
I just downloaded this and in the first 3 minutes there are so many fucking cliches, it looks like shit.
How do people like this?

Give it more time and you'll see

Well the series is about exploring cliches, showing how they couldn't work irl. I personally hate cute, shy lolishits, but Nadeko Medusa/Hitagi End is the best arc in any anime I've ever seen.

Same about muh intelligent kind girl with big breasts you've already seen.


>panty shot in the first 10 seconds

Because it has a lot of waifus and main character that actually has an interest in girls.
No other real reason, just Sup Forums being Sup Forums.

Watched it recently. Can't say it was bad, but man, it was the most overdirected show I've ever seen. Million rapid cuts in every scene, constant lolrandom artstyle changes, and 3dpd footage everywhere. What's up with that?

Crab is cute

Shit taste confirmed. Crab is bottom tier femdom shit.

>watches the first 0.9% of a show
>complains about not seeing the appeal

Why is this allowed?

Because of the fact that in that small percentage of the show I watched, there were already so many cliches.

And did it ever occur to you that there might be a reason behind why there were so many cliches beyond just pandering? Or did you watch less than 1% of something and assume that the other 99% would follow suit in the exact same way, like a dumbass?

That's the charm of the show and its absence in Sodachi Riddle/Lost arcs made them fucking atrocious.

Rapid cuts are there to make it dynamic. Can you imagine two characters talking to each other for 18 minutes without doing anything?

Are you retarded?

That's like watching first five minutes and saying "wow, I'm 5 minutes in and nothing makes sense!"

Do you really believe that cliches are there for pandering and they aren't explored?

That's one of the aspects of what makes the show different/new.

The show is 90% talking.

Imagine 20 minutes of just a few angles and styles.

There's a reason for that mi amigo.

Keep watching and stop sperging out only .9% of the way in.

Also an extremely mentally ill girl who likes drawing.



That panty shot is literally what caused the entire plot of the series.


Sup Forums doesn't disappoint when it comes to retardation

what? what the fuck?

Catch the viewer's eye.

Read Kizu, nigger.

After Araragi sees Cat's upskirt, he feels so guilty about having impure thoughts about her that he goes out to buy porn to erase the memory which leads him to meeting Shinobu.

Part of the reason it's good is the stylish, minimalist atmosphere. It feels so quiet and clean, like when you've just been swimming and you're hanging out in the quiet gym cafe drinking chilled coffee.

The other main reason is Ougi, who is the closest to perfection of any anime girl ever.

i watch

should i read the novels?

Great post and great taste.

Ougi is the best girl.

i dropped it in the first episode. its one of those artistic color vomit animes.

>3 minutes
Oh, boy. We a have an expert here.

It's fun

believe it or not, there are people who acknowledge that it is impossible for anime to be smart and watch stuff for fun instead.