroy their cities, like the negroes and spics have already done to yours. Americans are corrupting the world. Hopefully, God destroys this shithole before you ruin the entire planet.
Keep coasting on the benevolence of the white man you goat fucking savage, it's about to run out and when it does you and the rest of the disease you call a religion will meet the Satan you worship soon enough.
you mean return
Come on dude, everyone knows the Rotschilds are the worst type of satanists walking on the surface of this planet.
*Not even being sarcastic here*
>ywn have a beautiful aryan
Why even life?
It's not about Rothschild, they don't have much control anymore. It's about keeping that desert divided and conquered. Or do you want more competition? Stop being against your own self-interest and be glad it's fucked there like it's fucked in Africa so they can be our slaves.
>"Drumpf cares about the future of the white rac-"
>"Drumpf is putting America firs-"
I have a suggestion.
We nuke the whole middle East. From Cairo to Tehran. Glass every square inch and then give the territory to the Mexicans. Tell them to fuck off and then go back to ignoring the whole world.
Israel keeps the US attacking its potential threats in the ME as a matter of policy.
You'll never rise up you weak, spineless faggot. It's already over as not even trump could save your dying incompetent people.
Now if you'll excuse me chad, imma go fuck my white american gf. Think she deserves a good PBS (Persian Big Schlong) after a long day of work.
You're such a fucking retarded drone. Kill yourself you piece of shit.
Iran only had some of their assets unfrozen by Obama after years of illegal sanctions.
The missiles they bought from Russia are the S-300 anti-air missile defense system which is used to defend themselves, not attack anyone. They paid for them many years before the nuclear agreement and only had them delivered after it. Plus they never wrote anything on them, let alone "death to America".
Everything you wrote about Khomeini's retarded rambling is insignificant because that's just retarded rambling. Khomeini did end up as the eventual leader of the revolution that expelled foreign interests and the CIA from Iran, but he's not some kind of God in Iran. Iranian people lives their lives not caring about what he thought about stupid things, rather that he played an instrumental role in expelling the US puppet Shah.
iran fights isis, saudi funds it.
>Be glad it's fucked their so more Arabs can migrate into Europe and Jews can eventually take control of the Middle-East.
Yeah, fuck off.
If it was yours why did we deliver it to you in cash Iranian mongoloid?
You did?
It already does faggot.
You'd be an idiot to think it doesn't.
I know Khomeni was mental, but Khomeni ran the fucking show and these fatwas are LAW, still, to this very day, dog-fucker.
There is literally nothing wrong with this
Thats probably the gayest shit i've ever read. So fucking bad Iranian boy (Persia is gone faggot)
>that flag
>defends islam, zoophilia and pedophila
Can the Sup Forums stereotypes of 21st century Canadians get any more accurate?
Those were frozen Iranian assets being handed back, seems like a reasonable thing to do if you wished to improve relations
Not like relations were improved, didn't seem like there was much of a plan after that
Dont act retarded and answer my question with a stupid question mudlime.
Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer.
fuck off parsi scum
>ITT we love Iranian dicks
what a surprise
Oy vey goyim take your low interest loans!
His Saudi masters tell him to be. I like Trump overall but if even he can't end our horrible relationship with terrorist funders then no president ever will. Very disappointing.
No President ever could. Our Saudi ties go above the President. I think Trump put up a good fight though. I am proud of him (so far). Obviously, I can take it back if something monumentally bad happens, but he's at least thrown some punches. When he commented on "both sides were bad" he went off (((their))) script to call out Antifa. God bless him for that.
It was grozen money that was theirs amd returned to be accurate user
You answered yourself.
The Israel Lobby is obviously the main reason.
The urging to strike Iran comes from many quarters, to include generals in the Administration who always think first in terms of settling problems through force, from a Saudi government obsessed with fear over Iranian hegemony, and, of course, from Israel itself. But what makes the war engine run is provided by American Jews who have taken upon themselves the onerous task of starting a war with a country that does not conceivably threaten the United States. They have been very successful at faking the Iranian threat, so much so that nearly all Republican and most Democratic congressmen as well as much of the media seem to be convinced that Iran needs to be dealt with firmly, most definitely by using the U.S. military, and the sooner the better.
Much of the agitation to do something about Iran comes from Israel and from American Jews. Indeed, I would opine that most of the fury from Congress re Iran comes from the same source, with AIPAC showering our Solons on the Potomac with “fact sheets” explaining how Iran is worthy of annihilation because it has pledged to “destroy Israel,” which is both a lie and an impossibility as Tehran does not have the resources to carry out such a task. The AIPAC lies are then picked up and replayed by an obliging media, where nearly every “expert” who speaks about the Middle East on television and radio or who is interviewed for newspaper stories is Jewish.
One might also add that neocons as a group were founded by Jews and are largely Jewish, hence their universal attachment to the state of Israel. They first rose into prominence when they obtained a number of national security positions during the Reagan Administration and their ascendancy was completed when they staffed senior positions in the Pentagon and White House under George W. Bush. Recall for a moment Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Feith, and Scooter Libby. Yes, all Jewish and all conduits for the false information that led to a war that has spread and effectively destroyed much of the Middle East. Except for Israel, of course. Philip Zelikow, also Jewish, in a moment of candor, admitted that the Iraq War, in his opinion, was fought for Israel.
Because Iranians are arabs and that means they're violent.
Should glass whole Middle East. Israel too. Worthless people.
Africa next.
>Iranians are Arabs
Holy fuck you're retarded
Deny it all you want. They're rape babies. Even call themselves 'persians'. Lmao. Most gaudy and self-righteous people I've met next to Chinese citizens and el salvadorians.
Ive been reading Mein Kampf. It is amazing that 90% of the people who slander the nazis, Hitler and the rise and fall of nazi Germany have never picked up this book and read it objectively. I should know because I used to be one of them. They go off of constant propaganda that has been purposely placed in the education system and more so than anything.... hollywood... the mouthpiece of the zog and the basis of the jews depraved propaganda. The believer of the fictional version of WW2 should question why the same education system that preaches the so called "truths" of WW2 is now educating their children to neuter themselves, destroying their souls and allowing the forces of collectivization and disintegration of national identity to wreak havoc un-challenged.
Think you answered your own question OP
That's one sweet meme flag you've got going there, rancid cunt.
Persians were "Persian" 500 years ago. But just like the West, the inferior genes win out over the superior genes with time. There's nothing left of the old Persian phenotype.
You are an idiot. Iranians are not arabs. They are Persians aka the og Aryana. They're women are hot and they are intelligent. Many Persian doctors in LA.
Trump is an Israeli shill.
Israeli and Saudis are one team.
They want to destroy Iran for resisting Zionism, Wahhabi perversions, and American capitalism.
We're all rape babies
Persian girls are qt
Garbage people with garbage culture with garbage food and a garbage future. Just like their neighbors. Whole region is trash. I say Give War A Chance. Let them wipe each other out. No one would cry or give a fuck.
Sure Islamic culture is depraved, but is it more depraved than jewish culture? More depraved than manipulating numerous white countries against each other so that due justice couldn't be given to them by Hitler. So that they couldnt face Gods justice for the cultural degration of the human being. I'm not islamic so i dont worry what some goat fucker is doing in Iran to his country or his woman. What I do know is this. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and Iran would gladly wipe Israel off the map if they had the proper alliances to do it. Then we just tell them this " dont be a jew, and keep your own culture in your own country" which I am sure they would be happy to oblige to
We destroy Iran and the dislocated Iranians take all their bad ways into Europe with them. The Muslim nations were containments. Destroying their nations ironically led to the destruction of whites. American whites were already guaranteed to be snuffed out, and now all of West Europe has met the same fate.
you have no idea what you're talking about
I do. I really do.
This man gets it. People shilling for the destruction of Iran are good goys.
fucking lel, your white ass is getting exterminated already no war needed
>one flag represents a real country and race united by blood and soil
>other flag represents nebulous ideas of "freedom, democracy, liberty"
Which one is the meme flag again?
That version of Iran was destroyed because of the CIA.
Who gives a fuck. Worthless people.
>Funny but not funny
Funny but not funny.
Iranians don't hate Jews, they're some of the least antisemitic people in the Middle East.
Wtf I love Obongo now
Why don't you faggots ever want to fight the race war at home or attack Riyadh and Tel Aviv?
I fucking hate persiaboos
That's it? Of course that's fucking it. If you don't have a (((central bank))), you will get sanctioned, invaded, and dragged through the streets of your crumbled country. Really activates my coconuts
He's owned by Jews, duh.
I should point out, more so than Obama was, or Hillary.
wtf i love iran now
This. Fucking Iranian cucks.
Iran has a central bank.
In the 60s and 70s, you can visit Iran as an American tourist and have a splendid time. People said it was like another Paris.
Ironically we've lost both now (say goodbye to Paris).
"Who give a fuck" The world is getting smaller and smaller for you, white man.
>implying you aren't a sandnigger LARPing as a Frenchi
Back to Algeria
Don't tell me what to do you fucking double faggot.
Operated by ZOG?
>Persians were "Persian" 500 years ago. But just like the West, the inferior genes win out over the superior genes with time. There's nothing left of the old Persian phenotype.
>american telling someone what country is white
Sandniggers>Shabbos Goy/Cuckservatives
Lol you wish you had a white gf you disgusting sand nigger mongrel. Even you know how worthless your greasy half nigger genes are, that's why you want a white girl to bleach the shitskin out of your lineage. I can't wait to line you faggots up in the street and mag dump you until you're piles of squishy red meat