Why is this shit ok but wearing a swastika armband in public will get you knocked out?

Why is this shit ok but wearing a swastika armband in public will get you knocked out?




It's okay to kill people as long as it's for equality

Right right but what about the 60 million that died because of communism do we just forget about all that?

man it must be easy to be able to blame jews for everything. Literally not a single ounce of responsibility.


The Chinese and the Russians don't control the media.

yes goyim

Who do you think started the golem that did that?

Both the center left and the center right detest nazis. Only the right abhors communists too.


Kikes Rat Bankers in America supported Communism and the Soviet Union (until was useful for them)

Ade-de-de-de-with jews you lose folks

The demoraliztion of Nazis lead to a moraliztion of commies

that shirt will get you knocked the fuck out if I see it.

Unironically that negro would've faced shitloads of racism in USSR

Because you stupid motherfucker, communism is an economic based ideology. The deaths that took place under Communist regimes were mainly due to famine and weren't directly related to communist ideology unlike Nazism which claimed and still claims racial supremacy and superiority based on race as it's core beliefs.

>60 million that died

>Implying that you faggots sincerely give a fuck about chinks or russians dying.

We were never in a hot war with the Russians. Our anti-Communism has always been slightly partisan (coming from conservatives), whereas anti-nazism was pretty universal, at least since we entered WW2.

Doesn't matter though. Don't sweat stupid shit like fixing historical injustices. Focus on getting our people in power and making our narrative dominant. Whining "thats not fair!" isn't going to advance our cause.

Well you must be knocking a lot of people out ever since Che Guevara shirts were a thing


Because leftists are commies and hate nazis. You should take it upon yourself to punch out those CCCP cunts.


Why are niggers so red pilled tho?


Also, nazis were niggers that sperged out, wanted world domination and got rekt, effectively becoming a scaregrow, making jews martyrs.

There is a difference between offing off every saboteur or degenerate, and just going "hurr durr we are master race, we're entitled to whole world" but naziniggers can't into subtlety. Their nigger ideology demands cheap theatrics and blood, which turn into whinefest once they fail.

>Communists in Iran

No, they're all dead.

Because it was 12 million you anti-Semite

Because Nazi's based their hate on race, while Communists based their hate on beliefs independent of race.

what the fuck spain


I would say first post best post but it makes me angry it's true.

Hammer and sickle doesn't generate an emotional response the same way the swaztika does. I don't think Americans are well educated on the Russian Revolution. It boils down ultimately to ignorance

So if i kill your mother because of her political ideology and not her are then it's ok?

I clearly judge with my eyes and say "Fuck You Commie" to people if I can when I see hammer and sickle shit.

The Che shit is fake teenager Hot Topix loser alternative trend follower trash so they just get the eye typically.

And I'd never hire anyone with lib bumper stickers either. I really like to flick them off in traffic whenever I get eye contact.

Not her race*

Because although Communists killed more than 10 times as many people historically as the fascists did, it was OK because the Communists meant well and they weren't racists*

*except that Stalin hated foreigners too but nvm


It's a modern superstition to believe that killing someone for "race" is worse than killing them for any other reason. Dead is dead.

Maybe because you haven't done enough to make Communism as unacceptable as Nazism?

Because communism is altruistic and benevolent.
It is our future

>you haven't done enough to make Communism as unacceptable as Nazism
>implying that OP is in control of academia and the mass media

swastikas are wrongthink and communism is rightthink

quite a lot of shilling for jews these past couple of days. what gives?

Communists think it's never been tried properly, that Stalin, Mao etc did it wrong.

You'd be hard pressed to find a Nazi who thinks Hitler did it wrong.

He is in charge of speaking truth to commie teachers in class and calling out pro-commie media.

>It's a modern superstition to believe that killing someone for "race" is worse than killing them for any other reason. Dead is dead.
I don't think superstition is quite the right word, but yes, most modern westerners do believe this.


get so sick of this jew hatred shit on here. so fucking stupid. a bunch of kids thinking edgy.

It really is Jews.

Because former victims of communism respect free speech

Communism was Jewish retard. Karl Marx himself was Jewish

those two idiots don't pose any danger to the establishment because of their inane ideology. Nationalism does.

Why don't you be the one to punch them?

Because modern day Communists are trying be edgy and make a statement. Communism killed more than 130 million people. Socialism is good, communism is not. It's not any different than wearing a swastika.

Modern day Russians are still proud of the Soviet Union and communism. The only that are not, are the very old Russians that despise the Soviet Union. The USSR is still a source of Russian pride today.

The best way this would be dealt with, is yelling papu! at Russians because it sounds like Russian. They throw themselves onto the ground and start screeching. Beating up Armenians would be hilarious too.

because one caused ww2 while the other didn't

If Jews can make you forget about how they ran the white European Christian child sex slavery rings throughout Moorish Spain, Ottoman Europe, and Khaganate Crimea, they'll make you forget about the 100 million dead goyim one day.

Robbing all of humanity of their free will is neither altruistic nor benevolent.

Literally nobody would bring it up if the kikes weren't hyping up the lolohoax.

One symbolizes the workers, and the other is abstract bullshit associated with a bloodthirsty warmonger and genocidal cunt

Because communist ideology took over the American education system years ago.

because lots of jews pushed communism

>I don't think superstition is quite the right word,

I think it's a superstition. A lot of people seem to believe that "racism" is the ultimate human evil, more evil in certain cases than rape or murder (which can be viewed as excusable if they were caused by "racism"). "Racism" plays the same role for our society as "witchcraft" did for that of our ancestors

It used to not always be this way. We need to start again commies again

Which has a higher death count?

Socialism isn't good. National Socialism is. Socialism cannot function without the nation behind it.

Socialism cannot function period, dumbass.


National Socialism seems well-intentioned but economically its has the same problem as orthodox socialism in that it thinks you can generate wealth independent of productive labour -- or in the specific case of the Nazis, you can rack up debts and not worry because you're going to steal a shitload of land and resources from the Slavs in 5-10 years anyway

Then that makes even less sense

The global media is in the hands of the perpetrators of the communist massacres

Because y'all never bothered to knock a dude out for it.

>Socialism is good, communism is not
And what's good about socialism again, which is merely communism without the violent revolution?

How did Germany go from being the most destitute nation post-WW1 to an economic powerhouse? Oh that's right, they enacted a brand of socialism that actually worked.

It probably wouldn't work in America admittedly. But in a small nation composed of the same ethnicity it is entirely possible.

I mean, if Hitler took that land Communism wouldn't exist today. So I don't see the point in complaining.

I thought you fascists were supposed to be good at patrolling the streets beating people up. Guess the people who are good at that get to walk freely...

It's not about whether or not anyone cares about those who died under communism, it's that we don't want those numbers to go up and we don't want to become one of them.

>if Hitler took that land Communism wouldn't exist today

The Poles weren't Communist in 1939, user. You know who was, though? Hitler's allies

Fascists are just internet tough guys who secretely want to be dominated and controlled. They are submissive cucks

>How did Germany go from being the most destitute nation post-WW1 to an economic powerhouse?
Massive government spending.

Which incurred massive government debt, a debt that was never addressed for the fact that Germany launched a World War to get out from under it (as Hitler always planned to do).

Fucking Christ, the ignorance is staggering.

Hurr durr believe in Cold War propaganda durr

Adolfo made Germany great again by redistributing wealth to the German people and realizing the socialist ideal for the German volk.

That's also what Eisenhower and the post war US order did for white Americans

cultural appropriation is NOT okay!

Very much this. We can't help those who died under a mass-murdering ideology, but at the very least we can stop that ideology from coming back and adding to its massive death toll

True. People should be getting knocked out for wearing communist symboles all the same as they do for national socialist symboles.

He did wrong.
1) He lost.
2) He didn't kill enough jews.
3) He didn't kill enough gypsies and other shitskins.


Start knocking them out, explain afterward. You have to start somewhere.



>Adolfo made Germany great again by
He did it by putting his nation to a path of destruction.

So why don't they go out and get beat up like Fight Club, smiling and begging for another punch and another? This was always true of fascists but this is what they did in Italy and Germany and eventually freaked the fuck out of everyone enough to let them control society.

Yes we ignore it because it was a Jewish ideology started and led by Jews. Nazi was explicitly anti-Jewish which is unacceptable.

>leaf education
The Poles were killing Germans in Danzig. Hitler didnt like this and the Poles, mistakenly believing they were as powerful as they were in 1933, got Blitzkrieg'd the fuck out. Although it's a matter of debate, the Molotov-Ribbentrop pack was going to be violated by one side or the other anyway, calling them "allies" is like calling WRE and ERE the same thing.

Debt can only be incurred if interest is owed you simpleton. The Nazis bartered with other nations to get goods, and printed their own debt-free currency. Every single reichsmark they printed was without debt.

>(as Hitler always planned to do).
[citation needed]

The loss was not inevitable. There were real mistakes made at critical junctures. Germany between 1932-1939 was a great place to live, objectively, and that's because of the Socialist in National Socialist.

Because communism is fucking based and Nazism is shit.

First thing I thought..

Brits are fucking retarded. Your great ancestors were literally Germanic settlers. The Angles and Saxons are from Upper Germania. You let this warmonger kill your genetic brethren so you could be ruled by Kikes and Muslim invaders for free. RULE BRITANNIA!

>I believe fantasy economics worked in Magical Germany because I read it in a infographic
Of course you do.
>>(as Hitler always planned to do).
>[citation needed]
Mien Kampf, national SOCIALIST retard.

My ancestors were Communists and Churchill was a cunt

LOL who cares faggot if we go back far enough we are all from Africa does that mean we are Africans?

>Germany was in debt
>Hitler wanted a 2nd world war
That's why their GDP was higher than England?
That's why Hitler sent a shitton of peace offers to UK, only to be spat on?