These girls look exactly like dolls. It's creeping me out.
These girls look exactly like dolls. It's creeping me out
While you're hypocritically creeped out, the rest of us who got over ourselves are getting boners. I suggest you join the fun.
But yet you'd fuck them.
>getting boners
>join the fun
W-what fun is there to be had with getting boners?
So you can stimulate your boners until you ejaculate, silly.
Posting Japanese doll
Plural? W-what are you suggesting user..?
That's not Shino.
I don't get it, show me how
Please anons, I forbid you from getting me flustered.
Wh-what does this "erection" thing have to do with being flustered? Just what are we t-talking about here?
We're talking about sex, baby.
Let's talk about you and me
Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be
Let's talk about sex.
Let's talk about YuruYuri
Let's talk about Kyoko and Akari
w-w-w-w-w-whaddusat have to do with the penish though
place it into vagina and then walk each other home genitally
>implying you wouldn't fug a doll
Are you still here user? You're really cute.
Well the one on the left is a literal fuckdoll.
Please user, come back!
Stop saying lewd things about Syaro.
I want to be confused for Sharo in the restroom of a con.
You're not short or white enough
I've trying out that p-penis thing you've been talking about the whole time